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Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld
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Introduction to Beitzah
Beitzah 2
BEITZAH 2 and 3 - have been dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens,
N.Y., in loving memory of her late husband, Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu
Grunberger. Mr Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner
and is sorely missed by all who knew him. Yahrzeit: 10 Sivan.
One of the main topics of Maseches Beitzah is the topic of Muktzah. In order
to better understand the discussions throughout the Gemara regarding
Muktzah, it is worthwhile to review some of the basic concepts involved.
(a) MUKTZAH - The word Muktzah (from the word "Katzah") literally means "set
aside at the far edge [of one's intentions for use]." The term is used to
describe items that are set aside not to be used on this day, such as wood
stacked away in storage (the word for a storage area is "Muktzah"). In a
broader sense, the word Muktzah includes anything that a person did not
intend to use at the time of the onset of Shabbos or Yom Tov, for whatever
(b) THE ARGUMENT OF THE TANA'IM - Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon argue
whether, on Shabbos, one may handle items that fall into certain categories
of Muktzah. When we say that Rebbi Shimon "does not hold of Muktzah," that
does not mean that Rebbi Shimon maintains that there is no prohibition of
Muktzah whatsoever. Rather, it means that he holds that *certain categories*
of Muktzah are not prohibited. There are, however, categories of Muktzah
which are prohibited according to everyone. There are at least six different
categories of Muktzah concerning which Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon
1. HIKTZEHU MI'DA'ATO ("he set it aside from his mind"). This refers to
objects which a person did not have in mind to use during Shabbos or Yom
Tov. According to Rebbi Yehudah, any object that one put aside because he
did not intend to use it on Shabbos, is Muktzah and is prohibited. According
to Rebbi Shimon, even objects which one put aside because he did not intend
to used them may be used, and do not become Muktzah, as long as they have a
use that is permitted on Shabbos or Yom Tov. Only items which a person shows
that he consciously decided *not to use* by making them unfit for use on
Shabbos (such as fruits that he put out to dry right before Shabbos, which
become inedible until they are fully dried) are prohibited as Muktzah items.
Even if such items become fit for use on Shabbos (i.e. before he had
intended them to), they may still not be used on Shabbos.
2. NOLAD. When an item did not exist in its present form during Bein
ha'Shemashos between Friday and Shabbos, but rather it was created (or was
significantly changed) on Shabbos, it belongs to the category of Muktzah
known as Nolad ("born"). Utensils that broke on Shabbos did not exist in
their present form before Shabbos. Therefore, they are considered Nolad.
Similarly, date pits from dates that were eaten on Shabbos are Nolad, since
they were part of a fruit when Shabbos entered and emerged as pits only on
Shabbos. Moving such items is prohibited according to Rebbi Yehudah, since a
person could not have had in mind to use them before Shabbos, when they did
not yet exist, and is permitted according to Rebbi Shimon, since he holds
that advance positive intention to use an item on Shabbos is not necessary.
3. MUKTZAH MACHMAS ISUR ("Muktzah due to a prohibition;" also known as Migo
d'Iskatza'i, "since it was set aside"). According to Rebbi Yehudah, anything
that was Muktzah during Bein ha'Shemashos remains Muktzah for the rest of
Shabbos or Yom Tov even if the reason for it being set aside has abated.
This is called "Migo d'Iskatza'i l'Vein ha'Shemashos, Iskatza'i l'Chulei
Yoma" ("since it was set aside for Bein ha'Shemashos, it is set aside for
the entire day"). According to Rebbi Shimon, there are times when we do not
apply the principle of "Migo d'Iskatza'i." If an object was Muktzah during
Bein ha'Shemashos, and its owner *realized* that it will probably become
usable during Shabbos, he may use or move the object after the point in
which it becomes usable (see Shabbos 44a, 46b).
4. MUKTZAH MACHMAS MI'US. Items that are repulsive are automatically
considered set aside not to be used (Muktzah) according to Rebbi Yehudah.
