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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Bava Basra 163


(a) We ask whether the two blank lines (that invalidate a Sh'tar) include the spaces or not.
How does Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak resolve this She'eilah logically?

(b) Rebbi Shabsi in the name of Chizkiyah requires the two lines space to be the size of the witnesses' script, and not that of the Sofer.
Why is that?
What is the difference between the two scripts?

(a) Rebbi Yitzchak ben Elazar (who incorporates a case where a 'Lamed' on the second line reaches a final 'Chaf' on the higher one) gives the Shiur of space as 'Lech' 'Lech' written one on top of the other. What is the significance of these two letters?

(b) Rebbi Chiya bar Ami in the name of Ula gives the Shiur as a 'Lamed' above and a 'Chaf' below.
What is the difference between the two opinions?

(c) According to Rebbi Avahu the Shiur of two lines is equivalent to one line and two spaces.
What example does he give for this?

(a) Rav differentiates between the previous Din where the two lines space is left between the contents of the Sh'tar and the witnesses' signatures, and where the space is left between the signatures and the Asharta.
What is an Asharta?

(b) On what grounds does he validate the latter case?

(c) Then why can they not do the same thing between the Sh'tar and the witnesses signatures?

(d) Why are we not then afraid that the Beis-Din too, will sign on the ink mark?

(a) We query the previous statement of Rav (validating a two-line space between the witnesses' signatures and the Asharta) however, on the suspicion that he might then be tempted to cut off the top half of the Sh'tar, erase the ink-mark and fill in the space with whatever suits him.
What did Rav say with regard to a Sh'tar that is written and signed on erased parchment?

(b) This Kashya is based on Rav Tivyumi's text of that statement, but does not present a problem according to Rav Kahana.
Why is that? What is their Machlokes?

(c) How do we answer the Kashya?

Answers to questions



(a) Rebbi Yochanan takes the exact opposite view from Rav.
What does he say with regard to one blank line between the witnesses' signatures and the Asharta?

(b) Why is that?

(c) Then why does he concede that one line between the Sh'tar and the witnesses' signatures is Kasher?

(d) Why is that?

(a) What do we then ask on Rebbi Yochanan from a regular Sh'tar with the last line blank and the witnesses' signatures underneath? How will he then verify the Sh'tar?

(b) How do we answer this Kashya?

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