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1) [line 3] ROSCHOS - boiling hot
3) [line 15] MAN D'HU - someone; one of the students 5) [line 15] MI'PUMEI D'MARA - from the mouth of the one who taught the ruling (Rebbi Zeira) 6) [line 19] D'TALYA B'ASHLEI RAVREVEI - (lit. it hangs on strong ropes) great Chachamim said it (that the Halachah is like Rebbi Shimon) 7) [line 22] KESHISHEI MINEI - [the Kehala Kadisha d'Yerushalayim] are older than him (Rebbi Shimon ben Menasya) 8) [line 28] DOKIN SHEB'AYIN - (O.F. teile) eye's web, a thin film (cataract?) that develops due to an eye-disease; alt. a cut on the eyelids 9) [line 28] D'MISHTANIN - the appearance of these blemishes changes after the animal is slaughtered 10) [line 32] AMI VARDINA'AH - (a) Ami who was as pleasant-looking as a rose; (b) Ami from Vardinah, a town in Bavel near Bei Berai, whose inhabitants were known for their stinginess 11) [line 32] CHAZI BUCHRA D'VEI NESI'AH HAVAH - was the one who checked the firstborn animals of the Nasi's household
12) [line 1] UV'YOM TOV, SHIYULEI KA MESHAYEL HEICHI HAVAH UVDA - and on Yom Tov, he would ask how the animal received the blemish
13) [line 3] A'PANYA - towards evening 20) [line 11] "V'ISH KI YAKRIV ZEVACH SHELAMIM...; KOL] MUM LO YIHEYEH BO" - "[And a man who will bring a Korban Shelamim;] it shall not have [any] blemish." (Vayikra 22:21) 21) [line 11] EIN LI ELA SHE'LO *YEHAYEH* BO MUM - I only know that one is not allowed to make a Mum in it 22) [line 13] BATZEK O DEVEILAH - dough or a pressed fig
23) [line 17] CHALAH
24) [line 21] DELU'IN - gourds *26*) [line 41] NIMNIN ALEHA ME'EREV YOM TOV V'SHOCHTIN... - they should divide the animal into shares (setting the price) on Erev Yom Tov *or* [if they did not,] they may slaughter the animal on Yom Tov and apportion it by size (l'Mechtzah vle'Shelish ule'Revi'a) (SHITAH MEKUBETZES)