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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Bava Basra 15

BAVA BASRA 14 & 15 - anonymously dedicated by an Ohev Torah and Marbitz Torah in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel.


(a) Question: Who wrote Torah, the prophets and Kesuvim?
(b) Answer: Moshe wrote the Torah, including the Parshah of Bilam, and Sefer Iyov;
1. Yehoshua wrote Sefer Yehoshua and the last eight verses of the Torah;
2. Shmuel wrote Sefer Shmuel, Shoftim and Rus;
3. David and ten other Chachamim wrote Tehilim: Adam, Malki Tzedek (Shem), Avraham, Moshe, Heiman, Yedusun, Asaf, and Korach's three sons.
4. Yirmeyah wrote Sefer Yirmeyah, Melachim and Eichah;
5. Chizkiyah and his contemporaries wrote Yeshayah, Mishlei, Shir ha'Shirim and Koheles;
6. The men of the Great Assembly wrote Yechezkeil, the 12, Daniel and Megilas Esther;
7. Ezra wrote Sefer Ezra, and the lineage at the beginning of Divrei ha'Yamim until himself (Rashi; Tosfos - until the verse "V'Lo Achim Benei Yehoshafat");
i. This supports Rav, who said that Ezra did not leave Bavel until he established his own lineage.
8. Question: Who finished Divrei ha'Yamim?
9. Answer: Nechemyah.
(c) (Beraisa): Yehoshua wrote Sefer Yehoshua and the last eight verses of the Torah.
(d) Tana'im argue whether Moshe or Yehoshua wrote the last eight verses.
1. (Beraisa - R. Yehudah): "Va'Yamas Sham Moshe" - Moshe could not have written this!
i. Rather, Moshe wrote until here, Yehoshua wrote the rest.
2. R. Nechemyah: R. Shimon objected - we cannot say that Moshe did not finish the Torah - "Lako'ach Es Sefer ha'Torah ha'Zeh"!
i. Rather, until here, Hash-m dictated the Torah and Moshe wrote;
ii. These last eight verses, Hash-m dictated and Moshe wrote b'Dema (with tears; some say, he wrote the letters unarranged).
iii. We find that Hash-m dictated to other prophets - "Yikra Elai...va'Ani Kosev".
(e) Question: As whom is the following teaching?
1. (R. Yehoshua bar Aba): One person reads the last eight verses (i.e. we do not split the reading among two people).
2. Suggestion: It is not R. Shimon - he holds that Moshe wrote them, they are the same as the rest of the Torah!
(f) Answer: No, it is even as R. Shimon;
1. He admits that Moshe wrote them differently, therefore they have a special status.
(g) Question: How can we say that Yehoshua wrote Sefer Yehoshua - it says, "Va'Yamas Yehoshua"!
(h) Answer: Elazar finished it.
(i) Question: But it says, "V'Elazar ben Aharon Mes"!
(j) Answer: Pinchas finished it.
(k) Question: How can we say that Shmuel wrote Sefer Shmuel - it says, "U'Shmuel Mes"!
(l) Answer: Gad and Nasan finished it.
(m) (Beraisa): David and ten other Chachamim wrote Tehilim.
(n) Question: We should also include Eisan ha'Ezrachi (the author of Tehilim 89)!
(o) Answer: That is Avraham - "Mi He'ir mi'Mizrach".
(p) Question: The Beraisa counts Moshe and Heiman - but Rav said that Heiman is Moshe - "B'Chol Beisi Ne'eman Hu"!
(q) Answer: Moshe is Heiman, but Heiman ha'Ezrachi (the author of Tehilim 88) is someone else.
(a) (Beraisa): Moshe wrote the Torah, including the Parshah of Bilam, and Sefer Iyov.
(b) This supports Rav Levi bar Lachma.
1. (Rav Levi bar Lachma): Iyov lived in Moshe's day - it says "Mi Yiten Efo", similar to what Moshe said, "Uba'Meh Yivada Efo".
2. Question: Why not say that he lived in the time of Yitzchak ("Mi Efo") or Yakov ("Efo Zos Asu") or Yosef ("Eifo Hem Ro'im")?!
3. Answer: It also says in Iyov, "...V'Yuchaku" - Moshe is called Mechokek.
(c) (Rava): Iyov was in the days of the spies - it says "B'Eretz Utz", similar to "Ha'Yesh Bah Etz".
(d) Objection: 'Utz' and 'Etz' are different!
(e) Answer: Moshe asked the spies to see if the one (Iyov) whose years are great as a tree and protects his generation as a tree is still alive.
(f) (A Chacham): Iyov never lived, Sefer Iyov is only a parable.
(g) Rejection (Rav Shmuel bar Nachmani): "Ish Hayah" - he did live!
1. Question: But "Kivsah Achas...va'Ychayeha" was only a parable!
2. Answer: If Iyov was only a parable, it would not give his name and his city's name.
(h) (R. Yochanan and R. Elazar): Iyov returned with the exiles from Bavel, his Beis Medrash was in Tiverya.
(i) Question (Beraisa): Iyov lived from when Yisrael descended to Miztrayim until they left.

