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Bava Basra, 15
1) READING THE LAST EIGHT VERSES OF THE TORAH OPINIONS: The Gemara quotes Rav who rules that when the Torah is read, the last eight verses of the Torah are read by a "Yachid" ("Yachid Korei Osan"). What does this mean?2) THE MYSTERY OF IYOV(a) RASHI and RABEINU TAM explain that this means that during the public reading of the Torah, no break may be made in these eight verses -- they must be read together by one person and cannot be split into two Aliyos, having one person read four and another person read four. QUESTION: The Gemara gives many opinions about the identity of Iyov and when he lived. One opinion says that he lived in the time of Moshe, another opinions says that he lived in the time of Yitzchak, Yakov, or Yosef. Another opinion says that he lived in the time of the Meraglim, while yet another opinion says that he returned with the exiles from the Galus in Bavel and set up a Beis Midrash in Teverya. Another opinion says that he lived from the time the Jews descended to Mitzrayim until they left. Another opinion says that he lived during the time of the Shoftim, another says that he lived during the days of Achashverosh. Another says that he lived during the time of Queen Sheva, or the time of the Kasdim (Nebuchadnetzar). 15b3) THE GREATNESS OF IYOVQUESTION: Rebbi Yochanan states that what is written about Iyov is greater than that which is written about Avraham. About Avraham it is written, "For now I know that you are G-d-fearing" (Bereishis 22:12), while concerning Iyov it is written, "[Iyov was] a perfect and upright man, G-d-fearing, and he kept away from evil" (Iyov 1:1).Next daf