5. KELI SHE'MELACHTO EINO ELA L'ISUR. Items which are used *almost
exclusively* for tasks which are prohibited on Shabbos or Yom Tov are
considered Muktzah according to Rebbi Yehudah. According to Rebbi Shimon,
they may be used for a permitted purpose (but they may not be moved for
their own protection). This is not to be confused with Kli she'Melachto
l'Isur, items which are used for a prohibited purpose *and are sometimes
used* for permitted uses as well. Even Rebbi Yehudah permits moving a Kli
she'Melachto l'Isur in order to use it for a permitted purpose, or to make
room for something else ("l'Tzorech Gufo u'Mekomo") - TOSFOS Shabbos 36a DH
Ha Rebbi Yehudah, 44a DH Mitah
6. MUCHAN L'ADAM EINO MUCHAN L'KELAVIM (lit. "that which is prepared for use
of man is not prepared for dogs"). There are two distinct types of Muktzah
which can be included in this expression:
a. An object that was fit for human use, but cannot be used because of the
laws of Shabbos or Yom Tov. For example, on Shabbos, a live animal is not
fit for human use since it is forbidden to slaughter an animal on Shabbos.
Even though live animals are sometimes fed to dogs, since this animal was
designated to be used for *humans* after Shabbos, it is Muktzah (according
to Rebbi Yehudah) and may not be fed to dogs.
b. If something happens to an object *on Shabbos* that makes it unfit for
man, it is Muktzah and may not even be fed to dogs (according to Rebbi
Yehudah). This is a form of Nolad. For example, if an animal was alive
before Yom Tov (and was fit for man, since he could slaughter and eat it on
Yom Tov) and then it died on Yom Tov, becoming unfit for man, Rebbi Yehudah
prohibits feeding it to dogs. Rebbi Shimon permits feeding it to dogs.
(c) There are other categories of Muktzah that are prohibited according to
both Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon:
1. MUKTZAH MACHMAS GUFO (lit. "set aside because of itself"). This refers to
any item which intrinsically has no use, such as a rock.
2. HUKTZAH L'MITZVASO (lit. "set aside for its Mitzvah"). Items which are
designated to be used for a Mitzvah may not be used for other purposes, that
detract from the Mitzvah, *even during the week*. On Shabbos, such items are
Muktzah (as long as they are still fit for the Mitzvah -- if they become
unfit for the Mitzvah in middle of Shabbos, their status will depend on the
Halachah of Migu d'Iskatza'I, see above, (b):3.
3. DAVAR SHE'EINO RA'UY SHE'DECHA'O B'YADAYIM ("an item which is not fit to
be used on Shabbos because its owner actively put it into a situation that
it would not be able to be used on Shabbos"). An item which is not fit for
use, *and* which one consciously decided not to use, is Muktzah, even if one
subsequently decides to use it. (See above, (b):1)
B'SHABBOS. An item which was forbidden at Bein ha'Shemashos (such as fruits
from which Terumah had not yet been separated), which one did not think
would become permitted on Shabbos, remains prohibited as Muktzah even when
the Isur that prohibited until now is removed.
5. MUKTZAH MACHMAS CHISARON KIS. Items which are set aside from use due to
their fragility (i.e., their main use is prohibited on Shabbos, and using
them in any other manner may damage them) are Muktzah (for example, a
Mohel's scalpel).
(d) According to most Rishonim, the prohibition of Muktzah is only
mid'Rabanan. It was created by Nechemya ben Chakalya (Shabbos 124b) in order
to prevent people from carrying on Shabbos from Reshus ha'Rabim to Reshus
ha'Rabim (Beitzah 37b; Shabbos 124b). The Rabanan prohibited moving a Kli
she'Melachto l'Isur (to protect it) lest a person use it in a prohibited
manner on Shabbos (RAMBAM Hil. Shabbos 24:13. Other reasons proposed by the
Rishonim for the laws of Muktzah, which differentiate between the way a
person carries on Shabbos and during the week, are so that a person will not
spend the entire Shabbos moving items around from place to place, and not
resting, and so that people who do not normally work during the week will
also notice the Shabbos (Rambam, ibid. 13-14).
