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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Avodah Zarah 29


(a) After letting blood, the Beraisa teaches us, one should not eat 'Chagbash'. The 'Ches' represents Chalav (milk) and the 'Gimel', Gevinah (cheese).
What do the 'Beis' and the 'Shin' stand for?

(b) If one did, the Tana adds, one should drink a mixture of two things. One of them is a Revi'is of vinegar.
What is the other?

(c) And one should also not relieve oneself on the east side of the town.
Why not?

(a) Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi permits removing the 'Istumcha de'Liba' (a wall of flesh under the heart; or more likely the lobe of the heart that is next to the wind-pipe) on Shabbos.
Why is that?

(b) The cure for this is a mixture of cumin, mint, horehound, sadree and hyssop, which also serves as a cure for the lesions that are created by the wind. The only difference is with what one drinks it. How will we remember what to drink with each one from the Pasuk ...

  1. ... in Tehilim "ve'Yayin Yesamach Levav Enosh"?
  2. ... in Bereishis "ve'Ru'ach Elokim Merachefes al-P'nei ha'Mayim"?
(c) And the same cure is used for 'Kuda' (the illness of a woman who is cold at the time of childbirth).
With which beverage does she drink it, as hinted in the Pasuk in Chayei Sarah 've'Kadah al Shichmah'?

(d) Rav Acha b'rei de'Rava would grind a total of one handful of all the ingredients together.
How would Rav Ashi prepare them?

(a) Rav Papa claimed to have tried both of the above methods, but neither worked.
From whom did he learn the recipe that ultimately did work?

(b) What did the Arab instruct him to fill the small vessel ('Kuza') with?

(c) And where did he have to leave the spoonful of honey the night before adding it to the water and drinking it?

(a) What does the Beraisa say about the following six things: cabbage, spinach, a dry pennyroyal plant, and an animal's stomach, womb and lobe of the liver? What do all of these have in common?

(b) Yesh Omrim (Rebbi Nasan) add small fish. What additional advantage do small fish possess?

(c) And what does the Tana say about the following ten things: ox-meat, fatty meat, roasted meat, bird's meat, a roasted egg, cress, having a haircut or a bath, cheese and liver?

(d) Some add nuts.
What do others add?

(e) What does Tana de'Bei Rebbi Yishmael say about cucumbers? Why are they called 'Kishu'in?

(a) What does the Beraisa say about ...
  1. ... a Yisrael who is receiving a haircut from a Nochri? What must he do during the haircut?
  2. ... a Nochri who is receiving a haircut from a Yisrael? What must the Yisrael do before he reaches the B'luris (the long hair at the back)?
(b) Why is that?

(c) Why can the Reisha of the Beraisa not be speaking in a public place?

(d) If, on the other hand, it is speaking in a Reshus ha'Yachid, of what use is a mirror?

(a) Why did Rav Chana bar Bizna lament that he had only himself to blame if the Nochri barber who was giving him a haircut in the pathways of Neherda'a, would cut his throat in the process?

(b) Why did he specifically cite Rebbi Meir? Why not the Rabbanan?

(a) We just learned that a Jewish barber is obligated to desist before he reaches the Nochris' B'luris.
How does Rav Malkiyah Amar Rav Ada bar Ahavah define 'before'?

(b) According to Rav Chanina Brei de'Rav Ika, the author of 'Sh'fod', 'Shefachos' and 'Gumos' is Rav Malkiyo; of 'B'luris' (our case), 'Eifer Makleh' and 'Gevinah', Rav Malkiya.
What does Rav Papa say? What is the meaning of the Si'man 'Masnita Malk'sa'?

(c) Over which case are they then arguing?

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(a) What does our Mishnah say about wine of Ovdei-Kochavim?

(b) The same applies to vinegar, Hadrianic earthenware and Oros Levuvin.
What kind of vinegar is the Tana talking about?

(c) What is ...

  1. ... Hadrianic earthenware?
  2. ... 'Oros Levuvin'? Why are they Asur be'Hana'ah?
(d) Raban Shimon ben Gamliel qualifies the prohibition of Oros Levuvin. Under which circumstances does he permit them?
(a) What does Rebbi Akiva say about a piece of flesh before it is taken before Avodas-Kochavim and after it is brought out?

(b) And what does the Tana Kama say about doing business with a Nochri before he travels to visit a distant Avodah-Zarah and after his return?

(c) According to Rebbi Meir, leather flasks and earthenware jars of Nochrim which contain wine belonging to a Yisrael are Asur be'Hana'ah, so are their grape-skins and pits and so are fish-fat and cheeses from the village of Beis Unaiki.
What do the Chachamim say about ...

  1. ... leather flasks and earthenware jars which contain wine belonging to a Yisrael?
  2. ... their grape-skins and pits?
  3. ... fish-fat and cheeses from the village of Beis Unaiki?
(a) When Rebbi Yishmael asked Rebbi Yehoshua why the Chachamim forbade Nochri cheese, he initially replied because they matured in the stomach of a Neveilah. Rebbi Yishmael had a problem with this however, based on a ruling of Rebbi Meir.
What does Rebbi Meir say there about sucking the stomach of an Olah?

(b) What does the stomach of a Neveilah have to do with that of an Olah? How can we learn the former from the latter?

(c) The Chachamim disagree with Rebbi Meir in this point. They hold 'Ein Nehenin ve'Lo Mo'alin'.
Does this mean that according to them, Rebbi Yishmael would not have had a problem?

(d) What objection did Rebbi Yishmael raise when Rebbi Yehoshua then attributed the Isur to the fact that the cheeses matured in the stomach of calves of Avodah-Zarah?

(a) Rebbi Yehoshua did not want to divulge the real reason for the Isur, as we shall learn later.
What does 'Hishi'o le'Davar Acher' mean?

(b) So he asked Rebbi Yishmael how he read the Pasuk in Shir Hashirim "Ki Tovim Dodecha mi'Yayin" or Ki Tovim Dodayich mi'Yayin".
What is the basic difference between the two versions?

(c) What would it mean if the word read "Ki Tovim Dodayich mi'Yayin", which is how Rebbi Yishmael read it? Who would have then said it?

(d) On what basis did Rebbi Yehoshua refute this explanation?

(a) How does Rabah bar Avuhah learn the Isur of Yayin Nesech from the Pasuk in Ha'azinu "Asher Cheilev *Zevacheimo* Yocheilu Yishtu *Yein* Nesicham"?

(b) And what do we learn from the Pasuk ...

  1. ... in Tehilim "Va'yitzamdu le'Ba'al Pe'or Va'yochlu *Zivchei* *Meisim*"?
  2. ... "Va'tamas *Sham* Miriam" (in Chukas) and "Ve'arfu *Sham* es ha'Eglah ba'Nachal"?
(c) And from where do we know that the Eglah Arufah is Asur be'Hana'ah?
(a) What is the difference between a Pikadon of Jewish wine and other Isurim in the hands of a Nochri?

(b) We learned in our Mishnah that Nochri vinegar is Asur if it was initially wine.
What problem do we have with this ruling?

(c) How do we answer this Kashya by inference, based on the previous ruling?

(d) The reason for this is because a Nochri will not pour out vinegar to Avodah-Zarah.
Why are we not afraid that, if there is only one seal, he will break the seal to exchange the vinegar for an inferior quality vinegar, and replace the seal with a forged one?

(a) What does Rebbi Ila'a say about boiled wine in the hands of a Nochri, that was originally not boiled?

(b) Why is this not obvious? What is Rebbi Ila'a coming to teach us?

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