Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Bechoros 6
BECHOROS 6 - dedicated by Rav Mordechai Rabin (from Manchester/ London/
Yerushalayim), in honor of the Yahrzeit of his mother on 28 Sivan.
(a) Question: How does R. Yosi expound the two times it says
"Peter Chamor"?
(b) Answer (Beraisa - R. Yosi) Suggestion: "Ach Pado Sifdeh
Es Bechor ha'Adam v'Es Bechor ha'Behemah ha'Teme'ah
Tifdeh" - perhaps we redeem even firstborn horses and
1. Rejection: "Peter Chamor" - not firstborn horses and
2. Suggestion: Perhaps Kedushas Bechor applies to
horses and camels, the verse limits redemption with
a Seh to Pitrei Chamorim!
3. Rejection: The second "Peter Chamor" excludes other
Tamei animals from any Kedushas Bechor.
(c) Question (Rav Achai): Had the Torah written it only once,
one might have thought that Peter Chamor is a matter that
was bi'Chlal (in the general category of Tamei animals)
and it received a special law (Kedushas Bechor), the law
applies to the entire Klal, including redemption with a
1. Therefore, the second "Peter Chamor" should exclude
other Teme'im from redemption with a Seh, but not
from Kedushas Bechor!
(d) Answer: If so, it would have sufficed to repeat "Chamor
Tifdeh b'Seh" without repeating "Peter";
1. The extra "Peter" teaches that Kedushas Bechor does
not apply to horses and camels.
(e) Question: What is our Tana's source to exclude them?
(f) Answer (Rav Papa): "v'Chol Miknecha Tizachar" is a Klal,
"Shor v'Seh v'Chamor" are Pratim - from a Klal u'Prat we
only learn the Pratim.
(g) R. Yosi argues - it says "u'Peter" in between "Shor
v'Seh" and "Chamor"; this separates (they are not part of
the Klal u'Prat).
1. Chachamim: The "Vav" ("*u*'Peter") connects it.
2. R. Yosi: If so, the Torah should not have written
"Peter" nor the "Vav"!
3. Chachamim: The Torah says "Peter" to separate
between Kedushas ha'Guf and Kedushas Damim, the
"Vav" connects for the sake of the Klal u'Prat.
(a) Question #1: If a cow gave birth to a donkey, and it
resembles its mother in some ways, what is the law?
1. If a sheep born to a goat (or vice-versa) resembles
its mother in some ways, it has Kedushas Bechor
because the child and mother are both Tehorim and
both [can] receive Kedushas ha'Guf - but here, the
mother is Tahor and can receive Kedushas ha'Guf, the
child is Tamei and can receive only Kedushas Damim;
2. Or, since Kedushas Bechor applies to both mother and
child, it becomes Kodesh.
(b) Question #2: If [in Question #1] it becomes Kodesh, what
is the law of a horse born to a donkey?
1. Kedushas Bechor does not apply to a horse, surely it
is not Kodesh;
2. Or, since it is Tamei like its mother, it is Kodesh!
(c) Question #3: If [in Question #2] it becomes Kodesh, what
is the law of a horse born to a cow?
1. Kedushas Bechor does not apply to a horse, surely it
is not Kodesh;
2. Or, resemblance is important (it is always enough to
cause Kedushas Bechor)!
(d) Answer #1 (Beraisa): If a Tahor animal gave birth to a
Tamei animal, it is exempt from Bechorah;
1. If it resembles its mother in some ways, Bechorah
applies to it.
2. Suggestion: This applies even to a horse born to a
cow (because resemblance is important - this answers
all three questions)!
(e) Rejection: No, it applies only to a donkey born to a cow
(this resolves only Question #1).
(f) Answer #2 (Beraisa): If a cow gave birth to a donkey, or
a donkey gave birth to a horse, it is exempt from
1. If it resembles its mother in some ways, Bechorah
applies to it.
2. Suggestion: This applies to both cases (this answers
Questions 1 and 2)!
(g) Rejection: No, it applies only to the first case.
(h) Question: If so, why does it teach about a horse born to
a donkey?
1. It is no Chidush that [without resemblance] it is
exempt from Bechorah - even a donkey born to a cow
is exempt unless there is resemblance, even though
Bechorah applies to both species!
(i) Answer: No, it is a Chidush;
1. One might have thought that a donkey born to a cow
is exempt because they are very different, a cow has
horns and split hooves, a donkey does not;
2. But neither donkeys nor horses have horns or split
hooves, a horse is just a red donkey - the Beraisa
teaches, this is not so.
(j) (Mishnah): Question: May these be eaten?
(k) Question: [After permiting a Tamei born to a Tahor and
forbidding a Tahor born to a Tamei,] the Mishnah says
that what comes from Tamei is Tamei, what comes from
Tahor is Tahor - why must it say this?
(l) Answer: The Tana gives a way to remember the law, so one
will not switch the laws, to say that it depends on the
1. Rather, the Heter to eat depends on the mother.
(m) Question: What is the source of this?
(n) Answer (Beraisa): "Ach Es Zeh Lo Sochelu mi'Ma'alei
ha'Gera umi'Mafrisei ha'Parsah" - there is an animal
which chews the cud and has split hooves, yet it is
forbidden to eat!
1. This is a Tahor animal born to a Tamei animal.
2. Suggestion: Perhaps it is a Tamei born to a Tahor!
i. Question: If so, how would we explain
"mi'Ma'alei ha'Gera umi'Mafrisei ha'Parsah"?
ii. Answer: It means, do not eat a [Tamei] animal
whose mother is Ma'aleh Gera and Mafris Parsah.
