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Beitzah 12

BEITZAH 11-15 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi publications for these Dafim, for the benefit of Klal Yisrael

"Mitoch" states that since a Melachah is permitted by the Torah on Yom Tov for the sake of food preparation, that Melachah is completely permitted, even for matters not relating to food preparation. For a further discussion of this topic, see Insights.

2) [line 1] ERUV V'HOTZA'AH L'SHABBOS, V'EIN ERUV V'HOTZA'AH L'YOM TOV - The laws of Eruvei Chatzeiros (see Background to Yoma 10:36) and Hotza'ah (see Background to Eruvin 51:13) apply only to Shabbos and not to Yom Tov. (Alternatively, the prohibition of Hotza'ah is *mixed in* (i.e. included) among the other prohibitions of Shabbos, but is *not mixed* among the prohibitions of Yom Tov -- TOSFOS, who is Gores "Ein Eruv *Hotza'ah*, without a 'Vav.')


*3*) [line 10] EIN MOLICHIN CHALAH U'MATANOS L'CHOHEN - One may not bring Chalah and Zero'a Lechayayim v'Kevah to a Kohen on Yom Tov. (The reason it is prohibited to bring Chalah and Matanos to a Kohen on Yom Tov is because it resembles Mekach u'Memkar, (doing business). The separation of Terumah was prohibited on Yom Tov because it resembles Mekach u'Memkar, see Daf 37a, and *delivering* Terumah, or Chalah and Matanos, to the Kohen carries the same prohibition - PNEI YEHOSHUA)

4) [line 10] CHALAH
Whenever a person kneads a dough made from one of the five species of grain (wheat, barley, oats, rye or spelt), he must separate a small portion to be given to the Kohen, as specified in Bamidbar 15:17-21. This portion is called Chalah. The requirement to separate Chalah with a Berachah only applies to a dough made from the volume of 43.2 Beitzim of flour (about 10 1/2 cups or 2.48 liters). An amount about half that much requires Chalah to be separated without a Berachah. A baker must separate 1/48 of his dough as Chalah, while a normal homeowner must separate 1/24.

5) [line 10] MATANOS
Whenever a person slaughters an ox, sheep or goat (that is not Kodshim), he must give to a Kohen the Zero'a, Lechayayim and Keivah (the foreleg, the [lower] jaw, and the maw or abomasum [the last of a cow's four stomachs] (Devarim 18:3). 1. The ZERO'A consists of the two upper limbs of the right foreleg, from the knee until the top of the shoulder blade; 2. The LECHAYAYIM consists of the lower jaw, from the joint where it is attached to the upper jaw until the thyroid cartilage, including the tongue; 3. The KEIVAH consists of the maw together with its Chelev, but the Minhag of the Kohanim is to let the animal's owner keep the Chelev.

6) [line 13] GEZEIRAH SHAVAH - there is a comparison that can be made [to know what is forbidden by the Chachamim]; (This does not refer to the Gezeirah Shavah of the thirteen methods that Chazal use for extracting the Halachah from the verses of the Torah (listed in the introduction to the Sifra, the Halachic Midrash to Vayikra). Gezeirah Shavah is a Halachic device by which two similar words in the Torah from different subjects are used to learn that laws from one subject apply to the other.)

7) [line 16] EINO ZAKAI B'HARAMASAH - a person is not permitted to separate Terumah on Yom Tov

*8*) [line 28] LO NECHLEKU ELA AL HA'TERUMAH - that is, they argued whether it is permitted to deliver to a Kohen Terumah that was already separated before Yom Tov.

9) [line 37] TEFELAH - as an appendage; i.e. Rebbi Yehudah permits sending Matanos from animals that were slaughtered on Erev Yom Tov *along with* Matanos from animals that were slaughtered on Yom Tov, while Acherim prohibit it

10) [line 38] GARBA D'CHAMRA - a keg of wine
11) [line 39] L'AMTUYEI - to bring it
12) [line 40] USHPEZICHNEI - his innkeeper, landlord
13) [line 41] ASURYASA D'CHARDELA - bundles of mustard pods
14) [line 41] L'FERUCHEI U'MEICHAL MINAIHU - to crush the pods and eat the seeds
15a) [line 42] MOLELIN - it is permissible to rub between one's fingers
b) [line 42] MELILOS - rollable ears of wheat
16) [line 43] MEFARCHIN KITNIYOS - it is permissible to crush pods of legumes
17) [line 43] MENAPE'ACH MI'YAD L'YAD - he tosses them from one hand to the other hand (using the wind to separate the chaff)

18) [line 44] KANON - a reed basket or pan that is wide at one end and narrow at the other end which is used to remove the outer shell of beans. As the beans slip through the pan the waste gets caught.
b) [line 44] TAMCHUY - a plate or tray
19) [line 45] MENAPE'ACH AL YAD AL YAD - he tosses a little at a time into the wind
20a) [line 45] TAVLA - a board
b) [line 46] NAPAH - a sieve
c) [line 46] KEVARAH - a basket used as a sieve

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