Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Bava Basra 68
BAVA BASRA 68-69 - sponsored by Harav Ari Bergmann of Lawrence, N.Y., out of
love for the Torah and for those who study it.
(a) Reuven told Shimon 'I sell you an olivepress and
everything that serves it'. There were stores outside of
it (that mainly sold bread and wine, but were also used)
for drying sesame (to make oil).
1. (Rav Yosef - Beraisa): If he said 'the bathhouse and
everything that serves it', all are included (and
likewise, here).
2. Question (Abaye): But R. Chiya taught, they are not
all sold!
3. Answer (Rav Ashi): If he said 'the bathhouse and
everything that serves it', and delineated the
borders and (the springs and storehouses) are within
the borders, they are included; if not, not.
(a) (Mishnah): If one sells a city, this includes the houses,
pits, bathhouses, dovecotes, olivepresses and Beis
ha'Shelachin (even if it is outside the city);
(b) Metaltelim are not included;
(c) If he said 'It and everything inside', even animals and
slaves are included.
(d) R. Shimon ben Gamliel says, if one sells a city, the
Santar (this will be explained) is included.
(e) (Gemara - Rav Acha brei d'Rav Avya): This implies that
slaves are Metaltelim;
1. If they were like land, they should be included with
the city!
2. Question: If they are like Metaltelim, why does the
Mishnah say even slaves are included?
3. Answer: You must say, we distinguish between
Metaltelim that move (by themselves) and those that
do not;
(f) Rejection: Likewise, we can say that they are like land,
we distinguish between land that moves and land that does
(g) (Mishnah): R. Shimon ben Gamliel says, if one sells a
city, the Santar is included.
(h) Question: What is a Santar?
(i) Answer #1 (Chachamim of Bavel): A slave that is appointed
over the boundaries (whose field belongs to whom -
Rashbam; R. Chananel - the city watchman).
(j) Answer #2 (Shimon ben Avtulmus): Fields around the city.
1. The first opinion would say, all the more so the
fields are included;
2. The second opinion would say that the slave (or
watchman) is not included.
(k) (Mishnah): ...Olivepresses and Beis ha'Shelachin.
(l) Version #1 (We are thinking that 'Shelachin' means
fields, as in "V'Shole'ach Mayim Al Penei Chutzos")
(m) Question: We understand according to the first opinion -
the first Tana includes fields, R. Shimon ben Gamliel
also includes the slave;
1. But according to the second opinion, R. Shimon ben
Gamliel repeats what the first Tana said!
(n) Answer: No, 'Shelachin' means gardens - "Shelachayich
Pardes Rimonim".
(o) Version #2 (We are thinking that 'Shelachin' means
(p) Question: We understand according to the second opinion -
the first Tana includes gardens, R. Shimon ben Gamliel
also includes fields;
1. But according to the first opinion, the first Tana
includes gardens (and excludes fields), why does R.
Shimon ben Gamliel include the slave, and not
mention that (all the more so) he includes fields?!
(q) Answer: No, 'Shelachin' means fields, as in "V'Shole'ach
1. The first Tana includes fields, but not the slave;
R. Shimon ben Gamliel also includes the slave.
(r) Question (against the second opinion - Beraisa - R.
Yehudah): The Santar is not sold; the Ankulmus (the
scribe that records who paid the tax) is sold.
1. Just as the Ankulmus is a person, also the Santar!
(s) Answer: We need not say that they are the same; the
Ankulmus is a person, the Santar is not.
(a) Question (end of the Beraisa): He did not sell Sheireha,
the surrounding villages, its Muktzeh forests (specific
to the city), or the habitats of Chayos, birds and fish.
1. Question: What are Sheireha?
2. Answer: Bizli.
3. Question: What are Bizli?
4. Answer (R. Aba): Pieces of fields (separated from
the city by rocky areas).
5. Inference: These pieces are not sold, but fields
themselves are sold!
(b) Answer: We must switch the Beraisa to say 'R. Yehudah
says, the Santar is sold, the Ankulmus is not sold.'
(c) Question: But that is like R. Shimon ben Gamliel; R.
Yehudah holds like Chachamim, not like R. Shimon!
1. (End of R. Yehudah's Beraisa): He did not sell
Sheireha, nor the surrounding villages...
2. R. Shimon ben Gamliel says that the villages are
i. (Beraisa): The surrounding villages are not
sold; R. Shimon ben Gamliel says, they are
(d) Answer: R. Yehudah holds like R. Shimon ben Gamliel
regarding the Santar, not regarding the villages.
(e) (Beraisa): He did not sell the habitats of Chayos, birds
and fish.
(f) Contradiction (Beraisa): If there were villages, they are
not included;
1. If part of the city was on the sea and part on the
land, the minority is (Rashbam; Rambam - not) sold
with the city;
2. The sale includes habitats of Chayos, birds and
(g) Answer: If the opening of the habitat faces the city, it
is included; if not, not.
(h) Question (Beraisa): He did not sell its Muktzeh forests
(specific to the city, even though they face it)!
(i) Answer: Here, Muktzeh means that they are set off from it
(and face away).
(a) (Mishnah): If one sells a field, this includes rocks
needed for the field, reeds needed for a vineyard,
attached grain, clusters of reeds that are less than Beis
Rova (the amount of land in which a Rova (quarter of a
Kav) of seed is sown), a guardhouse that is not
plastered, a young carob tree that has not yet been
grafted, a sycamore tree that has not yet been pruned;
(b) It does not include rocks and reeds not needed for the
field, or detached grain;
(c) If he said 'It and everything inside', all these are
(d) In any case, he did not sell a cluster of reeds that is
more than Beis Rova, a guardhouse that is plastered, a
grafted Cheruv tree, or a pruned sycamore tree.
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