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[1] Gemara 7b [line 20]:
[2] Gemara 7b [line 31]:
[3] Gemara 7b [line 40]:
[3] Gemara 7b [line 45]: 1) [line 13] ZEH IY ATAH OCHEL - this one (an animal which is *identical* to a camel that was born from a Kosher animal) you may not eat 2) [line 13] AVAL ATAH OCHEL HA'BA B'SIMAN ECHAD - but you may eat it if it resembles its Kosher mother in some respect (for example, it has a similar foot, hand, or hair) 3) [line 15] TAMEI HA'NOLAD MIN HA'TAHOR, V'IBURO MIN HA'TAHOR - an animal similar in appearance to a non-Kosher animal that was born from a Kosher animal which had been impregnated from a Kosher animal; i.e. both its mother and father were Kosher 4) [line 33] KALUT BEN PARAH - an animal with closed-hooves which was born from a Kosher animal (which, according to Rebbi Shimon, is forbidden to be eaten) 5) [line 39] VELAD TEREIFAH - the offspring of a mother that is a Tereifah and a father that is not a Tereifah (or vice versa)
6) [line 49] D'LO ACHIREI - which are not turbid 8) [line 51] HEVLA D'VISRA HU - it is the heat of the body (that makes the urine thick)
9) [line 4] U'MA'ALU L'YARKONA - and they may be used to heal for jaundice 11) [line 9] DUVSHA, RACHAMANA SHARYEI - honey was specifically permitted by a Gezeras ha'Kasuv (but any substance which is produced in a similar manner is prohibited) 12) [line 11] SHERETZ OF TAMEI - the offspring that non-Kosher flying insects breed 13) [line 13] MAH SHE'OF TAMEI MASHRITZ - that which a non-Kosher flying insect secretes 14) [line 15] GAZIN - a type of locust (RASHI); a type of flying insect (TOSFOS)
15) [line 15] TZIR'IN - hornets 17) [line 23] BEI'EI NINHU - they are testicles 18) [line 24] ZAR'A D'AYALA HU - it is the coalesced semen of the Ayal (gazelle; alternatively, the roe deer or red deer)
19) [line 25] LO MIZDAKEKAH - she refuses to have relations 25) [line 40] KI CHAZINA D'VALA AMRI HAI I'AKLA... - even when we see that a non-Kosher fish swallows a Kosher fish, we should say that the Kosher fish was digested and the Kosher-looking fish found inside was bred by the non-Kosher fish