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Beitzah 29

BEITZAH 26, 27, 28, 29 - dedicated by Yitzchak Gross of Brooklyn, NY, l'Iluy Nishmas his father, Menashe Yehudah ben Matisyahu, and his mother, Dina bas Yisroel.

1a) [line 1] TIRTA/CHILKA/UZYA/RIV'A - market terms for (a) a certain portion of meat (RASHI); (b) a certain type of utensil (RABEINU CHANANEL)

2) [line 5] AVAL LO B'MIDAH - but not with a utensil used for measuring. The Amora'im in the Gemara explain this phrase and the argument between Rabanan and Rebbi Yehudah

3) [line 10] BEIRUREI HA'MIDOS - the part of the wine that froths on top of the utensil
4) [line 11] MITZUY HA'MIDOS - the remainder of the oil that adheres to the utensil
5) [line 39] D'AVDEI INSHEI D'MEKARVEI CHAMRA - there are people who serve wine
6) [line 39] B'MANA D'CHILA - in a utensil used for measuring
7) [line 41] GARVEI YAYIN - kegs of wine
8) [line 42] IY ATEM ZEKUKIM L'CHACH - you do not need to do this
9) [line 42] AF ANU EIN RETZONENU B'CHACH - we, however, do not wish to benefit in this way (from others)

10a) [line 44] BOROS - wells that are dug in the ground
b) [line 44] SHICHIN - elongated ditches
c) [line 44] ME'AROS - caves
11) [line 44] ADBEREI - led; took on a walk
12) [line 45] KODER - (a) he digs with the measure into the heap of barley, not using his hands (RASHI); (b) he estimates the amount needed, even using his hands, but does not fill the measure exactly (RIF) (see KORBAN NESANEL 3:15:7)

13) [line 45] SHE'LO YAKDI'ACH TAVSHILO - so that he should not burn the food he is cooking


14) [line 1] SHMUEL, HALACHAH L'MA'ASEH ASA L'ASHMU'INAN - Shmuel is teaching us the Halachah that we rule (that it is forbidden) should someone comes to ask

15) [line 2] EIN SHONIN KEMACH - it is forbidden to sift flour that has already been sifted

16a) [line 4] TZEROR - a stone
b) [line 4] KISEM - a piece of wood
17) [line 9] PUKU - go out
18) [line 10] SHEKILA TIVUSECH V'SHADI A'CHIZREI - your good intentions were useless (lit. the good that you did has been removed and thrown on the thorns) (O.F. gred - gratitude)

19) [line 11] KAMAH MEHULASA HADRAN B'NEHARDA'A - many sieves are sifting in Neharda'a (because all the women knew that it is permitted to resift even before you said so)

20) [line 12] NAHALA KIMCHA - resifted flour
21) [line 12] A'GABA D'MAHULTA - through the underside of the sieve
22) [line 13] RIFTA MA'ALYASA BE'INA - I want good-quality bread (i.e. you can resift the flour in the normal way)

23) [line 14] A'GABA D'PESORA - (a) on the underside of the table (O.F. tornedoire - extension part, detachable side of a table) (RASHI); (b) on the top of the table (TOSFOS)

24) [line 15] HA DIDAN - [for your information,] ours is (i.e. my wife is) [the daughter of Rami bar *Aba* (see DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #3 and KORBAN NESANEL 3:16:30)]

25) [line 16] MARA D'UVDA HAVAH - (a) was a master of deeds, meticulous in his actions (RASHI); (b) was the teacher of the ruling (ROSH 3:16 - see DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #3 and KORBAN NESANEL 3:16:30)

26) [line 16] MI'BEI NASHA - from her father's household
27) [line 23] KAF ACHAS - one foreleg
28) [line 24] PATAM - a person who (raises and) fattens fowl
29a) [line 24] TOR - a turtledove
b) [line 25] GOZAL - a young pigeon
30a) [line 26] KIKAR - a regular loaf of bread
b) [line 26] GELUSKA - a delicate bread made from fine white flour
31) [line 28] AFARSEKIN - (O.F. persches) peaches
32a) [line 30] SECHUM MIDAH - an amount of a measure, e.g. a bushel
b) [line 31] SECHUM MEKACH - an amount of sale, a price

*****PEREK #4 HA'MEVI*****

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