brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld
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Bava Basra, 41
BAVA BASRA 41 & 42 - these Dafim have been dedicated anonymously l'Iluy
Nishmas Tzirel Nechamah bas Tuvya Yehudah.
QUESTION: The Mishnah states that a Chazakah is a valid proof of ownership
of land only when it is accompanied by a claim (such as "I bought the land
from you"). If, however, the Machzik says merely that he has been occupying
the land for three years and no one told him to leave, his Chazakah does not
establish his ownership of the field.
The RAMBAM (Hilchos To'en v'Nit'an 14:12), though, rules that even though a
Chazakah without a claim is not a valid Chazakah, nevertheless the Machzik
cannot be evicted from the property unless the claimant brings two witnesses
who testify that the field belongs to him.
The VILNA GA'ON (Bi'ur ha'Gra to Choshen Mishpat 146:20) challenges the
Rambam's ruling on the bases of the Gemara earlier (35b). The Gemara there
discusses a case in which two people are arguing over the ownership of an
object and neither of them has proof of ownership such as witnesses or a
Chazakah. The Gemara states that in such a case, the Beis Din does not get
involved, and whichever one of the disputants is able to seize the object
for himself is entitled to do so. The Gemara continues and says that if a
third party -- who makes no claim of ownership of the object -- comes and
seizes the property, the Halachah is that he is considered a thief and he
must return the property to each of the first two claimants.
The Gemara there clearly seems to contradict the ruling of the Rambam. How
can the Rambam rule that a Machzik who has no claim to the property, but who
has a Chazakah, is not evicted? The Gemara there states that the property
*is* removed from the Machzik who seized it with no claim, even though the
two claimants have no proof of prior ownership!
ANSWER: The NESIVOS HA'MISHPAT (146:9) answers that in the case of our
Mishnah, even though the Machzik does not have a valid claim on the field,
the claimant -- if he does not bring witnesses that he owned the field --
also does not have any proof that the field is his. Therefore, the Halachah
in this case is comparable to a case of a lost object which belongs to the
finder until someone else either brings witnesses that the lost object
belongs to him, or is able to describe to the finder identifying marks on
the object which would require the finder to give it back to him. Similarly,
in our case, the field remains in the possession of the Machzik until
someone else brings witnesses that it belonged to him. In contrast, in the
case of the third party who seized the property from the two claimants,
since each of those two claimants argues with certainty that the property is
his, they both have a claim of "Bari" (even though they have no proof),
while the third party has no claim at all and is therefore considered no
better than one who has a claim of "Shema" (an uncertain claim). Therefore,
the property is considered to be in the possession of one of the first two
claimants, and, consequently, the third party who seized it must return it
to them. We do not know with certainty to which of the claimants it belongs,
but we do consider it a given that it belongs to one of them.
QUESTION: The Gemara relates that a flood in Rav Kahana's field washed away
the fence around his field. Rav Kahana replaced the fence, but it was not
clear where the original fence had stood. Rav Kahana's neighbor brought two
witnesses before Rav Yehudah. One witness testified that Rav Kahana had
taken two rows of land from the neighbor's field and annexed them to his own
field. The second witness testified that Rav Kahana had taken three rows
from the neighbor's field. Rav Yehudah ruled that Rav Kahana must return two
rows of land to his neighbor. The Gemara states that this ruling is in
accordance with the view of Beis Hillel, who says that when one witness says
that a debtor owes 100 Zuz, and another witness says that he owes 200 Zuz,
the Halachah is that the debtor must pay 100 Zuz, because concerning the
first 100 Zuz the two witnesses are in agreement.
The SHACH (CM 31:1) cites the "Chochmei Brisk" who discussed the Halachah in
a case where there is conflicting testimony form the witnesses. Are those
witnesses believed to give testimony in a different case? Perhaps they may
not testify as witnesses in a different case, since the testimony of each
one has been contradicted by the other, thereby labeling him as a liar. The
Shach cites proof from the RAN in Kesuvos (10a of the pages of the Rif, DH
Ed) who writes that both witnesses are invalid for future testimony because
each one has been contradicted.
Why does the Shach not cite proof from our Gemara to the contrary? When one
witness testified that Rav Kahana owes his neighbor two rows, and the other
testified that Rav Kahana owes three rows, Rav Yehudah ruled that Rav Kahana
must return two rows, and the witnesses are *not* rendered invalid as a
result of contradicting each other!
ANSWER: The MINCHAS CHINUCH (end of Mitzvah #37) says that we can adduce
proof for the Shach's ruling from the NIMUKEI YOSEF in our Sugya (22a of the
pages of the Rif). The Nimukei Yosef asks why do we believe the witnesses at
all, since one of them is certainly a liar? The Nimukei Yosef answers that
in our case it is possible that neither of the witnesses is lying
deliberately. Rather, one of the witnesses is merely making a mistake,
because it is easy to err between two rows and three rows of land.
Similarly, a person could make a mistake whether a borrower owes 100 Zuz or
200 Zuz.
We can infer from the words of the Nimukei Yosef that in a case in which it
is *not* possible to justify the conflicting testimony of both of the
witnesses, and it is clear that one of them is lying (but we do not know
which one), the Halachah is that they are both invalid for any future
testimony. Hence, our Gemara is actually a proof for the Shach's ruling that
both witnesses are invalidated. (In fact, the Minchas Chinuch writes that he
is perplexed that the Shach himself did not cite this proof from the Nimukei
Yosef.) (Y. Marcus)
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