brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld
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Bava Basra, 67
BAVA BASRA 61-67 - This week's study material has been dedicated by Mrs.
Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb
Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped many people
quietly in an unassuming manner and is dearly missed by all who knew him.
His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan.
QUESTION: The Gemara discusses whether an Itzteruvil (see Background to Bava
Basra 65:11) -- which was formed into a Kli before it was attached to the
ground -- is considered like Talush (a Kli that is not attached to the
ground) or Mechubar (attached to the ground). According to the RASHBAM, the
Gemara is addressing the opinion of the Rabanan, who rule that when a person
sells a house, the Machteshes Kevu'ah -- which was formed into a Kli and
then attached to the ground -- is not sold together with the house. The
Gemara is asking whether the Rabanan hold that an object that was not
attached and then was attached to the ground is considered Talush, and that
is why it is not sold with the house (because only objects that are attached
are sold with the house), or whether they hold that such an object is
considered Mechubar, and it is not sold with the house because a seller
sells with an "Ayin Ra'ah."
The Rashbam asks how can the Rabanan hold that something which was made into
a Kli and then attached to the ground -- "Talush v'liv'Sof Chibro" -- be
considered Talush if the Rabanan themselves say that an Itzteruvil *is* sold
with a house, even though it is also something which is "Talush v'liv'Sof
Chibro?" The Rashbam answers that the Itzteruvil is made with the primary
intention of being attached to the house, and therefore it is considered
part of the house with regard to the sale of the house, just like the walls
of a house sold with the house, even though they are considered Talush with
regard to the law of Hechsher Zera'im.
It seems from the Rashbam that the walls of the house are judged like every
other object which is "Talush v'liv'Sof Chibro." Why, then, do we find that
when a person finds a house on the property of a Ger who died without heirs
and he draws pictures on its wall, he is Koneh the house through a Kinyan
Chazakah? Why should he be Koneh the house with a Chazakah? It should depend
on whether something which is "Talush v'liv'Sof Chibro" -- such as the
actual structure of the house -- is considered Talush or Mechubar. If it is
considered Talush, then a Kinyan Chazakah should not be a valid Kinyan!
(a) The REMA (CM 95:1) cites a Machlokes regarding whether or not is "Talush
v'liv'Sof Chibro" is considered like Karka or not. He cites the RASHBAM and
RABEINU CHANANEL who rule that it *is* considered like Karka. He then cites
the BA'AL HA'ITUR who rules that a pipe that was attached after it was
carved out is not considered Karka. The SHACH asks that the SHULCHAN ARUCH
in a number of other places seems to assume that a house is considered like
Karka. The Shulchan Aruch (CM 227:32) rules that the law of Ona'ah does not
apply to money paid for the rent of land, because such money is considered
like land (as our Gemara says) and Ona'ah does not apply to land. The
Shulchan Aruch continues and says that even if a person rents a large palace
for a single Dinar per year, or a small barn for a Dinar per day, there is
no Ona'ah. The Rema should point out that according to the Ba'al ha'Itur
there *is* Ona'ah, since the money was paid for the use of the house (which
is not considered Karka) and not only for the use of the land!
The SHACH concludes that even the Ba'al ha'Itur might agree that a house is
different than a Kli, or even a wall, that is attached to the ground after
it is made. Since a house is made to shelter the ground that it covers and
to serve the people who inhabit it, it is considered Mechubar according to
all opinions. This also explains why a house can be acquired through a
Kinyan Chazakah. Similarly, a creditor may appropriate a house as repayment
for a loan (made with a Shtar) from those who purchased the house from the
debtor; the house is Meshu'abad to the loan just like land. He points out
that Tosfos writes in a number of places that a house is considered to be
Mechubar with regard to several Halachos, such as with regard to the
Shevu'ah or the Chiyuv of a Shomer (Tosfos in Shevuos 42b, DH Shomer Chinam)
and Ribis (Tosfos in Bava Basra 61a, DH Im Eino).
(b) The KETZOS HA'CHOSHEN points out that the Rashbam here clearly does not
agree with this. The MAGEN AVRAHAM (OC 637:7) also disagrees with the Shach
and writes that the proof from Kinyan Chazakah is not a strong proof,
because the Chazakah is made on the land, and the house is acquired only
through Kinyan Agav (or, in the case of land that is Hefker, through Kinyan
Chatzer, as the Ketzos ha'Choshen adds). Tosfos, who writes that a house is
considered Mechubar, is ruling like Rabeinu Chananel, who says that
something that is "Talush v'liv'Sof Chibro" is considered like Karka.
With regard to a Shi'abud, it is possible that one can collect a house as
repayment for a loan even if is "Talush v'liv'Sof Chibro?" is not considered
like Karka, because a Shi'abud depends on Semichus Da'as -- a person feels c
onfident in his ability to collect a house as repayment for his loan, since
a house is not dismantled and moved like other Metaltelin. (See Insights to
Bava Kama 12:1, where we explain that the reason why the Rabanan have a
special status to Karka in most Halachos d'Rabanan is because of Semichus
Da'as, and not because it is an essentially different form of property than
Metaltelin. The Ketzos ha'Choshen gives a different reason to explain why
the Halachah of Shi'abud might be different than other Halachos with regard
to houses).
QUESTION: The Mishnah teaches that when a person sells an oil-press and
specifies that he is selling "the press *and all that is in it*," the
"Achirim," or slats that cover the olives being pressed (see graphics), are
also sold.
However, a Beraisa cited in the Gemara seems to contradict this. The Beraisa
teaches that whether or not one says that he is selling "the press *and all
that is in it*," the Achirim are *not* sold! How do we reconcile this with
the Mishnah?
The question is exacerbated according to the Girsa of the Rishonim (Rif,
Rosh, Ramah and others) who quote the Beraisa as saying that in either case,
neither the "Achirim, *Galgal or Korah*" are sold. But our Mishnah says that
all three *are* sold when one specifies that he is selling "the press *and
all that is in it*!"
ANSWER: The ROSH, RITVA and other Rishonim explain that the Beraisa argues
with the Mishnah with regard to Achirim, Galgal and Korah. The Halachah
follows the opinion of the Mishnah, in accordance with the rule that a
Mishnah's teaching always takes precedence over that of a Beraisa.
Because of this, the Rosh wonders why the RIF cites the Beraisa as is, if it
is not l'Halachah. The Rif usually cites only the Halachic portions of the
Gemara. The NIMUKEI YOSEF explains that the Rif agrees with the other
Rishonim that we do not rule like the Beraisa when it comes to the Achirim,
Galgal and Korah. He mentions the Beraisa only because of the other points
that the Beraisa makes which do not contradict the teachings of our Mishnah.
(See also RASHASH, Rav SIMCHA MI'DESVA and the PNEI SHLOMO who add that from
the words of the Rashbam in DH Machar Es ha'Nesarim, it appears that he did
not have these problematic words in his Beraisa in the first place.)
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