However, RASHI (Beitzah 2b DH v'Hechinu, 26b DH v'Iy) appears to hold that
at least according to Raba, Muktzah is a Torah prohibition (otherwise known
as "Hachanah d'Raba"). Nevertheless, the Rishonim quote Rashi as saying that
only *eating* Muktzah was prohibited by the Torah according to Raba; moving
Muktzah is only a Rabbinic prohibition, as the other Rishonim maintain (note
in Rashi 2a, cited by SHITAH MEKUBETZES there DH Man d'Shari, see also
introduction of the PRI MEGADIM to Hilchos Yom Tov, section on Muktzah;
introduction of the CHASAM SOFER's Mahadura Tinyana; the "Nesivos" in
OPINIONS: Rav Nachman points out that Rebbi compiled the Mishnah in Shabbos
regarding Muktzah on Shabbos in accordance with the view of Rebbi Shimon
(that Muktzah is Mutar), without appending Rebbi Shimon's name to it. At the
same time, Rebbi compiled the Mishnah in Beitzah regarding Muktzah on Yom
Tov in accordance with the view of Rebbi Yehudah (that Muktzah is Asur),
without appending Rebbi Yehudah's name to it. We know that when Rebbi
compiled a "Stam" Mishnah (attributing the Halachah to no particular Tana),
that indicates that Rebbi ruled in accordance with that view. If so, Rebbi
seems to contradict himself in the Mishnayos in Shabbos and Beitzah. Rav
Nachman answers that Rebbi ruled like Rebbi Shimon regarding Shabbos, since
on Shabbos all Melachos are Asur and it needs no additional rabbinical
safeguards, while he ruled like Rebbi Yehudah regarding Yom Tov, on which
some Melachos are permitted, and thus it was necessary to strengthen the
observance of Yom Tov by applying additional safeguards.
What is the Halachah on Shabbos and on Yom Tov regarding Muktzah? Does the
Halachah follow Rav Nachman's explanation of Rebbi's view? (See Insights
above regarding the different types of Muktzah; here, we are discussing only
the type of object which is Muktzah because one did not have in mind to use
it at the onset of Shabbos or Yom Tov, "Hiktzehu mi'Da'ato".)
(a) The RIF, RAMBAM, and other Rishonim write that the Halachah is like
Rebbi and Rav Nachman: we are Machmir on Yom Tov and prohibit Muktzah in
order to safeguard the sanctity of Yom Tov. (The RA'AVAD writes that even on
Yom Tov, Rebbi maintains that Muktzah is actually Mutar. However, he wrote
the opinion of Rebbi Yehudah so that *ignorant people*, who only learn only
Mishnah, will think that the Halachah follows Rebbi Yehudah on Yom Tov and
they will not treat Yom Tov lightly. A Talmid Chacham, though, may be
lenient with Muktzah on Yom Tov.)
(b) The BA'AL HA'ME'OR rules like Rebbi as explained by Rav Nachman, but he
explains the Gemara differently. He proposes that it is impossible to be
more stringent on Yom Tov than on Shabbos. Rather, when Rebbi ruled that
Muktzah is Asur on Yom Tov, he was referring only to items which are Muktzah
on Shabbos because of an Isur that applies to Shabbos (such as cooking), but
which would not have been Muktzah on Yom Tov since the Isur does not apply
on Yom Tov. For example, wood should not be Muktzah on Yom Tov because it
can be used for fire, which is permitted to be made on Yom Tov. On Shabbos,
though, wood is Muktzah because making a fire on Shabbos is forbidden.
Rebbi's ruling makes items like wood Asur even on Yom Tov, in order to
safeguard the sanctity of Yom Tov. Safeguarding the sanctity of Yom Tov ("Lo
l'Zilzulei") only makes Yom Tov as stringent as Shabbos, but not more so.
According to the Ba'al ha'Me'or, Rebbi is only Machmir with regard to items
which require burning, Shechitah, or cooking (Melachos that are Mutar on Yom
Tov and Asur on Shabbos) in order to make them usable.
(c) RABEINU CHANANEL at the end of Beitzah rules like our Gemara, that we
are more stringent on Yom Tov in order to safeguard its sanctity. However,
this stringency on Yom Tov does not apply to normal Muktzah items ("Hitzehu
mi'Da'ato") -- such items are indeed Mutar to use on Yom Tov just like on
Shabbos, like Rebbi Shimon holds. Rather, this stringency applies only to
items which have another reason that makes them Muktzah (such as "Nolad," or
"Muktzah Machmas Isur").
(d) The ROSH at the end of Beitzah (5:14) cites RASHI, RI, and RABEINU TAM
who are lenient even with regard to Yom Tov, ruling that Muktzah is always
Mutar. Their reason is because it was only Rav Nachman who asserted that
there is a difference between Yom Tov and Shabbos, in order to explain the
opinion of Beis Hillel in the Mishnah (who says that an egg laid on Yom Tov
is Asur). Since the other Amora'im conclude that our Mishnah is not
referring to an egg that is Asur because it is Muktzah, but rather because
of other reasons that make it Asur, we no longer have to differentiate
between Shabbos and Yom Tov. And since the Gemara at the end of Shabbos says
that we rule like Rebbi Shimon, we rule like him regarding Yom Tov as well.
