brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld
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Bava Basra, 155
BAVA BASRA 155 (14 Elul) - This Daf has been dedicated in honor of the
Yahrzeit of Yisrael (son of Chazkel and Miryam) Rosenbaum by his son and
daughter and families, and in memory of Sheina Basha (daughter of Yakov and
Dora) Zuckerman, who passed away on 10 Elul, by her children and sons in
QUESTIONS: The Gemara records a Machlokes regarding the age at which a
person is qualified to sell land that he inherited. Rava says in the name of
Rav Nachman that he must be 18, and Rav Huna bar Chinena says in the name of
Rav Nachman that he must be 20.
(a) Does this restriction on the age at which a person may sell apply only
to inherited land, or even to land that the person received as a gift from
someone else, or land which he purchased himself?
(b) Does this age restriction apply only to *selling* land, or also to
*buying* land?
(a) There are two approaches in the Rishonim regarding this question.
1. The RIF, RASHBAM (156a, DH v'Hilchesa), and other Rishonim explain that
the Gemara here is referring only to inherited land, and not to land that
the young person personally acquired or received as a gift. He is permitted
to sell land which he received as a gift or land which he purchased himself,
even before he reaches the age of 20. The Rif reasons that if he was able to
obtain land for himself, then we have nothing to worry about if we permit
him to sell it as well.
The Rishonim explain that the reason why we do not permit him to sell land
that he inherited is either because he will not be careful to receive a fair
price for the land (since he received it for free), or because we are
concerned for the honor of his family and we do not want them to lose the
family land.
2. RABEINU TAM argues and maintains that the Gemara is teaching that a
person under the age of 20 may not sell any land, whether he inherited it or
acquired it on his own. He quotes the Gemara later which states that young
adults (under the age of 20, and certainly children who have not yet reached
the age of 12 (girls) or 13 (boys))) always want to acquire cash, and thus
they will undersell their property in order to obtain it. Therefore, we do
not allow them to sell land until they are older.
(According to Rabeinu Tam, this restriction applies only to selling land,
and not Metaltelin, because the value of land is difficult to evaluate and
thus we are afraid that the young person will be persuaded to undersell it
in order to receive cash. The value of Metaltelin, on the other hand, is
easy to evaluate, and it is difficult to convince a young person to sell it
just for the cash, and thus if he indeed sells Metaltelin the sale is valid
because we assume that he had full intent to sell it.
HALACHAH: The SHULCHAN ARUCH (CM 235:9) follows the opinion of the Rashbam
and Rif. He adds, however, that the restriction against selling inherited
land applies not only to land inherited from one's father, but also to land
inherited from any other benefactor. Even though the Gemara only mentions
land inherited from one's father, the BA'AL HA'ITUR and MAGID MISHNAH
explain that this law applies to all inherited land. This is the way the
Shulchan Aruch rules. Moreover, he includes in this law land that was
received as a gift from a Shechiv Mera, because the mechanism of such a gift
works through inheritance as well. (Y. Montrose)
(b) There are also two approaches in the Rishonim regarding this question.
1. The ROSH explains that the Gemara's restriction applies only to *selling*
land, and not to *buying* land. As the Gemara explains later, the concern is
that because a young person has an obsession for cash, he will
indiscriminately undersell his land, the value of which is difficult to
accurately assess. In contrast, when a young person wants to *buy* land, he
shows that he is not interested in amassing cash because he is willing to
give his cash away in exchange for land (a long-term investment). Since he
is permitted to purchase land because we have no concern that he will be
cheated, he is also permitted to sell the land that he purchased.
2. The RASHBA quotes the RI MI'GASH who says that just as a person under the
age of 20 may not sell land, he also may not *buy* land (unless it is
determined that he is knowledgeable in business transactions). The SHITAH
MEKUBETZES explains that the reason for the Ri mi'Gash's opinion is that
once the Chachamim decreed that the young person's *sale* of land is not
valid (because he loves cash and might undersell), they also decreed that he
may not buy land in order that people not make a mistake when they see him
buying land and think that he is also able to sell land. (Y. Montrose)
QUESTION: Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua ruled that as long as a male has
reached the age of Halachic adulthood (i.e. 13), he is a valid witness, even
though he cannot sell land until he reaches the age of 20. Mar Zutra
explained that Rav Huna's ruling applies only when testifying for matters
involving movable objects; a young man may *not* testify for matters
involving land until he reaches the age at which he is permitted to sell
land. Since he is not permitted to sell land until he reaches the age of 20,
he is not permitted to testify in cases involving land.
