prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Bava Basra 13
BAVA BASRA 13 (20 Nisan) - Today's Daf has been sponsored by Martin Fogel of
Carlsbad, California in memory of his father, Yaakov ben Shlomo Fogel, on
the day of his Yahrzeit.
(a) According to Rav Yehudah, if a shared Chatzer or room ... is not large
enough to divide (as we learned in our Mishnah) - the Din of 'Gud O Agud'
comes into effect. What does this mean?
(b) What does Rav Nachman say?
(c) Rava asked Rav Nachman what a Bechor and a Pashut will do, according to
him, if their father left them an Eved or a non-Kasher animal. What did he
(a) According to Beis-Hillel in the Mishnah in Iduyos, a half-Eved, half
ben-Chorin, serves his master one day, and is free, the next. On what
grounds do Beis-Shamai disagree with this? Which Pasuk in Yeshayah serves as
the basis for their argument?
(b) So what does one do, according to them?
(c) What did Beis Hillel say to that?
(d) How does Rav Yehudah reconcile his opinion (of 'Gud O Agud') with this
(a) What does another Mishnah in Iduyos say about two brothers, one rich and
one poor, who inherit a bathhouse or an oil-press, if they are ...
- ... for renting out?
- ... for personal use? What can the rich brother say to the poor one?
(b) How will Rav Yehudah explain this Mishnah? Why does the Tana not
advocate 'Gud O Agud'?
Answers to questions
(a) We learned in our Mishnah that if, after dividing 'a dining-room' ... 'a
dove-cot' ... , each half retains its identity, they divide it; otherwise,
they assess it monetarily'. What does this mean? On whom does it pose a
(b) We answer that 'Gud O Agud' is in fact a Machlokes Tana'im. What does
the Tana Kama in the Beraisa say in a case where Reuven says to Shimon 'You
take the Shiur Chatzer (or whatever) and I will take the rest'?
(c) Raban Shimon ben Gamliel says 'Ein Shom'in Lo'. Why do we object to
the text of the Beraisa as it stands?
(d) So how do we attempt to amend it? What does this prove?
(a) On what basis do we reinstate the original version of the Beraisa
(leaving the proof for Rav Yehudah from our Mishnah intact)? On what grounds
might Shimon well refuse Reuven's offer to take the Shiur Chatzer, leaving
himself with the remainder?
(b) Our Mishnah concludes 've'Kisvei ha'Kodesh, Af-al-Pi she'Sheneihem
Rotzim, Lo Yachloku'. How does Shmuel qualify this statement?
(c) On what basis do we try and prove from here that Shmuel holds like Rav
Yehudah (his Talmid)? What must we assume, in order to say that?
(d) How do we refute this proof?
(a) Ameimar ruled that we do say 'Gud O Agud'. What did he mean when he
told Rav Ashi when, following the latter's query what he will do with Rav
Nachman, he replied 'Lo Shemi'a Li'?
(b) What do we know about the two Shefachos that Rav Chinena left his two
sons Rava and Rav Dimi?
(c) What did Rava rule, when they came before him (and one of them wanted to
make use of 'Gud O Agud')?
(a) How do we reconcile Ameimar with Rava's ruling?
(b) Then why did Shmuel rule in the case of Kisvei Kodesh 'Yachloku', even
though there too, they both wanted both Sefarim?
(a) Rebbi Meir in a Beraisa permits writing Torah, Nevi'im and Kesuvim in
one volume. What does Rebbi Yehudah say?
(b) The Chachamim are the most stringent of all. What do they say?
(c) Rav Yehudah Amar Rav related that Bitus ben Zonin had owned one volume
containing eight Nevi'im (though the Chachamim claim that they were all
separate volumes). Under whose auspices did he do that?
(d) What did Rebbi relate? What did they bring before him and his
colleagues, which they subsequently declared Kasher?
(a) The Beraisa requires a space of four rows between each Chumash of Torah.
How much space must one leave between each Navi ...
- ... in Nevi'im?
- ... of the T'rei-Asar (the twelve minor prophets)?
(b) What does the Tana then mean when he adds 'u'Mesayem mi'Lematah
u'Maschil mi'Lema'alah'?
(c) Another Beraisa permits writing Torah, Nevi'im and Kesuvim together in
one volume. In what way would such a Sefer differ in looks from our
(d) How much space must the Sofer then leave blank ...
- ... at the beginning of the Sefer?
- ... at the end?
(a) The Beraisa concludes 'u'Mesayem mi'Lematah u'Maschil mi'Lema'alah,
ve'Im Ba La'chtoch, Chotech. What problem do we have with the final
(b) How do we amend it to answer the Kashya?
Answers to questions
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