However, there is a slight difference between the view of Rabeinu Tam and
that of Rashi and the Ri. Rabeinu Tam rules that although we are lenient
with regard to Muktzah on Yom Tov, nevertheless we are stringent regarding
Nolad (both on Yom Tov and on Shabbos). Rashi (33a, DH v'Hilchisa) and the
Ri do not differentiate between Muktzah and Nolad, permitting both on Yom
Tov and on Shabbos.
HALACHAH: The SHULCHAN ARUCH (OC 495:4) rules like the Rif and Rambam
(opinion (a) above), that we are stringent and prohibit Muktzah on Yom Tov
but not on Shabbos. The REMA, however, rules leniently and permits Muktzah
both on Shabbos and on Yom Tov (like opinion (d) above). However, he accepts
Rabeinu Tam's stringency and does not permit Nolad on either day.
The MISHNAH BERURAH (495:17) cites Acharonim who are even more lenient and
permit Nolad on Shabbos, and prohibit it only on Yom Tov (like the opinion
of Rabeinu Chananel, (c) above).
QUESTION: The Gemara asks why did Rebbi follow the view of Rebbi Shimon in
the Mishnah regarding Muktzah on Shabbos, while he followed the view of
Rebbi Yehudah in the Mishnah regarding Muktzah on Yom Tov. The Gemara
answers that he did not want people to treat the sanctity of Yom Tov
lightly, and therefore he was stringent. Shabbos, though, which is already
more stringent than Yom Tov, needed no additional safeguard.
Why did the Gemara not say that Rebbi was following the opinion of Beis
Hillel, for it is Beis Hillel who is lenient on Shabbos and stringent on Yom
Tov, according to Rav Nachman's explanation? The Gemara then should have
asked why *Beis Hillel* rules differently on Shabbos than he does on Yom
ANSWER: RABEINU CHANANEL explains that Rebbi Shimon and Rebbi Yehudah were
not arguing about the same thing as Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel. It is not
that both Beis Shamai and Rebbi Shimon hold that Muktzah is Mutar, while
Beis Hillel and Rebbi Yehudah hold that it is Asur. Rather, Rebbi Shimon and
Rebbi Yehudah both hold like Beis Hillel, but they are arguing about what
Beis Hillel said. Rebbi Yehudah maintains that Beis Hillel is stringent and
prohibits Muktzah on both Shabbos and Yom Tov. Rebbi Shimon maintains that
Beis Hillel was lenient in both cases, Shabbos and Yom Tov.
In Maseches Shabbos, Rebbi quoted Beis Hillel according to Rebbi Shimon's
version, and in Beitzah he quoted Beis Hillel according to Rebbi Yehudah's
version. He wrote the Mishnah in each place "Stam" accordingly. The Gemara
therefore asks why did Rebbi quote differing opinions in Beis Hillel in the
two places, and it answers that he decided to make that compromise for the
sake of preserving the sanctity of Yom Tov. (This is also the explanation of
the RAMBAN in Milchamos, who explains it in more detail.)
QUESTION: Rabah says that an egg laid on Yom Tov is Asur, according to Beis
Hillel in our Mishnah, because of "Hachanah." The formation of an egg is
completed one day before it is laid. When Yom Tov falls after Shabbos, the
egg laid on Yom Tov was completed on Shabbos. Since it is forbidden to use
an item that was prepared on Shabbos for Yom Tov, the egg may not be used.
RASHI (DH v'Ein Yom Tov; 26b DH v'Iy -- see PNEI YEHOSHUA) equates the
principle of "Hachanah d'Rabah" with Muktzah, saying that the egg that was
prepared on Shabbos for Yom is Muktzah. He says that one must prepare the
Yom Tov meal in advance, or otherwise the food may not be eaten on Yom Tov,
mid'Oraisa (as he learns from Pesachim 47b -- see SHITAH MEKUBETZES). The
preparation of the food has to be done on a weekday and not on Shabbos or
Yom Tov.
It stands to reason that just like an item prepared on Shabbos for Yom Tov
cannot be used on Yom Tov, so, too, an item that comes into existence on Yom
Tov should also be Asur, because it was not prepared for use on a weekday
before Yom Tov. If so, why does the Gemara have to say that the case of the
Mishnah is when Yom Tov falls after Shabbos, and an egg laid today was
completed *yesterday*? If it is also Asur to eat something created on Yom
Tov, then the Gemara should say that the Mishnah is referring to *every* Yom
Tov, and if an egg is completed on the *same* day that it is laid, the egg
is Asur because it was not properly prepared before Yom Tov!
