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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Bava Basra 158


(a) Our Mishnah discusses a case where the house fell on a man and his wife, and we do not know for sure who died first.
What is the bone of contention between the man's heirs and his wife's?

(b) What is the difference between Nechsei Milug and Nechsei Tzon Barzel?

(c) Why must the Tana be speaking when they no common children?

(a) Beis Shamai say 'Yachloku'.
What are they referring to (see Rabeinu Gershom)?

(b) Who inherits ...

  1. ... the woman's Kesuvah?
  2. ... the Nechsei Milug?
(c) What are Beis Hillel referring to when they say 'Nechasim be'Chezkasan'?
(a) Rebbi Elazar explains 'be'Chezkasan' of Beis Hillel to mean in the Chazakah of the woman's heirs.
What does Rebbi Yochanan say?

(b) What is their bone of contention? Why, according to Rebbi Yochanan, is Nechsei Tzon Barzel different than Nechsei Milug?

(c) What does Resh Lakish say in the name of bar Kapara?

(d) What does the Beraisa cited by bar Kapara say?

Answers to questions



(a) Our Mishnah now discusses a case where the house fell on Yosef and his mother Rachel, and again, it is not clear who died first.
Who is now arguing over who died first?

(b) Why, according to the Tana Kama, do even Beis Hillel concede here that 'Yachloku'?

(c) What would be the Din if Rachel had another son [Binyamin] from another man, who was now arguing with Reuven over who died first?

(a) Rebbi Akiva disagrees. He holds that here too, Nechasim be'Chezkasan'. Bearing in mind that he has not spoken earlier in this Sugya, why does he say 'Modeh Ani'?

(b) What did ben Azai comment following Rebbi Akiva's statement?

(a) Rebbi Ila interprets 'be'Chezkasan' of the Tana Kama to mean 'be'Chezkas Yorshei ha'Eim'.
What does Rebbi Zeira say?

(b) What is the reasoning of ...

  1. ... Rebbi Ila?
  2. ... Rebbi Zeira?
(c) At which stage did Rebbi Zeira change his mind, to hold like Rebbi Ila?
What did this prompt him to declare?
7) What did Rebbi Simlai extrapolate from the fact that ben Azai said to Rebbi Akiva 'she'Basa ... '? What should he otherwise have said?


(a) They sent from Eretz Yisrael 'Ben she'Lavah be'Nechsei Aviv be'Chayei Aviv, u'Meis, B'no Motzi mi'Yad ha'Lekuchos'.
What is the problem with this statement?

(b) How do we therefore amend it?

(c) Why does this statement not belong in this Sugya? Where does it really belong?

(d) What is the basis of this ruling?

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