3. Rejection: "Gamal Tamei Hu" - it is Tamei, but a
Tamei born to a Tahor is Tahor.
4. R. Shimon says, "Gamal" is written (in Parshas
Shemini) and repeated (in Parshas Re'eh), to forbid
a camel born to a camel, and a camel born to a cow.
(o) Question: How do Chachamim expound "Gamal" and "Gamal"?
(p) Answer: One forbids a camel itself, the other forbids its
(a) Question: What is R. Shimon's source to forbid its milk?
(b) Answer: He learns from "Es ha'Gamal."
1. Chachamim do not expound "Es."
2. (Beraisa): Shimon ha'Amsoni used to expound every
"Es" in the Torah [to include something]. When he
came to "Es Hash-m Elokecha Sira," he found nothing
to include [to be feared like Hash-m].
i. His Talmidim: If so, nor should you expound
"Es" in other places!
ii. R. Shimon: Indeed, I retract them all! Just as
I will receive reward for what I expounded (at
the time, I believed it was true), I will be
rewarded for not expounding.
2. R. Akiva: "*Es* Hash-m Elokecha Sira" includes
Talmidei Chachamim.
(c) Question (Rav Acha): Chachamim learn from "Gamal...
Gamal," R. Shimon learns from "Es ha'Gamal" - otherwise,
we would permit Tamei milk (i.e. of a Tamei animal);
1. Why do we not learn from Sheratzim (that what comes
from something forbidden is forbidden)?
2. (Beraisa): "*ha*'Teme'im*" - this forbids their
brine, soup (the water in which they were cooked),
and Kipah (spices and shredded meat that accumulate
at the bottom of the pot).
(d) Answer #1: We cannot learn from there;
1. [All blood is forbidden, even menstrual blood of
Tahor animals;] in a nursing animal, [what normally
comes out as] menstrual blood is converted into
milk, it is a Chidush that [even Tahor] milk is
2. One might have thought, since a Chidush permits
Tahor milk, also Tamei milk is permitted - the verse
teaches that this is not so.
(e) Question: This is like the opinion (R. Meir) that a
nursing woman (or animal) does not [normally] have Dam
Nidah because it turns to milk;
1. According to the opinion (R. Yosi) that it is
because her limbs are perturbed by the birth, and do
not return to normal until 24 months, how can we
(f) Answer: Normally, anything that comes from a living being
is forbidden; since the Torah permits milk, one might
have thought that it permits even milk of Teme'im -
therefore, the verse is needed.
(g) Question: What is the source that Tahor milk is
(h) Answer #1: Since the Torah forbids Basar b'Chalav (meat
and milk cooked together), we infer that milk by itself
is permitted.
(i) Rejection #1: Perhaps one may not drink milk but it is
permitted to benefit from it, but Basar b'Chalav is Asur
b'Hana'ah (it is forbidden to benefit from it)!
1. This is not like R. Shimon, who permits benefit from
Basar b'Chalav.
(j) Rejection #2: R. Shimon could forbid all milk, and
explain that the verse of Basar b'Chalav is needed to
forbid cooking them together.
(k) Answer #2: Rather, regarding Pesulei ha'Mukdashim
(blemished Korbanos) it says "Tizbach (slaughter)" but do
not shear, [we may eat their] "Basar," but not milk;
1. Inference: Chulin milk is permitted.
(l) Rejection: Perhaps one may not drink Chulin milk but it
is permitted to benefit from it, but milk of Pesulei
ha'Mukdashim is Asur b'Hana'ah!
(m) Answer #3: We learn from "v'Dei Chalev Izim l'Lachmecha
l'Lechem Beisecha v'Chayim l'Na'arosecha" (that one may
subsist on milk)!
(n) Rejection: Perhaps the verse teaches that one will sell
the milk (to Nochrim)!
(o) Answer #4: "v'Es Aseres Charitzei he'Chalav" (David
brought cheese to the leader of 1000 men in the war -
surely, it may be eaten)!
1. Question: Perhaps he brought it to him to sell!
2. Answer: In war, one does not sell food to the enemy!
(p) Answer #5: "Eretz Zavas Chalav u'Devash" - Eretz Yisrael
would not be praised for something forbidden to eat!
(q) Answer #6: "u'Lechu Shivru b'Lo Chesef uv'Lo Mechir Yayin
(r) Question: If we expound "Gamal... Gamal," we should also
expound the repetitions of "Shafan," "Arneves" and
1. Rather, we must say that the entire Parshah was
repeated for the following teaching:
i. (Beraisa - Tana d'vei R. Yishmael): The Parshah
of Tahor and Tamei animals was repeated (in
Parshas Re'eh) on account of Shesu'ah (a
species or mutation that has two backs and two
spines), the birds were repeated on account of
Ra'ah (these were not mentioned in Parshas
2. Also "Gamal" was repeated, we need not expound the
(s) Answer: Even when a Parshah is repeated for a Chidush, if
we can expound other laws from some of the repetitions,
then we do so.
(a) (Beraisa): If a sheep gave birth to a goat (or
vice-versa), it is exempt from Bechorah;
1. If it resembles its mother in some ways, it has
Kedushas Bechor;
2. R. Shimon says, it is not Kodesh unless its head and
majority resemble its mother.
(b) Question: Does R. Shimon require the head and majority to
resemble its mother (or another Kosher animal) to permit
eating it?
1. Perhaps he requires the head and majority only
regarding Bechorah, for it says "Ach Bechor Shor" -
a calf has Kedushas Bechor only if it and its mother
are cattle, but it is permitted to eat it as long as
it is not "Gamal" (even a small resemblance to a cow
2. Or, perhaps he requires the same to eat?
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