(a) The ME'IRI (Chidushei ha'Me'iri, p. 4a) writes that according to Rashi,
the Gemara does not mean that the egg is Asur only because it was completed
the day before (on Shabbos), and that it would have been Mutar if it had
been completed the same day it was laid, on Yom Tov. Even if it would have
been completed today, it would have been Asur. However, it was simply a
known fact to the Gemara that an egg does *not* become completed on the day
that it is laid, but on the day before. Therefore, the Gemara has to
attribute the prohibition to the case of an egg laid on Yom Tov that falls
after Shabbos.
(b) The PNEI YEHOSHUA writes that if eggs become completed on the day that
they are laid, we would not be able to justify the opinion of Beis Shamai,
who permits eggs laid on Yom Tov. (That is, Rashi preferred not to have to
suggest that Beis Shamai argues with the entire notion of Hachanah,
according to Raba.)
(c) Tosfos and most other Rishonim (cf. BA'AL HA'ME'OR) disagree with Rashi.
They write that the Isur of Hachanah is not related to Muktzah. The egg is
Asur not because the food was not properly designated for Shabbos or Yom
Tov, but because of a special rule in the Torah that one may not use
something on Yom Tov that came into being on the Shabbos that immediately
precedes it (nor may one use something on Shabbos that came into being on
the Yom Tov that immediately precedes it). Consequently, if the egg came
into being on Yom Tov, there is no problem with using it on Yom Tov, because
the Isur of the Torah was never said in such a case. The Gemara was forced
to conclude that according to Rabah, an egg is completed on the day *before*
it is laid.
QUESTION: Rabah explains that the reason Beis Hillel prohibits eating an egg
laid on Yom Tov (that falls immediately after Shabbos) is because of
"Hachanah." The formation of an egg is completed one day before it is laid.
When Yom Tov falls after Shabbos, the egg laid on Yom Tov was completed on
Shabbos. Since it is forbidden to use an item that was prepared on Shabbos
for Yom Tov, the egg may not be used. The Gemara questions Rabah's
explanation and says that according to Rabah, why should an egg laid on a
regular Shabbos be Asur? It was completed (and thus prepared) the day
before, which was a weekday!
Why is the Gemara asking that an egg laid on Shabbos should be Mutar
according to Rabah? Every hen is Muktzah on Shabbos since it cannot be
slaughtered! If so, an egg that comes from a hen should have the same status
as the hen, just like we find that an egg laid on Yom Tov by a hen that is
designated for laying eggs (and not for eating) is Asur (2a)! Why is this
egg that comes from Muktzah on Shabbos any different, such that it should be
Mutar according to Rabah?
(a) The BA'AL HA'ME'OR cites "Yesh Mefarshim" who offer a rather forced
answer and say that the Gemara is referring to case of an egg laid on
Shabbos in a home where there is a very sick person whose like is in danger
(Choleh she'Yesh Bo Sakanah). The people of the house planned, before
Shabbos, to slaughter the hen on Shabbos for the sick person. Therefore, the
hen was not Muktzah, and thus the egg that comes from it is also not
The Ba'al ha'Me'or himself rejects this answer, because this case is a very
rare situation (a "Milsa d'Lo Shechicha") and the Rabanan do not apply their
Gezeiros in such cases (as the Gemara itself says), and thus the egg indeed
should be Mutar.
(b) The RA'AVAD (on the Rif) explains that the Gemara holds that there is no
Isur of Muktzah on Shabbos (like Rebbi Shimon), even Muktzah Machmas Isur
(such as a hen, which is prevented from use at the beginning of Shabbos due
to an Isur).
(c) The BA'AL HA'ME'OR formulates a new rule for Muktzah. He explains that
whenever a person has in mind to use a certain item which will come into
existence (or become permitted to him) on Shabbos, it is not Muktzah at all,
even according to Rebbi Yehudah.
Even though the Mishnah in Shabbos says that oil left in a lamp after the
flame goes out is Muktzah according to Rebbi Yehudah, that is because there
might not be any left when the flame goes out, and thus one did not expect
to use any oil, so he did not have it in mind. In this case, though, one
expects the item (the egg) to come into the world.