(j) Answer: It means, Iyov lived as long as the time from when Yisrael descended to Miztrayim until they left (210 years).
(k) Question (Beraisa): Seven prophets from other nations prophesized: Bilam and his father, Iyov, Elifaz ha'Temani, Bildad ha'Shuchi, Tzufar ha'Na'amasi, and Elihu ben Barach'el (this shows, Iyov was not a Yisrael)!
1. Counter-question: If so, Elihu ben Barach'el also was not a Yisrael - but it says, he was from the family of Ram (i.e. Avraham; alternatively - the verse would not give the lineage of a Nochri)!
(l) Answer (to both questions): Rather, the Beraisa lists seven prophets that prophesized to the other nations.
(m) Question: All the prophets prophesized for all the nations!
(n) Answer: Regarding these seven, their prophecies were primarily for the other nations.
(o) Question (Beraisa): There was a Chasid of the other nations; he only came to the world to get his reward;
1. Hash-m brought punishments upon him; he blasphemed, so Hash-m doubled his reward in this world to deprive him of his reward in the world to come.
(p) Answer: Tana'im argue whether or not he was a Yisrael.
1. (Beraisa - R. Eliezer): Iyov was in the days of the Shoftim;
i. It says "Hevel Tehavlu" - this is the generation which judged its judges.
2. R. Yehoshua ben Korchah says, he was in the days of Achashverosh - "V'Lo Nimzta Nashim Yafos..b'Chol ha'Aretz";
i. In Achashverosh's day they sought the most beautiful women.
ii. Question: They also did in David's day!
iii. Answer: Then, they only searched in Eretz Yisrael, not in the whole world.
3. R. Noson says, he was in the days of Malkas Sheva - "Va'Tipol Sheva".
4. Chachamim say, he was in the days of Kasdim (Babylonians, i.e. Nebuchadnetzar) - "Kasdim...Hiku..."
5. Some say, he was in the days of Yakov, and married Dinah;
i. It says "K'Daber Achas ha'Nevalos", similar to "Nevalah Asah b'Yisrael" said regarding Dinah.
6. All the opinions except the last must hold that Iyov was a Yisrael, since they say that he lived after Moshe;
i. Moshe requested that Hash-m not give prophecy to Nochrim, and Hash-m agreed - "V'Niflinu...mi'Kol ha'Am".
(q) (R. Yochanan): The generation of Iyov were steeped in lewdness;
1. It says "Kulechem Chazisem", similar to "V'Nechezeh Bach" (looking at a woman).
2. Suggestion: Perhaps it means to see prophetically - "Chazon Yeshayahu"!
3. Rejection: (The verse continues) "Hevel Tehbalu".
(r) (R. Yochanan): "Bi'Mei Shefot ha'Shoftim" - a generation which judged its judges;
1. If a judge would rebuke someone for a small transgression, the person would rebuke the judge for a great transgression.
(s) (Rav Shmuel bar Nachmani): Malkas Sheva was not a woman, rather it is the kingdom of Sheva.
(a) "Va'Ya'an ha'Satan" - the Satan told Hash-m that he did not see anyone in the world as faithful as Avraham;
1. Even though Hash-m told Avraham that he will give him Eretz Yisrael, and Avraham could not find a burial place for Sarah until he paid 400 Shekalim, he did not resent this.
(b) Hash-m told the Satan to consider Iyov.
(c) (R. Yochanan): The verse praises Iyov more than Avraham!
1. Regarding Avraham it says "Yerei Elokim"; regarding Iyov it says "Ish Tam v'Yashar Yerei Elokim v'Sar me'Ra";
2. Question: What does it mean "v'Sar me'Ra"?
3. Answer (R. Aba bar Shmuel): He was easygoing with his money;
i. Normally, if a person owes someone half a Perutah (the smallest coin is a Perutah), he buys something for a Perutah and shares it with him; Iyov would give the full Perutah.
(d) Question: "The Satan answered...Ma'ase Yadav Berachta" - what does this mean?
(e) Answer (Rav Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak): Anyone who received a Perutah from Iyov was blessed.
(f) Question: What does it mean "U'Miknehu Paratz ba'Aretz"?
(g) Answer (R. Yosi b'Rebbi Chanina): Iyov's flock overstepped nature;
1. Normally, wolves kill goats; Iyov's flock killed wolves.
(h) The Satan thought that if Iyov's prosperity ceased, he would blaspheme; Hash-m authorized the Satan to do as he wishes to it.
(i) Question: "The cattle were plowing and the donkeys were grazing Al Yedeihem" - what does this mean?
(j) Answer (R. Yochanan): (The fodder grew instantly,) Hash-m gave Iyov a taste of the world to come.
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