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Berachos 22
***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg
and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is
devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara,
Rashi or Tosfos.)
[1] Gemara 22a [line 34]:
"Matzi'a Es ha'Gemara, *Mesayei'a Lei l'Rebbi Ila'i, d'Amar* Rebbi Ila'i"
Rashi's Girsa was:
"Matzi'a Es ha'Gemara, *Amar* Rebbi Ila'i"
[2] Gemara 22a [line 48]:
The words "she'Lo Yehu *Talmidei Chachamim* Metzuyim"
should be "she'Lo Yehu *Talmidim* Metzuyim"
This is the Girsa in Dikdukei Sofrim. This is also the intention of Rashi
DH Chad Tani "b'Ven Azai" Lachashah la'Talmidim.
[3] Gemara 22a [line 58]:
The words "v'Rebbi Yehudah *Gelustera*"
should be "v'Rebbi Yehudah *Kelustera'ah*" (DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #10)
[4] Rashi 22a DH Tiken Chatzba:
The words "li'Ten Mayim la'Talmidim Aleihem"
should be "li'Ten Mayim la'Talmidim *she'Yitnu* Aleihem" (M. Kornfeld)
[5] Gemara 22b [line 27]:
The words "v'Chad me'Hai Zuga a'Reisha, Chad Amar"
should be "v'Chad me'Hai Zuga a'Reisha, *v'Chad me'Hai Zuga v'Chad me'Hai
Zuga a'Seifa, Chad me'Hai Zuga a'Reisha*, Chad Amar" (Dikdukei Sofrim)
[6] Tosfos 22b DH Mamtin [at the end]:
The words "Lo Atrechuhu Rabanan *Lachzor bi'Tfilah*"
should be "Lo Atrechuhu Rabanan *v'Chozer li'Tfilaso*" as the Beraisa
concludes ("v'Chozer u'Mispalel") and as is found in Tosfos Ri he'Chasid.
Our Girsa in Tosfos is mistaken, since according to one opinion in our
Sugya, he must indeed start over again from the beginning.
1) [line 2] GEREIDAH - by itself
2) [line 10] HILCHOS DERECH ERETZ - the laws found in Maseches Derech Eretz
which deals with proper conduct and behavior
3) [line 13] RESES - trembling
4) [line 13] ZI'A - shuddering
5) [line 15] BA'IN AL NIDOS
(a) A Nidah is an Av ha'Tum'ah. She can cause objects that are under her to
become Avos ha'Tum'ah, whether they touch her or not. These objects are
then called Mishkav and Moshav, or the *Tachton*, of a Nidah. Any object
(besides earthenware utensils and foods) may become a Mishkav or Moshav if
it was made for lying or sitting upon. A person who is touching or
carrying a Mishkav or Moshav is Metamei the clothes he is wearing and other
utensils (aside from earthenware utensils) that he may be touching. These
items get the status of Rishon l'Tum'ah.
Utensils or clothes which lie above the Nidah also get the status of a
Rishon l'Tum'ah, whether they touch her or not. These are called the
*Elyon* of a Nidah.
(b) A person who has relations with a Nidah becomes Tamei for seven days,
like the Nidah herself, as stated in Vayikra 15:24. His laws of Tum'ah,
however, are less stringent. *Tachtono*, the objects underneath him, have
the same status as the objects above a Nidah, namely, Rishon l'Tum'ah.
6) [line 19] REGILIYOS - Mishnayos in which he is well-versed
7) [line 19] YATZI'A - (a) to teach others (ARUCH) (b) to teach in a
careful, unhurried manner, explaining all the details (RITVA)
8) [line 31] MEGAMGEM - reciting very quickly
9) [line 31] L'MA'ALAH - in front of
10) [line 38] TELAS SAVEI - three elders, Chachamim
11) [line 38] REISHIS HA'GEZ
Every time a flock of sheep are shorn, its first shearings are given to the
Kohen, as stated in Devarim (18:4) "ve'Reishis Gez Tzoncha Titen Lo."
12) [line 38] KILA'YIM (KIL'EI HA'KEREM)
Rebbi Yoshiya rules that the prohibition of Kil'ayim forbids only the
planting of wheat, barley and grape seed at the same time (with one throw
of the hand). This is learned from the Pasuk (Devarim 22:9) "Lo Sizra
Karmecha Kil'ayim, Pen Tikdash ha'Mele'ah ha'Zera Asher Tizra u'Svu'as
ha'Karem" ("Do not plant different species in your vineyard lest the yield
of both the crops you planted and the fruit of the vineyard will be
forfeited (alt. fit to be burned)"). TOSFOS (Kidushin 39a DH ha'Hu)
suggests that the words "Karmecha Kil'ayim" indicate that there was a
mixture of crops (wheat and barley) planted at the same time that the
vineyard was planted.
13) [line 41] B'MAPOLES YAD - in one throw of the hand
14) [line 42] BATLUHA LI'TVILUSA - they annulled the requirement for a
Ba'al Keri to immerse in a Mikvah (before learning and according to some
opinions even before prayer - RIF).
15) [line 43] BATLUHA LI'NTILUSA - they annulled the requirement for a
person to wash his hands with water before prayer
16) [line 44] LAYIT - cursed
17) [line 45] KABIN
- 1 KAV = 4 LOG
- 1 BEITZAH = approx. .0463 LITERS = .0134 GALLONS
9 KAV = 36 LOG = 216 BEITZIM = approx. 10 LITERS = approx. 3 GALLONS
18) [line 45] NACHUM ISH GAM ZU - Mishnaic sage about whom many incredible
stories are related in Ta'anis 21a and Sanhedrin 109a. One reason given for
his name (ibid.) is that he would say "Gam Zu l'Tovah" ("This, also, is for
the good") about any occurrence, no matter how disastrous it seemed at the
19) [line 45] LACHASHAH - whispered it
20) [line 46] CHAD TANI SHENA'AH - one said that *Ben Azai* "taught" it to
his students (i.e. without trying to keep it secret.)
21) [line 52] REIKA! - you empty, worthless person!
22) [line 54] KAI KAVASEICH - is of the same opinion as you
23) [line 55] AGNA D'MAYA - a tub of water
24) [line 55] BEI MESUSA - bath-house
25) [line 55] SHADI ILAVAI - pour it on me
26) [line 57] CHATZBA - pitcher
27) [line 58] REBBI YEHUDAH (GELUSTERA) [KELUSTERA'AH] - Rebbi Yehudah the
28) [line 58] CHOLEH HA'MARGIL - a sick person who brings himself to see
Keri (by having relations)
29) [last line] ITEVAR CHATZBEI D'RAV NACHMAN - Rebbi Nachman's pitcher is
broken (not needed)
30) [line 1] KIL'A - porch
31) [line 3] ITZTAMID CHATZBEI D'RAV NACHMAN - Rebbi Nachman's pitcher was
put back together (is useful)
32) [line 24] AVAL L'ACHEIRIM - but if he wants to teach Torah to others
33) [line 39] KERICHU RIFTA - ate (broke) bread
34) [line 46] MEI HA'MISHRAH - water in which flax and hemp is soaked
35) [line 48] MEGAMGEM - recite very quickly
*36*) [line 50] BI'MKOMO - within four Amos of where he is standing
37) [line 52] SHOSESIN - flowing gently
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