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[1] Gemara 23a [line 8]:
[2] Gemara [line 16]:
[3] Rashi 23a DH Mah Ta'am:
The words "l'Rabanan Keivan d'Batlah l'Rebbi Eliezer"
[4] Rashi DH Tzir Tahor:
[5] ibid.:
1a) [line 9] EFER KASHER - the ashes of the Parah Adumah which are Metaher a
person who became Tamei from contact with a corpse 2) [line 28] TUM'AH SERUCHAH - an object that was Tamei but has decayed to such an extent (see next entry) that it no longer carries Tum'ah 3a) [line 29] TUM'AH CHAMURAH - the severe form of Tum'ah; (a) Tum'ah that can be Metamei people and utensils, such as Tum'as Neveilah (RASHI to Chulin 71a, TOSFOS here and to Nazir 50a); (b) Tum'as Masa (Tum'ah that is spread even through carrying the object that is Tamei) (RASHI here) b) [line 29] AD L'GER - [it loses its ability to be Metamei once it has decayed] to [the point that it is no longer fit to be eaten by] a Ger Toshav (a Nochri who has accepted upon himself the seven laws of a Ben Noach). c) [line 29] V'TUM'AH KALAH - the less severe form of Tum'ah: (a) Tum'ah that can be Metamei only foods and drinks (RASHI to Chulin 71a, TOSFOS here and to Nazir 50a). When a Nevelah is not fit to be eaten by a person, it is only Metamei Tumas Ochlin, i.e. it is a Rishon and can make food that touches it into a Sheni. (b) Tum'as Maga (Tum'ah that is spread [only] through touching the object that is Tamei) (RASHI here). Normally, a Neveilah is Metamei b'Masa and b'Maga. When it is no longer fit for human consumption, but it is still fit for dogs to eat, it remains an Av ha'Tumah and is Metamei other objects, but only b'Maga. (c) The RASHBA in Chulin (71a) disagrees with both of these explanations. After it can no longer be eaten by people, a Neveilah is *Tahor*. When Bar Pada says that it retains Tum'ah Kalah, he means that *if* it touches an Av ha'Tum'ah now, it will *become* Tamei just like any other food. d) [line 29] AD L'KELEV - [it loses its ability to be Metamei once it has decayed] to [the point that it is no longer fit to be eaten by even] a dog
4) [line 16] AGAV IMEI - an animal was to be eaten when it was still in the womb of its mother 5) [line 22] AD MECHETZAH - the Am ha'Aretz is suspected of mixing water in the brine *up to almost half* (but not exactly half) 6) [line 28] HA'MAVKIROS - the animals that have just given birth for the first time. 7) [line 32] HILCHESA B'CHULEI PIRKIN BAR M'PELUGTA - The Halachah is like every Mishnah in this chapter (even when expressed by a individual opinion), except where there is [an explicit] argument 8) [line 33] KI NAYIM V'SHACHIV RAV - When Rav was dozing off and sleeping [he said this rule] (see Insights)