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Berachos 25

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Ein Mishpat 25a #4
This notation mistakenly appears in the words of Rav Huna. It belongs later
in the Gemara, in the words of Rav Chisda.

[2] Hagahos ha'Gra 25a #1
"v'Lo Keneged Ashpah"
This is also the Girsa in Dikdukei Sofrim #5 and in Beis Nasan. The word
"Tzo'as" is also not found in the Rif, Rosh and Rishonim, as we are talking
about an Ashpah *without* Tzo'ah.

[3] Gemara 25b [line 4]:
The words "v'Dilma *k'Vasikin*"
should be "v'Dilma *l'Vasikin*," as is found in Rashi.

[4] Tosfos 25b DH v'Hilchesa Noge'a *Akeivo* Asur:
The words "Noge'a Akeivo" should be "Noge'a *ba'Akeivo*
both times that they appear in Tosfos

1) [line 6] AMUD HA'CHOZER - a bowel movement that is held back
2) [line 7] HIDROKAN - a swelling and sickness of the stomach
3) [line 7] SILON HA'CHOZER - urination that is held back
4) [line 8] YERAKON - jaundice
5a) [line 21] REI'ACH RA SHE'YESH LO IKAR - a foul odor emanating from excrement
b) [line 24] REI'ACH RA SHE'EIN LO IKAR - a foul odor emanating from the passing of gas

6) [line 25] TZIFEI - mats
7) [line 25] GANU - sleep
8) [line 25] GARSEI - learn
9) [line 27] TZO'AH OVERES - excrement which is passing before a person

10) [line 28] HA'TAMEI
When a person is declared a Metzora Muchlat, he is Metamei the objects in the house that he is in. Similarly, a house that is declared a Bayis ha'Menuga is Metamei all the objects that are in it. If the stones of this house are brought into another house, they are Metamei the objects in the second house.

The RASH (Keilim 1:4) lists four differences between the Tum'ah of the Ohel of a Mes and the Tum'ah of a house that has Tzara'as or that has a Metzora in it.

  Ohel of a Mes Tzara'as or Metzora
(a) A person becomes Tamei even if only a bit of his body enters A person becomes Tamei only if most of his body enters
(b) Even when entering backwards, a person becomes Tamei when only a bit of his body enters When entering backwards, a person becomes Tamei only when he enters entirely
(c) A Mechitzah (partition) only prevents the spread of Tum'ah if it reaches the ceiling A Mechitzah of ten Tefachim is enough to prevent the spread of Tum'ah
(d) The house or room is Tamei whether the Mes is placed there or is just passing through The house or room is Metamei only if the Metzora stops there, and is not just passing through

11) [line 30] EVEN HA'MENUGA'AS
An Even ha'Menuga'as is a stone from a house that has on it spots of Tzara'as, or a stone from a house that was dismantled due to infection by Tzara'as. The marks of Tzara'as for houses consist of streaks or spots that are intense green or intense red.
(a) If Tzara'as is found on a house, it is put into quarantine by a Kohen for a week.
(b) The Kohen returns after seven days to check the house. If the Tzara'as has spread, one must remove (Choletz) the stones with Tzara'as from the house, scrape off the surrounding plaster, insert new stones and re-plaster the entire house. (The same applies if the Tzara'as spreads before the end of the week.) The house is then put into quarantine for another week. If the Tzara'as has remained the same after the first week, the Kohen leaves it as is and returns again seven days later.
(c) If, after the second week, the Tzara'as has either remained the same or spread, one must remove (Choletz) the stones with Tzara'as from the house, scrape off the surrounding plaster, insert new stones and re-plaster the entire house. The house is then put into quarantine for another week (Vayikra 14:40).
(d) If the Tzara'as returns to the house during the following week, the owner must dismantle (Notetz) the entire house (Vayikra 14:45). The stones from the house must be taken out of the city and remain Asur b'Hana'ah forever.

12) [line 30] KEVI'USA - being in a fixed place
13) [line 36] KENEGED AMUD - in sight of a column of urine when being urinated
14) [line 37] "V'YAD TIHEYEH LECHA" - "and you should have a designated area [as a bathroom]"
15a) [line 38] "V'YASED" - "and a peg [for digging]"
b) [line 38] "TZE'ASECHA" - "your excrement"
16) [line 41] SHE'MATPICHIN - that they are moist
17) [line 43] SHARA LEI MAREI - his Master (Creator) should forgive him
18) [line 44] SHE'KARMU PANEHA - its surface formed a crust
19) [line 47] NIFRECHES - crumbles
20) [line 48] HAVA KA'IMNA - I was standing
21) [line 50] IY MAFLE'EI AFLUYEI - if it is full of cracks


22) [line 1] TOFE'ACH AL MENAS L'HATFI'ACH - moist to the extent to make anything that touches it also moist

23a) [line 4] K'VASIKIN - "like the diligent." (a) Humble people who cherish the Mitzvos (RASHI); (b) outstanding scholars noted for deep analysis and sharp reasoning (Talmidei Rabeinu Yonah)
b) [line 9] ACHURIN - turbid, cloudy
c) [line 9] K'AR'A SEMICHTA - like solid (thick) ground

24) [line 17] B'ASHASHIS - in a [transparent] lantern
25) [line 27] RAMI V'AZIL - must he constantly put into them
26) [line 32] GERAF SHEL RE'I - a clay vessel for the collection of excrement
27) [line 32] AVIT SHEL MEI RAGLAYIM - a clay vessel for the collection of urine
28) [line 43] MAH CHAZISA - what do you see

29) [line 45] K'LEVUD
Objects that are within three Tefachim of the ground are considered to be lying on the ground.

30) [line 51] I'ASEK LEI LI'VREI - married off his son
31) [line 51] V'LO HAVAH MISTAIYA MILSA - the Be'ilah was not successful
32) [line 52] IKU - if now
33) [line 52] SAKANTUN LI'VRI - you would have endangered my son (by causing him to die on account of his sin)

34) [last line] MANEI - cases or utensils
35) [last line] GELIMA - cloak

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