prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Bava Basra 94
BAVA BASRA 91-95 - Sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor.
Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and
prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.
(a) Another Beraisa states that if Reuven sells Shimon grain, he must accept
a Rova (a quarter of a Kav) of legumes per Sa'ah and a Rova of chaff per
Sa'ah of barley. What must he accept for each Sa'ah of lentils that he
(b) We initially assume that, seeing as grain and barley grow from the
ground just like lentils, they too, must accept a Rova of dirt (a Kashya on
Rav Ketina). Then why does the Tana mention it specifically by lentils?
(c) We refute this however, concluding that the Rova of dirt applies
exclusively to lentils. Why is that? Why must someone who purchases
lentils expect more dirt than the others?
(d) Is it then proven that, since the Tana mentions a Rova of dirt
specifically by lentils, in the case of wheat and barley, one is not
obligated to accept a Rova of dirt (a proof for Rav Huna)?
(a) What does Rav Huna say about a case where Shimon begins cleaning the
crops that he purchased from Reuven, and discovers that they contain more
than a Rova of Tinofes per Sa'ah?
(b) What if Shimon finds exactly a Rova, and cleans it out, claiming that he
is particular. Can he demand that Reuven reimburses him for the Rova?
(c) What is the reason for Rav Huna's ruling, assuming it is based on ...
- ... logic (Mamon)?
- ... a K'nas?
(d) What difference does it make whether it is Mamon or K'nas?
(a) The Beraisa requires the owner of a Sa'ah of crops, among which a Rova
of another species is growing, to pull out the excess of a Rova. According
to Rabeinu Chananel, the Tana is referring to when the owner is permitted to
initially sow the Sa'ah of crops. How else might we interpret his ruling?
(b) On the assumption that a Rova of another species by Kil'ayim is Chashuv
like more than a Rova of Tinofes in a sale, what Kashya does this pose on
Rav Huna (according to the Lashon that it is a Din Mamon)? Why is it even a
'Kal va'Chomer'?
(c) We answer that in fact, a Rova by Kil'ayim is not any more Chashuv than
a Rova in our Sugya. In that case, why is the owner obligated to remove the
excess in the first place?
(a) What does Rebbi Yossi say in the Beraisa of Kil'ayim?
(b) Why would it have been easy to establish his reasoning according to our
initial interpretation of the Tana Kama (equating a Rova by Kil'ayim with
more than a Rova by Mechirah)?
(c) How do we nevertheless establish his reason according to our current
understanding of the Tana Kama?
(d) Is maintaining Kil'ayim a La'av d'Oraysa or mi'de'Rabbanan?
Answers to questions
(a) The Tana Kama in the Mishnah in ha'Mafkid rules that in a case where
Reuven and Shimon deposited with Levi, one a Manah and the other, two
hundred Zuz, and each one claims two hundred, Levi gives each one a Manah.
What happens to the third Manah?
(b) What Kashya does this pose on Rav Huna (according to the Lashon that it
is a Din K'nas)?
(c) How do we differentiate between the two cases. Why is there less
reason to penalize even the Heter there, than there is here?
(a) What does Rebbi Yossi say in the Mishnah in ha'Mafkid?
(b) Why might Rebbi Yossi agree with Rav Huna? On what grounds is there more
reason to penalize even the Heter there, than there is here?
(a) Rebbi Meir in the Beraisa invalidates a Sh'tar that contains Ribis even
as regards claiming the actual debt. Why does this not corroborate Rav
Huna's ruling, that Chazal penalized the Heter because of the Isur?
(b) What do the Chachamim say there?
(c) Why does this not pose a Kashya on Rav Huna?
(a) How many ...
- ... Sa'ah comprise a Kur?
- ... Kabin comprise a Sa'ah?
(b) What will be the Din if Reuven stipulates 'Beis-Kur Afar Ani Mocher
Lach, Midah be'Chevel', and adds 'Hein Chaser Hein Yeser'? How many Kabin
would that allow for per Kur?
(c) What does the Beraisa quoted by Ravin bar Rav Nachman say about a
shortfall or an excess of more than a Rova?
(d) Why is there no proof from this Beraisa for Rav Huna, that we fine the
Heter because of the Isur? Why is that case worse than that of Rav Huna in
this regard?
Answers to questions
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