prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Bava Basra 42
BAVA BASRA 41 & 42 - these Dafim have been dedicated anonymously l'Iluy
Nishmas Tzirel Nechamah bas Tuvya Yehudah.
(a) What does the Mishnah in Get Pashut say about Reuven who lends Shimon
money ...
- ... with a Sh'tar?
- ... with witnesses?
(b) To answer Rav (who just said that a purchaser who buys a field with
witnesses may claim from Meshubadim), we apply the principle that Rav is a
Tana who has the power to dispute a Mishnah. On what grounds do we reject
this suggestion? What did Rav and Shmuel say that refutes it?
(c) How do we then reconcile Rav's two statements?
(d) What is the reason for the distinction between a sale and a loan?
(a) What does the Beraisa say about someone established one year of
Chazakah, and his son, the other two or vice-versa, or if a purchaser
established the third year?
(b) How do we extrapolate from the fact that the purchaser can finalize the
Chazakah, that when someone buys from a Yoresh, there is a Kol?
(c) What does the Tana of another Beraisa say about someone who established
a Chazakah one year in front of the original owner and two in front of his
son, or vice-versa, or a third year in front of someone who purchased the
field from the son?
(d) Why does the second Beraisa appear to clash with the first one?
(a) How does Rav Papa establish the second Beraisa, to reconcile it with the
first one?
(b) Why can the purchaser not claim that he bought the field in question
together with all the other fields?
(a) What does the Tana say about 'Umnin, Shutfin, Arisin and Apotropsin'?
What do they have in common?
(b) In what way does the Chazakah of Umnin differ from the other three?
(c) What is the reason for this distinction?
(d) What sort of Metaltelin is the Tana talking about?
(a) Rabeinu Gershom precludes 'Umnin' from the text. Why is that?
(b) Why will Chazakah not be effective in the case of ...
- ... Shutfin?
- ... Arisin?
What is the Tana referring to when he rules that ...
- ... a man cannot establish a Chazakah on his wife's property?
- ... a woman cannot establish a Chazakah on her husband's property?
(a) The Tana finally inserts the case of a father on the property of his son
and vice-versa in the list of those who cannot establish a Chazakah on the
other's property. Why is that?
(b) And what does the Tana, in conclusion, say about a donor who gives a
gift and brothers who divide their property? What do they have in common?
(c) Which third case does he add to this list?
(d) Each of these acquires the property in question by means of 'Na'al,
Paratz ve'Gadar'. What is ...
- ... 'Na'al'?
- ... 'Gadar'?
- ... 'Paratz'?
Answers to questions
(a) Shmuel and Levi included Shutaf ('ha'Shutfin') in our Mishnah, but not
Uman ('ha'Umnin'), as we explained there. What is Shmuel's version of our
(b) Shmuel follows his reasoning in another statement, where he adds that
Shutfin can also testify for each other and that they are Shomrei Sachar on
each other. What does he mean when he says that they ...
- ... can testify for each other?
- ... are Shomrei Sachar on each other?
(c) Rebbi Aba asked Rav Yehudah how Shmuel could say this, seeing as
elsewhere, he described a Shutaf as one who goes down to the field with
permission. What did Rav Yehudah reply?
(d) What is the S'vara to say that he establishes a Chazakah on ...
- ... the entire field (but not on half of it)?
- ... half the field (but not on all of it)?
(a) Ravina establishes both statements of Shmuel when the Shutaf established
the Chazakah on the entire field. In which case will his Chazakah then not
be valid?
(b) At the beginning of the Perek we discussed a case where the Shifchah
that Rami bar Chama and his brother Rav Ukva purchased worked alternate
years for each one. Why was that not necessary according to Ravina?
(c) Then why did they do it?
(a) We cited Shmuel, who said 'Shutaf ke'Yored bi'Reshus Dami'. What is
this equivalent to?
(b) So why did he not say this and not 'Shutaf Yesh Lo Chazakah'?
(c) Does this ruling extend to a field that is not supposed to have been
(d) What would be the Din in a case where Reuven planted in Shimon's field
without permission?
Answers to questions
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