prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Bava Basra 160
***** Perek Get Pashut *****
(a) Our Mishnah states 'Get Pashut Eidav mi'Tocho'. What is a 'Get
(b) What is a Get Mekushar? How is it written?
(c) How does our Mishnah distinguish between a Get Pashut and a Get
(a) What will be the Din if one confused the two, according to the Tana
Kama, and signed the witness on the outside of a Get Pashut or on the inside
of a Get Mekushar?
(b) On what grounds does Rebbi Chanina ben Gamliel validate the latter?
(c) Raban Shimon ben Gamliel is the easiest going of all. What does he
(d) What is the minimum number of witnesses who must sign on a ...
- ... Get Pashut?
- ... Get Kashur?
(a) A Get Kere'ach by a Get Mekushar is Pasul, too. What is a 'Get
(b) What is the 'Pashut she'bi'Mekushar'?
Answers to questions
(a) What does Rebbi Chanina learn from the double expression in the Pasuk in
Yirmiyah ...
- ... "Sados ba'Kesef Yiknu ve'Chasov ba'Sefer, ve'Chasom"?
- ... "ve'Ha'ed Eidim"?
(b) What does Rafram learn from the Pasuk there ...
- ... "va'Ekach es Seifer ha'Miknah es he'Chasum ... ve'es ha'Galuy"?
- ... "ha'Mitzvah ve'ha'Chukim"?
(c) From which Pasuk in the Torah (in Shoftim) does Rami bar Yechezkel learn
the two Sh'taros?
(d) According to all three opinions, how do we know that it is a Get
Mekushar that requires three witnesses and a Get Pashut, two, and not
(a) On what common ground do we query all three sources for the two kinds of
(b) What do we learn from the Pasuk ...
- ... "Sados ba'Kesef Yiknu ... " (see Rabeinu Gershom)?
- ... "va'Ekach es Seifer ha'Miknah ... "?
- ... "al-Pi Shenayim Eidim ... "?
(a) In that case, the Pesukim are an 'Asmachta' and Get Mekushar is a
Takanas Chachamim. Why did they institute it?
(b) What did they expect to gain with this Takanah?
(c) Why did they extend the Takanah to cover all Sh'taros, seeing as the
reason is confined to Gitin?
(a) According to Rav Huna, the witness would sign on a Get Mekushar between
one knot and the next (i.e. on the blank space). What does Rebbi Yirmiyah
bar Aba say?
(b) How do we initially understand Rav Huna's statement?
(c) When a Get Mekushar was brought before Rebbi, and he expressed surprise
that it did not contain a date, what did his son Rebbi Shimon suggest?
(d) What did Rebbi do to expose the date?
(a) How does Rami bar Chama query Rav Huna from the previous episode with
(b) What did Rav Chisda reply?
(a) What problem do we have with Rav Huna, bearing in mind that the
witnesses signed at the back of the blank space, leaving the latter part of
the Sh'tar unsigned?
(b) Why is this not a problem according to Rebbi Yirmiyah bar Aba?
(c) How do we answer the Kashya on Rav Huna?
(d) Why are we then not afraid that he will add a clause on to the end of
the Sh'tar and conclude with a second Sh'rir ve'Kayam?
(a) What are we still afraid of, even if one writes only one Sh'rir
(b) We answer with a statement by Rebbi Yochanan. What does Rebbi Yochanan
say about a Sh'tar that has a word or two that are 'hanging' between the
lines? Under which conditions is this Kasher?
(c) And what does he say about a Sh'tar that has a word or two rubbed out?
(a) If some words on a Sh'tar are erased, is the Sh'tar up to the erased
words Kasher (see Rashash)?
(b) Under which circumstances is the entire Sh'tar Kasher, even if one or
two words have been erased?
Answers to questions
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