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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Bava Basra 118

BAVA BASRA 118 (7 Av) - has been dedicated to the memory of Dr. Simcha Bekelnitzky (Simcha Gedalya ben Shraga Feibush) of Queens, N.Y., by his wife and daughters on his fifth Yahrzeit. G-dfearing and knowledgeable, Simcha was well known in the community for his Chesed and Tzedakah. He will long be remembered.


(a) What did Abaye reply when Rav Papa also asked him on what grounds, according to Rebbi Yonasan ...
  1. ... the B'nos Tz'lofchad complained, seeing as Tz'lofchad was not destined to receive a portion in Eretz Yisrael anyway (so even if he had had a son, he would not have received anything in his stead)?
  2. ... the B'nei Yosef complained, seeing as they received a portion according to their numbers, just like all the other tribes?
(b) How else could Abaye have justifiably answered the Kashya?

(c) According to Rebbi Yonasan, how many portions did the B'nos Tz'lofchad receive?

(a) What does Abaye extrapolate from the fact that the Torah only the complaints of the daughters of Tz'lofchad and the B'nei Yosef?

(b) Is Abaye suggesting that (according to those who hold 'le'Yotz'ei Mitzrayim Nischalkah') nobody under twenty left Egypt, who would have had no portion when they entered the Land?

(c) On what grounds do we refute Abaye's proof?

(a) How do we know that the complaints of the B'nei Yosef got them nowhere?

(b) Then why does the Navi record them?

(a) What did Yehoshua advise the B'nei Yosef to do (if not to capture land that they did not yet own)?

(b) How did the B'nei Yosef respond to Yehoshua's advice?

(c) How does Rebbi Avahu 'amend' the Pasuk in Va'yechi "Ben Poras Yosef, Ben Poras Alei Ayin"?

(d) Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina learns the same D'rashah from another Pasuk in the same Parshah.
Which Pasuk?

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(a) What does Ula learn from the Pasuk in Sh'lach-Lecha "vi'Yehoshua bin Nun ve'Kalev ben Yefuneh Chayu min ha'Anashim ha'Heim"?

(b) How do we know that the Pasuk is not simply coming to teach us that the ten Meraglim died, but *they* lived?

(c) What problem do we have with the Beraisa that we quoted earlier 'Mislonenim (whom we initially assume to mean the grumblers in Parshas Beha'aloscha) va'Adas Korach Lo Hayah Lahem Cheilek ba'Aretz'?

(a) The source of the Machlokes Tana'im is based on another Pasuk in Pinchas "Avinu Meis ba'Midbar ... ".
Whom did the daughters of Tz'lofchad have in mind when they continued "ve'Hu Lo Hayah ...
  1. ... be'Soch ha'Eidah"?
  2. ... ha'No'adim al Hashem"?
(b) Whom else did they mention?

(c) What is now the basis of the Machlokes Tana'im?

(d) Rav Papa asked Abaye whether, according to the Tana who does compare the Mislonenim, as well as the congregation of Korach, to the Adas Meraglim, does this mean that Yehoshua and Kalev inherited the whole (such a large chunk) of Eretz Yisrael.
What did Abaye reply?

(a) How many Batei Avos (clans) does the Pasuk in Yehoshua list for the tribe of Menasheh?

(b) Assuming that this comprises the six main Batei Avos and the four portions of the B'nos Tz'lofchad, what problem does Rav Papa have with this according to Rebbi Yonasan (who holds 'le'Ba'ei ha'Aretz Nischalkah')?

(c) Abaye retorted that seeing as the B'nos Tz'lofchad inherited only *three* portions, the Pasuk should have listed only *nine* Batei Avos.
How did Abaye use this Kashya to answer Rav Papa's Kashya as well?

(a) Darshening the Pasuk in Pinchas, the Beraisa interprets "Nason Titen Lahem" to refer to the Cheilek Pashut of their father's inheritance. In the same light, how does the Tana Darshen ...
  1. ... "be'Soch Achei Avihen"?
  2. ... "ve'Ha'avarta es Nachalas Avihen Lahen"?
(b) And what does Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov Darshen from ...
  1. ... "Nason Titen Lahem ... " (the double expression)?
  2. ... " ... *Achuzas* Nachalah" (according to Rebbi Yonasan)?
(c) Although the Tana Kama agrees with Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov (that the B'nos Tz'lofchad received at least one portion of an uncle), why does he not want to learn it from the same source as Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov?

(d) Seeing as the Pasuk is listing Batei Avos, on what grounds does it incorporate the B'nos Tz'lofchad, who were five private heirs (out of many) belonging to the Beis-Av of Chefer? What does the Torah want to teach us with this?

9) Does the Tana Kama of this Beraisa hold 'le'Yotz'ei Mitzrayim Nischalkah' or 'le'Ba'ei ha'Aretz Nischalkah'?

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