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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Bava Basra 118

BAVA BASRA 118 (7 Av) - has been dedicated to the memory of Dr. Simcha Bekelnitzky (Simcha Gedalya ben Shraga Feibush) of Queens, N.Y., by his wife and daughters on his fifth Yahrzeit. G-dfearing and knowledgeable, Simcha was well known in the community for his Chesed and Tzedakah. He will long be remembered.


(a) (Rav Papa): According to the opinion that shares were allocated to those that left Mitzrayim, we understand why Tzelofchad's daughters complained.
(b) Question (Rav Papa): According to the opinion that shares were allocated to those that entered, why did they complain - no sons entered to receive portions!
(c) Answer (Abaye): Nephews of Tzelofchad entered; their portions reverted to their grandfather Chefer, and it was fitting that that Tzelofchad's children receive a share of them.
(d) According to the opinion that portions were allocated to those that left Mitzrayim, we understand why the tribes of Yosef's children complained (they now had more people than left Mitzrayim, so they would receive less per person than the other tribes).
(e) Question: According to the opinion that portions were allocated to those that entered - why did they complain - everyone that entered received one portion!
(f) Answer: They had many men less than 20 years old that entered and received no portion.
(g) (Abaye): We may deduce that everyone that entered the land received a portion - if someone did not, he would have complained!
(h) Suggestion: Perhaps someone didn't receive a portion, but the Torah only wrote complaints (e.g. of Tzelofchad's daughters) which helped!
(i) Rejection: The complaint of the tribes from Yosef did not help, yet it was written!
(j) Rejection of rejection: That was written to teach good counsel, that a person should beware of an evil eye.
1. Support: "Im Am Rav Ata Ale Lecha ha'Harah" - conceal yourselves in forests, lest an evil eye prevail over you.

2. They responded, we descend from Yosef, over whom an evil eye does not prevail - in the blessing to Yosef, it says "Alei Ayin (he has grace in the eyes of all that see him)".
i. (R. Avahu): This may be read 'Olei Ayin' (his descendants prevail over an evil eye).
ii. (R. Yosi Bar Chanina): We can learn from "V'Yidgu la'Rov" - just as fish are covered in water, so no evil eye prevails over them, also, the evil eye does not prevail over Yosef's seed.
(a) (Mishnah): Yehoshua and Kalev received the portions of the Meraglim ...
(b) Question: What is the source for this?
(c) Answer (Ula): "Vi'Hoshua Bin Nun v'Chalev ben Yefuneh Chayu Min ha'Anashim".
1. Suggestion: Perhaps this simply means, only they survived!
2. Rejection: Another verse says, "V'Lo Nosar Mehem Ish Ki Im Kalev ben Yefuneh vi'Hoshua".
3. Rather, the verse means that they lived in their portions.
(d) (Mishnah): The complainers and Korach's congregation did not receive portions.
(e) Contradiction (Beraisa): Yehoshua and Kalev received the portions of the Meraglim, the complainers and Korach's congregation.
(f) Answer: The Tana of the Beraisa equates the complainers to the Meraglim; the Tana of our Mishnah does not.
1. (Beraisa): "Avinu Mes ba'Midbar" - this is Tzelofchad; "v'Lo Hayah b'Soch ha'Edah" - this is the congregation of the Meraglim; "ha'No'adim Al Hash-m" - these are the complainers; "ba'Adas Korach" - this is understood simply.
(g) Question (Rav Papa): According to the Tana of the Beraisa, who equates the complainers to the Meraglim - just as Yehoshua and Kalev received the Meraglim' portions, they should have received all (really, most) of Eretz Yisrael! (Most of Yisrael complained when they lacked water)!
(h) Answer (Abaye): The complainers referred to are those in Korach's congregation.
(i) Question (Rav Papa): According to the opinion that portions were allocated to those that left Mitzrayim, we understand "Chavlei Menasheh Asarah" (10 portions fell to Tzelofchad's daughters) - six from Chefer and his five brothers, and four of their own (from Tzelofchad, his brother, and Tzelofchad's double share of his father's inheritance).
1. But according to the opinion that portions were allocated to those that entered, there are only eight - six from Chefer and his five brothers, and two of their own (from Tzelofchad's double share of portions which reverted to Chefer through Chefer's grandsons that entered Eretz Yisrael)!
2. Counter-question: According to the former opinion, it is really only nine (the Mishnah only lists three portions of their own - it does not say that Tzelofchad had a brother)!
3. Answer: You must say, Tzelofchad had a brother.
(j) Answer: We can likewise answer, Tzelofchad had two brothers!
(k) Support (Beraisa): "Nason Titen Lahem" - this is the inheritance of their father; "b'Soch Achei Avihem" - this is the inheritance of their father's father; "v'Ha'avarta Es Nachalas Avihen Lahen" - this is his extra share as the firstborn;
1. R. Eliezer Ben Yakov says, they also received the portions of their father's brother(s) - "Nason Titen".
i. The opinion that he had two brothers learns this from "Achuzas Nachalah".
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