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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Bava Basra 4

BAVA BASRA 3-5 - sponsored by Harav Ari Bergmann of Lawrence, N.Y., out of love for Torah and those who study it.


(a) What did Bava ben Buta reply, when Hurdus came to him incognito, and ...
  1. ... asked him to curse 'that wicked slave'?
  2. ... claimed that he was not a king?
  3. ... insisted that he was not 'Oseh Ma'aseh Amcha'?
  4. ... pointed out that there was nobody else but them present, and that he could speak his mind freely?
(b) How did Hurdus respond to Bava ben Buta's refusal to indict him?

(c) According to the first Lashon, Bava ben Buta advised him to kindle the light of the world (that he had extinguished with the killing of the Sanhedrin).
How does the second Lashon put it?

(d) What did he advise him to do, to allay his fears that the Romans would certainly not grant him permission to rebuild the Beis Hamikdash?

(a) How did the Romans react to Hurdus request? How did they refer to him?

(b) What does 'Reicha' mean?

(c) We learn this from one of two sources; one of them, a Pasuk in Shmuel "Anochi Ha'yom Rach u'Mashu'ach Melech" (said by Shlomoh); the other is a Pasuk in Miketz.
Which Pasuk?

(d) What did they mean when they said 'Avda K'lanya Mis'aved'?

(a) What did people say about the Beis-Hamikdash that Hurdus built?

(b) He built it with green (or blue) and white marble, says Rava.
Why did ...

  1. ... he stagger the rows?
  2. ... they object when he wanted to overlay it with gold?
(c) In what way do we query Bava ben Buta? From whom should he have taken his cue?

(d) Daniel was punished, says Rav Yehudah Amar Rav (or Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi), for offering Nevuchadnetzar good advice.
What did he advise him to do? What was the result of that advice?

(a) Perhaps Bava ben Buta issued Hurdus with the above advice (in spite of Rav Yehudah Amar Rav [or Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi]), because a slave (Hurdus), unlike a Nochri (Nevuchadnetzar), is obligated to keep the Mitzvos.
On what other grounds do we vindicate Bava ben Buta?

(b) Daniel's punishment is evident, if we explain that Daniel was called 'Hasach' (in Megilas Esther "Va'tikra Esther le'Hasach"), because he was cut him down from his greatness (from the word 'Chatach', to cut).
What other ramifications does the name 'Hasach' have?

(c) According to this interpretation of his name, in what way was Daniel punished for advising Nevuchadnetzar?

(a) After listing the various walls that the Shutfim are obligated to build, the Mishnah concludes 'ha'Kol ke'Minhag ha'Medinah'. This comes to include a place where the Minhag is to build a partition of Hutza ve'Dafna.
What is 'Hutza ve'Dafna'?

(b) And the Tana continues 'Lefichach, Im Nafal ha'Kosel, ha'Makom ve'ha'Avanim shel Sheneihem'. Is it not obvious that since, to begin with, they provided the space and the bricks equally, they subsequently share them, should it collapse? How do we establish the Mishnah to answer this Kashya?

(c) What do we initially infer from the Mishnah ...

  1. ... 've'Chein be'Ginah, Makom she'Nahagu li'Ge'dor, Mechayvin Oso'?
  2. ... 'Aval Bik'ah, Makom she'Nahagu she'Lo Li'gedor, Ein Mechayvin Oso'?
(d) How do these two inferences clash?
(a) Abaye therefore amends the Mishnah to read 've'Chein S'tam Ginah, u've'Makom she'Nahagu Li'gedor be'Bik'ah, Mechayvin Oso'.
On what grounds does Rava object to Abaye's explanation? Which word in the Seifa of our Mishnah bothers Rava?

(b) How does Rava therefore amend the Mishnah?

(c) 'Ela Im Ratzah, our Mishnah stated, 'Ko'nes le'Toch she'Lo, u'Boneh ve'Oseh Chazis'.
How does Rav Huna define 'Chazis'?

(a) In the first Lashon, Rav Huna explains that Reuven builds the Chazis on the outside (the far side of the wall that borders Shimon's field).
Why not on his own side?

(b) By the same token, why are we not worried that now too, Shimon will lop off the Chazis and claim that the wall is joint property?

(c) According to Rav Huna in the second Lashon, Reuven builds the Chazis on the inside (his own side), because otherwise, Shimon will lop off the Chazis and claim that the wall is joint property.
By the same token, why are we not worried that he will attach his own Chazis and make the same claim?

(d) But how can Rav Huna argue with our Mishnah, which writes explicitly 'mi'ba'Chutz'?

Answers to questions



(a) Rebbi Yochanan interprets 'Chazis' as Neshayeih be'Amsa le'Bar'.
What does he mean by that?

(b) Why not from the inside?

(c) Then why are we not afraid that now too, he will scrape off the lime from his side of the wall?

(a) How does Rav Nachman define a Chazis in the case of a partition of palm and laurel branches?

(b) Abaye disagrees.
What does he consider the only safe method to employ to ensure that the partner who puts up a partition gets it back should it collapse?

(c) Where they built the wall jointly, the Tana rules that both partners must build a Chazis.
Why is that? Would it not be more logical for neither to build one?

(a) What problem do we have with the current ruling?

(b) But is the entire Din of Chazis not coming to teach us how to handle a swindler?

(c) How does Ravina answer the Kashya? What is the Chidush in the Seifa?

(a) The Tana Kama of our Mishnah rules that if Reuven, whose fields surround Shimon's on three sides, builds a wall on all three sides dividing between his fields and Shimon's, the latter is not obligated to share the costs. Why is that (according to the Hagahah)?

(b) Why can the reason not be because it is customary not to build partition walls in a valley (as we learned in our Mishnah)?

(c) What does Rebbi Yossi say?

(d) Rav Yehudah Amar Shmuel rules like Rebbi Yossi.
What does he add to Rebbi Yossi's words?

(a) Rav Huna obligates Shimon to pay half the costs of whatever materials Reuven used.
What does Chiya bar Rav say?

(b) Bearing in mind Shmuel's previous ruling, how do we try and prove Rav Huna's opinion from the Machlokes Tana'im in our Mishnah?

(c) Why can the Machlokes not be that the Tana Kama confines Shimon's obligation to pay to where Reuven builds the fourth wall, whereas Rebbi Yossi obligates him even if Shimon built it?

(d) What do we answer? What in fact, might the Tana Kama obligate Shimon to pay, if not for a fence of cheap canes?

(a) If, as we suggest next, they are not arguing over the fourth wall at all, then what *are* they arguing over?

(b) What is the Tana Kama's reason? Why should Shimon not pay retroactively for the first three walls that Reuven built?

(c) As a third alternative, we propose that their Machlokes is when *Reuven* built the fourth wall.
What is then the basis of their Machlokes?

(d) What would they hold if Shimon was the one to built it?

14) In the final answer, we reverse their roles, and Rebbi Yossi is the one who is lenient.
What is then the basis of their Machlokes?

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