Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Bava Basra 129
(a) Question: For which teaching(s) was it necessary to teach
that the Halachah follows R. Aba?
1. Suggestion: He must teach that the Halachah does not
follow Rava (that Reuven's grandson can testify
about Reuven's brother).
2. Rejection: R. Aba taught a smaller Chidush (that
Reuven's grandson can testify about Reuven's nephew)
- we cannot infer that the Halachah does not follow
Rava (perhaps R. Aba agrees with Rava)!
3. Suggestion: He must teach that the Halachah does not
follow Mar bar Rav Ashi (that a man can testify
about his grandfather).
4. Rejection: We already taught that explicitly!
5. Suggestion: He must teach that the Halachah does not
follow Shmuel, Rav Sheshes and Rav Papa.
6. Rejection: They were already refuted!
(b) Answer: He teaches that the Halachah does not follow R.
Yochanan (who ruled like Chachamim of R. Yehudah), not
like Mar bar Rav Ashi's objection (that even R. Shimon
ben Elazar exempts from the oath in this case).
(a) (Mishnah): If (a dying person) stipulated how much each
son should receive, and gave some sons more than
others...(If he wrote at the beginning, middle or end
that it is a gift, it takes effect.)
(b) Question: What is the case of a gift at the beginning,
middle or end?
(c) Answer (Rav Dimi citing R. Yochanan): At the beginning:
Field Plonis will be given to Ploni and he will inherit
1. In the end: He will inherit it and it will be given
to him;
2. In the middle: He will inherit it and it will be
given to him and he will inherit it.
3. This is only regarding one field and one recipient -
but if there are two fields and one recipient, or
one field and two recipients, the language of gift
takes effect, the language of inheritance does not
take effect.
(d) (R. Elazar): Even if there are two fields and one
recipient, or one field and two recipients, both
acquisitions work;
1. But if there are two fields and two recipients, the
language of gift takes effect, the language of
inheritance does not take effect.
(e) (Ravin): 'Field Plonis will be given to Ploni, Ploni will
inherit field Plonis' - R. Yochanan says that he
acquires, R. Elazar says that he does not.
(f) (Abaye): One of your teachings we understand, the other
contradicts what Rav Dimi taught!
1. There is no contradiction in R. Elazar - your
teaching is when there are two fields and two
recipients, R. Elazar teaches that the language of
inheritance does not acquire.
2. We cannot resolve R. Yochanan!
(g) Conclusion: The Amora'im argue about R. Yochanan's
(h) (Reish Lakish): In order that both acquire, he must say
'Ploni and Almoni will inherit fields Plonis and Almonis
that I gave them as a gift, and they will inherit them.
(i) Other Amora'im argue as R. Yochanan and R. Elazar argue.
1. (Rav Hamnuna): This is only regarding one field and
one recipient - but if there are two fields and one
recipient, or one field and two recipients, the
language of inheritance does not take effect.
2. (Rav Nachman): Even if there are two fields and one
recipient, or one field and two recipients, both
acquisitions work;
i. But if there are two fields and two recipients,
the language of inheritance does not take
3. (Rav Sheshes): Even regarding two fields and two
recipients, both take effect.
(j) Support (Rav Sheshes for himself - Beraisa): Reuven said
(before he left) 'Give a Shekel (of my money) to my sons
each week', and it is fitting to give them two Shekalim,
we give them two (he only intended that they should
receive the minimum necessary);
1. If he said 'Only give them a Shekel', we give only
2. If he said 'If they die, others (Ploni and Almoni)
should inherit' (instead of their sons - this shows
that he wants the rest of his money to go to the
others) - whether he said 'Give' or 'Only give', we
give only one.
3. Culmination of support: This is like two fields (the
weekly Shekalim and the remaining money) and two
recipients (his sons and the others), and both
(k) Rejection (Rav Sheshes): This is not a proof, perhaps the
others are fitting to inherit Reuven, and the Beraisa is
R. Yochanan ben Brokah (who says that a language of
inheritance works).
(l) Question (Rav Ashi - Beraisa): 'My property is (given) to
you (Shimon), and after you (die) Ploni will inherit, and
after him Almoni' - after Shimon dies, Ploni acquires;
after Ploni dies, Almoni acquires;
1. If Ploni died before Shimon, when Shimon dies it
goes to Shimon's heirs.
2. This is like two fields (Rashbam - Ploni does not
receive anything in Shimon's lifetime; R. Gershom -
Shimon only received produce of the land, Ploni
inherits the land itself) and two people, and both
3. Suggestion: Perhaps this is not a proof, here also
Ploni is fitting to inherit Reuven, the Beraisa is
R. Yochanan ben Brokah (130A).
4. Rejection: If so, Almoni would not acquire when
Ploni dies!
i. (Rav Acha brei d'Rav Avya): According to R.
Yochanan ben Brokah, 'My property is to you,
and after you to Ploni' - if Shimon is fitting
to inherit the giver, Ploni does not get
anything, 'to you' is not a language of a gift,
rather of inheritance, and one cannot stipulate
after inheritance.
5. This refutes all the opinions (except for R.
Yochanan according to Ravin, and Rav Sheshes).
(m) Suggestion: Reish Lakish is also refuted.
(n) Rejection: That cannot be - Rava said, the Halachah
follows Reish Lakish against R. Yochanan in three places
(and this is one of them)!
1. The Beraisa is when he said 'after you Ploni will
inherit' Toch Kedai Dibur (within the time to say
three or four words, therefore the first language of
a gift also applies to Ploni);
2. Reish Lakish's law is when the inheritance was not
said Toch Kedai Dibur of the gift, therefore it
needs its own language of a gift.
(o) The Halachah is, anything said within Toch Kedai Dibur is
like part of the previous matter, except for (Rashbam -
designation for; Tosfos - acceptance of) idolatry and
Kidushin (and divorce).
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