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Introduction to Beitzah

Beitzah 2

BEITZAH 2 and 3 - have been dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her late husband, Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Mr Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner and is sorely missed by all who knew him. Yahrzeit: 10 Sivan.

1) [line 4] SE'OR - sourdough, a very heavily fermented dough that is mixed with fresh dough to cause it to rise

2) [line 4] K'KOSEVES - the size of a date
3) [line 7] YACHPOR B'DEKER - he should dig [up earth] with a shovel (O.F. pele - shovel)

4) [line 7] V'YECHASEH (and he should cover the blood) (KISUY HA'DAM) There is a Mitzvah to cover the blood of all birds and wild animals (Chayos) that are slaughtered, as it states in Vayikra (17:13) "v'Ish Ish ... Asher Yatzud Tzeid Chayah O Of Asher Ye'achel, v'Shafach Es Damo v'Chisahu b'Afar." The blood must be covered from above and below with earth or any similar granular substance.

5) [line 12] UCHLA D'IFRAS - food that has become separated (the egg from the chicken)

6) [line 14] MUKTZAH
See Hilchos Muktzah in our Introduction to the Maseches, above.

7) [line 17] NOLAD
See Hilchos Muktzah in our Introduction to the Maseches, above.

8) [line 19] L'GADEL BEITZIM - (a) to lay eggs (RISHONIM); (b) to raise its eggs into chicks (BA'AL HA'MA'OR)

9) [line 24] KELIPIN - nutshells
10) [line 24] TAVLA - a board used as a tabletop
11) [line 25] MENA'ARAH - and he shakes it; he tilts it, removing all the debris
12) [line 28] DELU'IN - gourds


13) [line 2] KOROS - beams [that are designated to be used for building]

14) [line 14] KO'ACH D'HETEIRA ADIF (The lenient ruling has [the potential to teach] more)
If a person rules stringently, we cannot know his true opinion on the matter. He may either have decided that the stringent ruling is correct, or else he may be in doubt, since a person who is in doubt must take a stringent stance in any case. We therefore stand to learn more from the Torah sage who rules leniently, since we learn from him his true view in the matter at hand. He must be convinced that his lenient ruling is the true Halachah or else he would not have passed a lenient ruling.

15) [line 20] HACHANAH
(a) According to Rabah, the Torah decreed that all Shabbos and Yom Tov foods require preparation on a weekday, because of the special significance the Torah affords to what is eaten on Shabbos and Yom Tov. Therefore, a food that comes into existence on Shabbos or Yom Tov may not be eaten on that day. For example, an egg that is laid on a Shabbos that immediately precedes Yom Tov may not be eaten on Yom Tov (and similarly an egg that is laid on a Yom Tov that immediately precedes Shabbos may not be eaten on Shabbos), since it was not fit to be eaten on a *weekday* (RASHI, see also Background to Eruvin 38:4c).
(b) Food that is already *in existence* on a weekday but only becomes edible after Shabbos or Yom Tov begin (e.g. uncooked food that is cooked on Yom Tov) is not prohibited due to Hachanah. The decree of Hachanah only prohibits food that comes *into existence* on Shabbos (TOSFOS Beitzah 38a DH Mishum).

16) [line 22] "V'HAYAH BA'YOM HA'SHISHI, V'HECHINU [ES ASHER YAVI'U]" - "On Friday, they will prepare [the Man that they bring home]" (Shemos 16:5)

17) [line 30] BEITZIM GEMUROS - eggs that have not been laid that have developed to the extent that the yolk is complete, even though they do not have an outer shell (RASHI below, 6b)

18) [line 31] HANACH D'MISYALDAN B'YOMEIHEN - those [eggs] that are laid on Yom Tov (that falls after Shabbos)

19) [line 34] PEIROS HA'NOSHRIN - fruits that fall off a tree on Yom Tov

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