What does the restriction on his selling have to do with testifying in a
case involving land? The Gemara itself explains that the reason he may not
sell land until he reaches the age of 20 is because youngsters tend to have
an obsession with cash (since they need immediate gratification for their
desires, and they do not have the cognitive wherewithal to delay
gratification) and thus they might undersell the land in order to obtain
cash quickly. When he testifies, though, he is not receiving any money nor
giving any land, so why should he not be a valid witness to testify about
someone else's transaction?
(a) TOSFOS explains that when Mar Zutra says that until the age of 20 a
person may not testify for matters involving land, he is not referring to
*all* cases involving land. He certainly may testify that he witnesses one
person sell a field to another person. Rather, Mar Zutra is saying that he
may not testify in cases of land *evaluation*, where he testifies about the
*value* of a piece of land. Tosfos explains that since the person under the
age of 20 is infatuated with money, he will estimate the property at *more*
than its actual value. In contrast, he will not mistakenly assess the value
of movable objects, since he is as infatuated with movable objects as he is
with the money, and thus he will ascribe its actual value to it.
Furthermore, he knows that movable objects deteriorate more easily than
land, and thus he will not evaluate it with a higher value than what it is
actually worth.
This explanation of Tosfos is not clear, though. Why exactly will the young
man over-assess the value of land because he is infatuated with money? On
the contrary, it would seem that one who loves money would assess an entity
at *less* than its actual value! Indeed, in a marginal note of our edition
of the Gemara there appears a suggested emendation of the text in Tosfos,
changing the phrase, "He will assess it to be worth *more* than its value,"
to, "He will assess it to be worth *less* than its value." How, though, are
we to understand Tosfos' explanation according to our Girsa?
The BACH (Hagahos ha'Bach #4) explains the meaning of the words of Tosfos as
they appear in our text. The Bach explains that the primary intention of
Tosfos is that the young man -- because of his infatuation with money --
will assess the value of the land inaccurately, either less than its actual
value or more than its actual value. Tosfos writes that he will assess it
more than its actual value because he knows that land does not deteriorate
like movable objects do, and thus he thinks that land must be worth a lot of
The MAHARSHA also writes that in all of the old editions of Tosfos the Girsa
is the way that it appears in our texts ("He will assess it to be worth
*more* than its value").The Maharsha explains that Tosfos, when he says that
Mar Zutra is discussing testimony about the value of land, is referring to a
case in which two heirs inherit an estate that includes a sum of cash and
one field. They must split the inheritance evenly. One heir is to receive
the cash, and the other heir is to receive the field in the value of the
cash. If, however, the field is worth more than the cash, then the
additional land (above the value of the cash) must be divided among the two
heirs. Since we do not know the value of the field, we ask a young adult,
under the age of 20, who is familiar with the field, to testify about its
value. When he hears that the other person is receiving a sum of cash in the
amount of 100 Zuz, for example, he will testify that the field is also worth
that much, a 100 Zuz, when, in reality, it is worth more than that. Due to
his infatuation with money, though, he will carelessly underestimate the
field's value, causing one heir to get more than his rightful share of the
(According to the Maharsha, when Tosfos says that the young man "will assess
it to be worth *more* than its value," Tosfos means that the young man will
assess the land in such a way that one heir will receive *more* land than he
is supposed to receive, because the young man will assess it to be worth
*less* than its actual value.)
(b) The BEIS YOSEF and BACH (CM 35) infer from the words of the RAMBAM that
he does not agree with the explanation of Tosfos. Rather, the Rambam learns
that the Gemara is invalidating the young man's testimony in all
land-related cases. Even though he is not receiving any money as a result of
his testimony, we do not let him testify because -- due to his infatuation
with money -- he is not careful to note the real value of property. This is
also the opinion of the Beis Yosef as recorded in the SHULCHAN ARUCH.
The SHACH, however, differs with this inference from the words of the Rambam
and argues that the Rambam indeed agrees with the explanation of Tosfos. He
rules, therefore, that only in cases of evaluation of land's worth is a
young man, under the age of 20, ineligible to testify. (Y. Montrose)
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