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Berachos 42
***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg
and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is
devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara,
Rashi or Tosfos.)
[1] Gemara 42b [2 lines from the bottom]:
"*Hesebu* Davka Tenan"
Rashi's Girsa was:
"*Reisha* Davka Tenan" (which has the same meaning as our Girsa)
1) [line 1] D'GOREM BERACHAH L'ATZMO - it causes a Berachah to be made,
even though we had no intent to drink it on our own, e.g. Kidush and
2a) [line 1] TELEISAR RIFTEI - thirteen cakes
b) [line 2] BENEI TELASA TELASA B'KAVA - each one as big as one third of a
3) [line 3] ADEI KAFNA - these were [eaten out of] hunger
4) [line 8] MAI TZITZI D'KA SHAMANA - what is the sound of "Tzitzi" that I
hear? (when they made the Berachah of ha'Mo*tzi*)
5) [line 14] LACHMANIYOS - (O.F. obledes) wafers, cakes
(a) The last of the thirty-nine categories of forbidden Melachos (creative
acts) of Shabbos is ha'Motzi me'Rshus l'Rshus. A person is not allowed to
transfer objects from one Reshus (domain) to another on Shabbos. It is a
capital offense to transfer objects from a Reshus ha'Rabim (public domain)
to a Reshus ha'Yachid (private domain) or vice versa. (Mishnah Shabbos 73a)
(b) According to Torah law, in a courtyard which has separate housing
units, all of the neighbors may transfer objects from their houses to the
courtyard and into other houses on Shabbos. The entire area is a Reshus
ha'Yachid. Such is the case in an alley with several courtyards and in a
city that is completely walled. (RAMBAM Hilchos Eiruvin 1:1)
(c) King Shlomo decreed that transferring objects from one Reshus ha'Yachid
to another is forbidden (Shabbos 14b, Eiruvin 21b), unless an Eiruv
Chatzeiros (lit. a mixing of the courtyards) is created on Friday, before
Shabbos begins. (The equivalent of an Eiruv Chatzeiros for an alley or a
city is called a Shituf.) This is accomplished by all of the neighbors
collectively setting aside a loaf of bread, to show that they have an equal
share in all of the Reshuyos ha'Yachid, just as they have an equal share in
that bread. The houses, courtyards and alleyways can be considered one
Reshus again. (In the case of an alley or city, any food is permissible to
use as an Eiruv, except for water, salt and mushrooms. There must be enough
food for two meals for one person.) (RAMBAM ibid. 1:6-9)
(d) The Lachmaniyos that are being discussed, although not bread, may be
used in place of bread for an Eiruv Chatzeiros.
7) [line 22] "SALAK" ITMAR - it was taught "if he removed it (the food from
the table)"
8) [line 23] L'VASAR DI'SLIKU TAKA MI'KAMAIHU - after they removed the
table from before them
9) [line 24] RISTENA - (O.F. amenestraison) a portion (of cooked meat)
10) [line 29] D'REGILINAN B'MISHCHA - that are accustomed to rub our hands
with oil [after the meal]
11) [line 33] SEMICHAH
Semichah refers to the Mitzvah for a person to press his hands with all his
might on the head of his sacrifice before it is slaughtered, as described
in Vayikra 1:4.
12) [line 40] PARPERES - (a) a cooked dish of fowl or fish used as an
appetizer (RASHI); (b) a dish made with croutons that no longer have the
shape of bread (RABEINU CHANANEL)
13) [line 43] MA'ASEH KEDEIRAH - a dish of cooked grain from one of the
five species of grain (wheat, barley, oats, rye and spelt)
14) [line 3] MUGMAR - ground spices put on coals for fragrance
15) [line 15] YEYASHER - you did well
16) [line 23] LI'SHROS - [a small amount] to soak the food in his stomach
17) [line 44] B'DUCH PELAN - in such-and-such a place
18) [line 45] KI HADREI - when they returned
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