Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Bava Basra 134
(a) Question: What did Shamai originally think?
(b) Answer: He thought that this is like the gift of Beis
1. (Mishnah): A case occurred in Beis Choron, Shimon
was forbidden (by a vow) to benefit from his son
Levi. Levi was marrying off his son; he told his
friend Yehudah, 'I give you the courtyard and the
banquet (that I prepared for the occasion), just so
my father can come and eat (and he will benefit from
you, not from me).
2. Yehudah: If they are mine, I hereby make them
3. Levi: I did not give to you in order that you will
Makdish them!
4. Yehudah: You gave me so your father can come and
eat, and the vow will be transgressed through me
(for this is not a real gift)!
5. Chachamim: Any gift like this, in which the
recipient cannot Makdish it (Tosfos - because the
giver stipulated exactly what must be done with it)
is not a gift.
(a) (Beraisa): Hillel had 80 Talmidim: 30 were worthy that
the Divine Presence rest on them like Moshe (but the
generation was not worthy for this), 30 were worthy that
the sun should stop for them as it did for Yehoshua, 20
were intermediate;
1. His greatest Talmid was Yonason ben Uzi'el, his
smallest was R. Yochanan Ben Zakai.
2. R. Yochanan Ben Zakai learned everything - Torah,
prophets and Kesuvim, Mishnah, Gemara (resolutions
of difficulties between Mishnayos), Halachos,
Agados, Drashos, Rabbinical enactments, laws
learned from Kal va'Chomer and Gezerah Shavah,
calculation of the Tekufos (equinoxes and
solstices), Gematriyos, parables about launderers
and foxes, the speech of Shedim, date trees and
angels, big and small matters;
i. A big matter - Hash-m's chariot (mentioned in
Yechezkeil); a small matter - the questions of
Abaye and Rava.
ii. He fulfilled "Lehanchil l'Ohavai Yesh
v'Otzroseihem Amalei".
3. This was the smallest Talmid, all the more so the
4. When Yonason ben Uzi'el engaged in Torah, a bird
flying over him would be burned.
(a) (Mishnah): If Reuven says 'This is my son', he is
believed (this will be explained);
(b) If he says 'This (Ploni) is my brother', he is not
believed (to make his brothers share their inheritance
with Ploni), he divides his share with Ploni;
1. When Ploni dies, Reuven gets back what Ploni took
from Reuven's share.
i. If Ploni had received property from another
place, all the brothers share it.
(c) (Gemara) Question: When he says 'This (Ploni) is my son',
regarding what is he believed?
(d) Answer (Rav Yehudah): Ploni inherits Reuven, and exempts
Reuven's wife from Yibum.
(e) Objection: Obviously, Reuven is believed to say that
Ploni inherits him, he can give his money to him as a
gift if he wants! (This applies to what Reuven owns now -
he is not believed regarding property he will receive
(f) Answer: The Chidush is that Reuven is believed to exempt
his wife from Yibum.
(g) Question: We already learn this from a Mishnah!
1. (Mishnah): If Reuven said just before he died 'I
have sons', he is believed (to exempt his wife from
2. If he said 'I have brothers', he is not believed (to
forbid his wife from remarrying).
(h) Answer: There, he is believed to say that he has sons
when he is Muchzak not to have brothers (even before he
spoke, the Chazakah was that his wife will be permitted
when he dies);
1. Here, he is believed even if he is Muchzak to have
2. (Rav Yosef citing Rav Yehudah): He is believed
because a husband is believed to say that he
divorced his wife.
3. Objection (Rav Yosef): What I said is improper - it
attributes the reason for a Mishnah to a law not
taught in a Mishnah!
4. Correction (Rav Yosef) Rather, surely Rav Yehudah
taught that he is believed because he could exempt
her from Yibum if he wants by divorcing her.
(i) (Rav Yosef): Since we believe a person based on what he
could do, a man is believed to say that he divorced his
wife because he could divorce her.
(j) (Rav Yitzchak bar Yosef citing R. Yochanan): A man is not
believed to say that he divorced his wife.
(k) (Rav Sheshes): This disproves Rav Yosef's reasoning!
(l) Question: But R. Chiya bar Avin cited R. Yochanan to say
that a man is believed to say that he divorced his wife!
(m) Answer: Rav Yitzchak taught that he is not believed
regarding the past (e.g. to exempt her if she had
extramarital relations), R. Chiya bar Avin taught that he
is believed regarding the future.
(n) Question: If a man said that he divorced his wife at a
specific time in the past, (he is not believed regarding
the past, but) is he believed regarding the future?
1. Do we divide his statement (and believed that he
divorced her, but not when this was), or not (and
since we cannot believe his entire statement, we do
not believe him at all)?
(o) Answer #1 (Rav Mari or Rav Zvid): We divide his words.
(p) Answer #2 (The other of Rav Mari and Rav Zvid): We do not
divide his words.
(q) Question: Why is this different than Rava's law?
1. (Rava): If Reuven says 'Ploni had relations with my
wife', he can join with another witness to kill
Ploni, but not to kill his wife. (Even though Reuven
is not believed regarding his own wife, we consider
it as if he said 'Ploni had relations with someone
else's wife' and 'a man had relations with my wife',
he is believed about the former.)
(r) Answer: There, he spoke about two people, we divide his
words; here, he spoke about one person, we do not.
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