(d) The RAMBAN (in Shabbos 144b and Milchamos, Beitzah 21a) says that
Muktzah Machmas Isur only makes something Asur, according to Rebbi Yehudah
if the person himself *made* the object Asur at the start of Shabbos (for
example, by lighting the candle, he made the oil Asur). Here, the item
(hen/egg) became Asur *by itself*, and therefore when the Isur goes away it
becomes Mutar (i.e., the principle of "Migu d'Iskatza'i" does not apply in
such a case). Only when an Isur actually was performed with an object on
Shabbos, do we say that it is prohibited because of Migu d'Iskatza'i even
though it became Asur by itself -- such as when an animal is slaughtered on
Shabbos in transgression of the Isur Shabbos. (In the Milchamos in Pesachim
(56b) the Ramban seems to contradict this ruling, for he writes that if figs
are on top of a tree and are not accessible without climbing the tree on
Shabbos, they become Muktzah Machmas Isur and even if they fall down they
may not be used.)
(e) The RAN explains that there is no general rule that anything that comes
from Muktzah is Muktzah. Rather, if an egg comes from a hen designated for
laying eggs, it is Muktzah and Asur because it is *Nolad*. Since the hen was
not a food and the egg is a food, something new has come into the world. In
our Gemara, though, we are discussing a hen that is designated for eating;
it is just the Isur of slaughtering on Shabbos that prevents one from eating
it. Such a hen is still called a food, and therefore its egg is "Uchla
d'Ifras," a piece of food that broke off, and it is not Nolad. The fact that
it came from a hen which is Muktzah does not make a difference, anything
which is edible is considered prepared for use on Shabbos (as long as it is
not Nolad).
QUESTION: The Gemara asks that eggs found inside a hen that was slaughtered
on Yom Tov should be Asur because of a Gezeirah of eggs that were *laid* on
Yom Tov (which, Rashi explains, refers to Yom Tov that falls right after
Shabbos). These eggs, though, should be Asur for a different reason -- they
are a Safek Isur! That is, there is a doubt whether the eggs that were
extracted from the slaughtered hen were completed the day before, on Shabbos
(in which case they are Asur because of "Hachanah d'Rabah"), or today, on
Yom Tov (in which case they would be permitted according to most Rishonim,
see above, 4:c)!
(a) TOSFOS (DH Milsa) explains that the problem of Hachanah, of being
prepared on Shabbos for Yom Tov, occurs only retroactively, after the egg is
laid. The RAMBAN (Milchamos) explains that this is because it is only at the
moment it is laid, that one benefits from the completion of the egg that
occurred the day before (on Shabbos), for now it becomes possible to eat the
egg without slaughtering the mother. While the egg is still in the mother,
one has gained nothing from its completion. The Rishonim (RA'AVAD and
others) cite the Yerushalmi that presents a different reason why the egg's
completion becomes useful only retroactively, after it is laid. After it is
laid is when it is able to develop into a chick. Alternatively, that is when
it begins to taste good. Before it is laid, the fact that it has been
completed does not make a difference and thus it is not called "Hachanah" on
Shabbos for Yom Tov..
(b) The RA'AVAD, explaining the opinion of RABEINU EFRAIM, says that an egg
that is completed the previous day is laid immediately in the morning. If it
is already later in the day when the egg is removed from the slaughtered
hen, it is clear that it was not completed the day before, but today, and it
is therefore permitted.
(c) RABEINU EFRAIM, as cited by the Ba'al ha'Me'or, indeed says that eggs
found inside a hen are Asur because of a Safek that they might have been
completed the day before. The way the Ra'avad (above, (b)) understands
Rabeinu Efraim, he is only referring to eggs found in a hen slaughtered at
night. However, it could be that Rabeinu Efraim is talking about eggs from a
hen that was slaughtered even during the day, and he learns our Sugya
differently. Instead of discussing a Yom Tov that falls right after Shabbos,
the Gemara is discussing a regular Yom Tov that does not follow Shabbos.
When the Gemara says that these eggs should be Asur because of a Gezeirah of
eggs laid on Yom Tov, it does not mean a Gezeirah of *other* eggs laid on
Yom Tov, but it means a Gezeirah that perhaps these eggs themselves were
going to be laid today, and thus they should be included in the normal
Gezeirah of eggs laid on Yom Tov! The Gemara answers that the Rabanan did
not enact such a Gezeirah because it is uncommon to eat eggs found inside
the hen. But if a hen is slaughtered on a Yom Tov which follows a Shabbos,
the eggs would certainly be prohibited mid'Oraisa.
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