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Berachos 9
***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg
and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is
devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara,
Rashi or Tosfos.)
[1] Gemara 9a [line 20]:
The words "v'Lo Zu Bilvad *Amru*, Hachi Ka'amar Lehu Raban Gamliel li'Vnei"
should be "v'Lo Zu Bilvad, *Ela* Hachi Ka'amar Lehu Raban Gamliel li'Vnei"
This is the Girsa recorded in Dikdukei Sofrim (#10) from early editions of
the Gemara. Accordingly, this is not a separate Sugya, but a continuation
and a proof for what was established in the previous Sugya. (Perhaps, the
words above [line 18] "v'Lo Zu Bilvad", should be "*ked'Tenan* v'Lo Zu
Bilvad" (without the colons) since it is only a proof for what was
established in the previous Sugya.)
1) [line 2] D'GANU - that sleep
2) [line 8] MI'CHLALA - from an inference
3) [line 8] ZUGA - pair
4) [line 9] D'ISHTAKUR - that got drunk
*5*) [line 10] KEDAI HU REBBI SHIMON - That is, we can rely on Rebbi
Shimon's opinion to recite Shema even *after* Alos ha'Shachar, and not only
until Alos ha'Shachar, when necessary.
6) [line 13] METZUDAH - a trap
7) [line 14] METZULAH - depths of the ocean
8) [line 24] "V'ATAH HASIBOSA ES LIBAM ACHARONIS" - "and that You have
turned their hearts away [from You]" (Melachim 1:18:37). RASHI (ibid. and
Berachos 31b-32a) explains that Eliyahu protested that since HaSh-m gave
Bnei Yisrael the opportunity to sin by creating the Yetzer ha'Ra, He is
capable of turning their hearts back to Him.
9) [line 26] TECHELES - greenish blue wool used for Tzitzis
10) [line 27] KARTI - green leeks
11) [line 30] GAVEVA D'AMRA CHIVRA - a fleece of white wool
12) [line 32] AROD - wild desert donkey
13) [line 34] K'VASIKIN - "like the Ancients." Humble people who cherish
the Mitzvos (RASHI)
14) [line 39] D'AMTAYAS ASA L'VEI MALKA - you had to carry a myrtle-branch
to the palace (when forced into public labor)
15) [line 44] CHUCHA - a smile; chuckling
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