prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Bava Basra 151
BAVA BASRA 151 - Dedicated by Dr. and Mrs. Moshe & Rivka Snow of Queens,
N.Y., in memory of Rabbis Israel Snow and Baruch Mayer Rabinowitz -- both of
whose Yahrzeits are 8 Elul.
(a) The Mishnah in Shekalim discusses a case where someone declares his
property (Nechasav) Hekdesh. According to Rebbi Eliezer, what must he do
with animals that are fit to go on the Mizbe'ach if they are ...
- ... male?
- ... female?
(b) And what must he do with wine, oil and birds that are fit to go on the
(c) What do we prove from these two Halachos?
(d) And what does the Mishnah there say about the Makdish's Tefilin? What
does this prove?
(a) One is not generally permitted to sell a Sefer-Torah (which means that
it does have any monetary value). Why may it nevertheless be included in
(b) What is the outcome of this She'eilah?
(c) Why did the mother of Rav Zutra bar Tuvya write all her property to her
son? What did she say when she did?
(d) What did Rav Bibi bar Abaye rule when, after she divorced, she claimed
her property back from her son?
(a) What did Rav Huna B'rei de'Rav Yehoshua have to say about Rav Bibi bar
(b) When he said 'even those who hold that 'Mavrachas' acquires, will agree
here that Rav Zutra bar Tuvya did not, to whom did he refer?
(c) Why can he not have been referring to the case of Rav Shmuel bar Aba
from Akrunya in Perek ha'Chovel, where they ruled that the purchaser of the
property that the wife sold him was entitled to keep it?
(d) On what grounds did he refute Rav Bibi bar Abaye's ruling? What is the
difference between this case and that of the Rabbanan of Raban Shimon ben
(a) In the evening, the mother of Rami bar Chama wrote her property to her
son Rami and in the morning she wrote it to her other son Rav Ukva (though
others reverse the times). What did Rav Nachman do (after Rav Sheishes had
placed the property in the Reshus of Rami bar Chama), that caused Rav
Sheishes to object?
(b) Rav Nachman justified his ruling, despite the fact that the mother had
died, by citing Shmuel. What principle did Shmuel teach concerning a
Shechiv-Mera retracting?
(c) What did Rav Nachman reply when Rav Sheishes suggested that this was
confined to where the Shiyur was for the benefit of the Shechiv-Mera
himself, but not when it was for the benefit of a third person?
(a) In a similar case cited in Kesuvos involving the same characters, Rav
Sheishes and Rav Nachman issued the same rulings. The outcome of the Sugya
there however, is 'Shuda de'Dayna. What is 'Shuda de'Dayna'?
(b) Why does the ruling there differ from the ruling here?
(c) What is the reason for that ruling? What might we otherwise have
(a) Before she died, the mother of Rav Amram Chasida stated that a Melugma
di'Shetara should go to her son. What is a 'Melugma di'Shetara'?
(b) What did Rav Nachman reply when Rav Amram's brother complained, and
after it was ascertained that Rav Amram had not made a Meshichah to acquire
the Sh'taros?
(c) In the morning, Rav Achdevu'i bar Masna's sister declared her property
in his domain; in the evening, his brother came to plead with her. What
did he say?
(d) How did she react to that?
(e) What did Rav Nachman rule?
Answers to questions
(a) What did Rav Dimi bar Yosef's sister used to do with her piece of
vineyard whenever when she fell ill?
(b) What else did she own?
(c) Why did he eventually refuse to accept the gift?
(a) Under what condition did he ultimately accept her next offer and acquire
the piece of vineyard?
(b) What happened following Rav Dimi's sister's recovery?
(c) What did Rav Nachman threaten to do, when, Rav Dimi refused to appear
before Beis-Din?
(d) On what grounds did Rav Nachman substantiate the sister's claim, in
spite of Rav Dimi's precautions?
(a) What did Mar Zutra B'rei de'Rav Nachman say in his father's name about a
Matnas Shechiv-Mera be'Miktzas? In what way does it resemble ...
- ... a Matnas Bari?
- ... a Matnas Shechiv-Mera?
(b) What did Rava have to say about the fact that Mar Zutra quoted the above
Halachah in the name of his father?
(c) So how did Rava amend the ruling? What had Rav Nachman really said?
(d) Is there any difference regarding a Matnas Shechiv-Mera be'Miktzas,
between whether the Shechiv-Mera recovered or died?
(a) How does Rav Nachman then explain our Mishnah 'Shiyer Karka Kol-she'Hu
Matanaso Matanah', from which Rava queried him?
(b) To answer Rava's Kashya from the Seifa 'Lo Shiyer Karka Kol-she'Hu, Ein
Matanaso Kayemes', which seems hard to understand, if the Tana is talking
when the Shechiv-Mera made a Kinyan, Rav Nachman cites Shmuel. What did
Shmuel say in this regard?
(a) Rav Mesharshaya asked Rava from the Beraisa concerning the mother of the
sons of Ruchel, who bequeathed her brooch worth twelve Manah to her
daughter. What did the Rabbanan rule there?
(b) How do we know that no Kinyan had taken place?
(c) Then what was Rav Mesharshaya's Kashya?
(d) And what did Rava reply?
(a) Ravina asked Rava from the Beraisa. What does the Tana there say about
a case where someone died after saying ...
- ... 'T'nu Get Zeh le'Ishti, u'Sh'tar Shichrur Zeh le'Avdi'? What is the reason for this ruling?
- ... 'T'nu Manah li'Peloni'?
(b) How do we know that the Seifa is speaking when no Kinyan was made?
(c) Then how does Rava answer Ravina, when he asked him from the ruling in
the Seifa, bearing in mind that 'Matnas Shechiv-Mera be'Miktzas without a
Kinyan is not Koneh?
(d) Rav Huna B'rei de'Rav Yehoshua disagrees. If, as he explains, even
Metzaveh Machmas Miysah requires a Kinyan, how will *he* explain the
Beraisa's ruling?
We finally rule like Rav Huna B'rei de'Rav Yehoshua regarding Matnas
Shechiv-Mera be'Miktzas. What do we rule with regard to Metzaveh Machmas
Miysah ...
- ... if the Shechiv-Mera died?
- ... if he recovered?
Answers to questions
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