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Beitzah 6
BEITZAH 6-10 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi
publications for these Dafim, for the benefit of Klal Yisrael
1) [line 2] AMAMIM - non-Jews
2) [line 8] AF AL GAV D'ISHTAHI - even though the dead body has remained
[unburied from the first day of Yom Tov]; (the Bach removes the word "Mes"
from "Mes b'Yom Tov Sheni")
3) [line 12] L'MEIGAZ LEI GELIMA - to cut Tachrichin for him (the
traditional burial cloak); according to the Girsa L'MEIGAD, to cut or to sew
the Tachrichin
4) [line 12] L'MEIGAZ LEI ASA - to cut a myrtle for him (that was put on the
coffin as a sign of honor)
5) [line 13] CHAVREI/CHABAREI - (a) a Persian nation (RASHI to Shabbos 11a);
(b) a nation that lived at the time of the Persian dynasty (RASHI to Shabbos
45a); (c) a nation that came to Bavel at the time of Rebbi Yochanan and that
lived under the rule of the Persians (TOSFOS Shabbos 11a DH v'Lo Tachas
Chaver); (d) Persian priests who were very wicked towards the Jews (ARUCH,
TOSFOS Shabbos 11a DH v'Lo Tachas Chaver in the name of RABEINU YA'AKOV
6) [line 15] ATZIV - sad
(a) Although the Torah prohibits cooking and doing Melachah on Yom Tov *for
a weekday*, when Yom Tov falls on Erev Shabbos, it is permitted mid'Oraisa
to cook and to perform Melachos on Yom Tov *for Shabbos* (Pesachim 46b).
The Rabanan, however, prohibited these Melachos unless an Eruv Tavshilin is
made on Erev Yom Tov.
(b) The Amora'im argue as to the reason why the Rabanan prohibited doing
Melachos for Shabbos without an Eruv Tavshilin (Beitzah 16b). Some hold that
it is to honor the Shabbos, by serving as a reminder that one should save
food for the Shabbos meals. Others feel that it is meant to honor the Yom
Tov, so that one should say, "It is prohibited to cook on Yom Tov even for
Shabbos (without an Eruv Tavshilin), all the more so on Yom Tov for a
(c) An Eruv Tavshilin is made as follows: a k'Zayis of cooked food (Beitzah
ibid.) is set aside on Erev Yom Tov to be eaten on Shabbos. When setting it
aside, one says, "Through this Eruv we shall be able to bake, cook and do
other necessary preparations on Yom Tov for Shabbos," after reciting the
appropriate blessing.
(a) MUKTZAH - The word Muktzah literally means "set aside at the brink [of
one's intentions for use]." The term is used to describe items that are set
aside not to be used right now, such as wood stacked in a barn. In a broader
sense, the word Muktzah includes anything that a person did not intend to
use during Bein ha'Shemashos at the start of Shabbos (or Yom Tov), for
whatever reason it may be.
(b) THE ARGUMENT OF THE TANA'IM - Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon argue as to
whether one may move or use on Shabbos items that fit into certain
categories of Muktzah. There are at least six different categories of
Muktzah over which Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon disagree [1. Hiktzehu
mi'Da'ato; 2. Nolad; 3. Muktzah Machmas Isur (also known as Migo
d'Iskatza'i); 4. Muktzah Machmas Mi'us; 5. Keli she'Melachto Eino Ela
l'Isur; 6. Muchan l'Adam Eino Muchan l'Kelavim.] On Shabbos, objects that
fit into one of these categories may not be moved according to Rebbi
Yehudah. There are other categories of Muktzah that may not be moved
according to both Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon [such as 1. Muktzah Machmas
Gufo; 2. Huktzah l'Mitzvaso; 3. Davar she'Eino Ra'uy she'Decha'o b'Yadayim;
4. Davar he'Asur Bein ha'Shemashos she'Lo Chashav she'Yavo l'Yedei Heter
b'Shabbos; 5. Muktzah Machmas Chisaron Kis.]
(c) MUCHAN L'ADAM EINO MUCHAN L'KELAVIM - It is important to note that there
are two distinct types of Muktzah that may be included in this expression:
1. If the laws of Shabbos or Yom Tov prevent man from using an object. For
example, on Shabbos, a live animal is not fit for human use since it is
forbidden to slaughter an animal on Shabbos. Even though live animals are
sometimes fed to dogs, since this animal is not fit for *humans* at present
it is Muktzah (even according to Rebbi Shimon) and may not be fed to dogs.
2. If something happens to an object *on Shabbos* that makes it unfit for
man, it may not even be fed to dogs, according to Rebbi Yehudah. (This is a
form of Nolad). For example, if an animal was alive before Yom Tov (and was
fit for man, since he could slaughter and eat it on Yom Tov) and then died
on Yom Tov, becoming unfit for man, Rebbi Yehudah prohibits feeding it to
dogs. Rebbi Shimon argues and permits feeding it to dogs.
9) [line 2] DELU'IN - gourds
10) [line 8] SHADI - throw
is, an egg is permitted on Yom Tov only if it is laid *before* Yom Tov. If
it is laid on Yom Tov or even if it is found *inside a hen that was
slaughtered on Yom Tov*, the egg is prohibited.
that is, how can a Beraisa teach something that is not hinted at (and is
even hinted against) in the Mishnah (RASHI -- see Insights for an
explanation of the conclusion of the Sugya according to Rashi); (b)
Alternatively, perhaps the Beraisa is teaching a Halachah that was not
discussed in the Mishnah: the status of an egg that was found inside a hen
that was slaughtered on Yom Tov *according to Beis Shamai*. (The Gemara, at
this point, assumes that what is inside the hen is *more* Muktzah than what
is laid, since it was not expected to be found there. Had the Beraisa not
taught this Halachah, I would have thought that even Beis Shamai agrees that
an egg inside a hen is Muktzah - TOSFOS DH v'Chi.)
13) [last line] BEI'EI D'FACHYA - eggs [from a hen] that [lets out a] squawk
[when it lays eggs, i.e. a live hen]
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