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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Bava Basra 53

BAVA BASRA 52 & 53 - these Dafim have been dedicated anonymously l'Iluy Nishmas Tzirel Nechamah bas Tuvya Yehudah.


(a) Question (Rav): What is the law regarding a gift?
1. Shmuel: What is Rav unsure about?
2. A buyer pays money, yet he does not acquire (if not in front of the seller) unless the seller said 'Go make a Chazakah and acquire';
i. One who receives a gift pays nothing, all the more so he only acquires if the seller said this!
3. Answer: Rav holds that one who gives a gift, he gives (more) generously (than one who sells).
(b) (Rav's question is not resolved.)
(c) Question: (We said that fencing or breaching any amount in a wall is a Chazakah;) how much is considered 'any amount'?
(d) Answer: As Shmuel taught.
1. (Shmuel): If one added to a low fence, completing it to a height of 10 Tefachim, or widened a hole so that he can leave through it, this is a Chazakah.
2. Question: What is the case of adding to the fence?
i. If originally people could not go over it (because of the slope or position), and now also they cannot - he accomplished nothing by adding to it!
3. Answer #1: Originally people could go over it (with difficulty), and now they cannot.
4. Rejection: He accomplished much, this is not called 'any amount'!
5. Answer #2: Originally people could go over it easily, now they can go over with difficulty.
6. Question: What is the case of breaching the fence?
i. If originally there was a hole through which people could pass, and he widened it - he accomplished nothing!
7. Answer #1: Originally people could not pass through, and now they can with difficulty.
8. Rejection: He accomplished much, this is not called 'any amount'!
9. Answer #2: Originally people could pass through with difficulty, now they can pass through easily.
(e) (Rav Asi): If he inserted or removed a stone and this helped, it is a Chazakah.
(f) Question: What does it mean 'inserted or removed'?
1. If he did so to prevent the field from being flooded, or to enable excess water to leave the field - that is saving another's property from damage, it is not a Chazakah!
(g) Answer: Rather, he inserted it to keep the water in the field (to irrigate it), or removed it to allow water to enter (to irrigate it). (This improves the field, it is a Chazakah.)
(a) (Rav Asi): There was a fence between two fields. Reuven made a Chazakah in one field to acquire it -he acquires it;

(b) If he was Machzik in one field, intending to acquire both -he only acquires the field he made Chazakah in;
(c) If he was Machzik in one field, intending to acquire the other - he does not acquire either field.
(d) Question (R. Zeira): What is the law if he was Machzik in one field, intending to acquire it, the fence and the other field?
1. Do we say, since he intends to acquire the fence also, they are considered like one field (and he acquires everything)?
2. Or, they are judged as two separate fields, he only acquires the one in which he made Chazakah?
(e) This question is not resolved.
(f) Question (R. Elazar): What is the law if he was Machzik in the fence, intending to acquire both fields?
1. Do we say, the fence is like reins on the fields, he acquires them?
2. Or, is it a thing unto itself, he does not acquire them?
(g) This question is not resolved.
(h) (Rav Nachman): There were two houses, one inside the other:
1. If Reuven made Chazakah in the outer one to acquire it - he acquires it;
i. If he was Machzik in it, intending to acquire both, he only acquires the outer one;
ii. If he was Machzik in it, intending to acquire the inner one, he does not acquire either.
2. If he made Chazakah in the inner one to acquire it - he acquires it;
i. If he was Machzik in it, intending to acquire both, he acquires both;
ii. If he was Machzik in it, intending to acquire the outer one, he does not acquire either.
(a) (Rav Nachman): If Reuven built mansions on Hefker property (a convert owned it, and he died without heirs), and Shimon put doors on them, Shimon acquires them.
(b) Question: What is the reason?
(c) Answer: Without doors, the mansions are mere arrangements of bricks.
(d) (Rav Dimi bar Yosef): If Levi found a mansion on Hefker property and plastered or engraved a picture on the wall, he acquires it.
(e) Question: How much area must he plaster or engrave?
(f) Answer (Rav Yosef): A (square) Amah.
(g) (Rav Chisda): This must be facing the entrance.
(h) (Rav Amram citing Rav Sheshes): One who spreads a sheet on Hefker property and sleeps on it, he acquires the property.
(i) Rav Sheshes proved this from a Beraisa.
1. (Beraisa): Reuven makes Chazakah on a slave in any of these ways: the slave ties or unties Reuven's shoe, takes his clothes to the bathhouse, undresses him, bathes him, anoints him, scratches him, dresses him, or he lifts him;
2. R. Shimon says, Chazakah is not greater than Hagbahah, which acquires everywhere!
3. Question: What are R. Shimon and Chachamim saying about Hagbahah?
4. Answer: The first Tana says that if the slave lifts Reuven, Reuven acquires him, but not if Reuven lifts the slave; R. Shimon says that since Chazakah acquires, all the more so Hagbahah (lifting the slave). (Just as using a slave is a Chazakah, also using land.)
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