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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Avodah Zarah 25


(a) Question: "...Hi Kesuvah Al Sefer ha'Yashar" - what is Sefer ha'Yashar?
(b) Answer (R. Chiya bar Aba): Bereishis, which discusses Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov;
1. They are called Yesharim - "Tamos Nafshi Mos Yesharim".
(c) Question: Where in Sefer Bereishis does it allude to this miracle?
(d) Answer: "V'Zaro (of Efrayim) Yihyeh Melo ha'Goyim".
(e) Version #1 - Question: "Va'Ya'amod ha'Shemesh ba'Chatzi ha'Shamayaim V'Lo Atz Lavo k'Yom Tamim" - how long was it until it set?
(f) Answer #1 (R. Yehoshua ben Levi): It shone for 24 hours, a full day: it ascended six hours (as usual), stood still (in the middle of the sky) for six hours, descended six hours, and stood still (just before setting) for six hours;
(g) Answer #2 (R. Elazar): It shone for 36 hours: it ascended six, stood still for 12, descended six, and stood still for 12;
1. It stood still for a full day.
(h) Answer #3 (R. Shmuel bar Nachmani): It shone for 48 hours: it ascended six, stood still for 12, descended six, and stood still for 24 - "V'Lo Atz Lavo k'Yom Tamim".
1. This implies that the first time it stopped for less than a full day.
(i) Version #2: The above opinions (24, 36 and 48) are how long it stopped.
(j) (R. Yehoshua ben Levi): It stopped for 24 hours that day: it ascended six, stood still for 12, descended six, and stood still for 12;
1. It stood still for a full day.
(k) (R. Elazar): It stopped for 36 hours: it ascended six, stood still for 12, descended six, and stood still for 24;
1. It delayed setting for a full day.
(l) (R. Shmuel bar Nachmani): It stopped for 48 hours: it ascended six, stood still for 24, descended six, and stood still for 24;
1. The verse equates its standing (in mid-sky) to the delay before setting: just as the latter was a full day, also the former.
(m) (Beraisa): Just as the sun stopped for Yehoshua, it also stopped for Moshe and Nakdimon ben Guryon.
1. The above verses teach regarding Yehoshua; we have a tradition regarding Nakdimon ben Guryon;
(n) Question: What is the source regarding Moshe?
(o) Answer #1: We learn from a Gezerah Shavah "Achel-Achel":
1. It says regarding Moshe "Achel Tes Pachdecha"; it says regarding Yehoshua "Achel Gadlecha".
(p) Answer #2 (R. Yochanan): We learn from a Gezerah Shavah "Tes-Tes":
1. It says regarding Moshe "Achel Tes Pachdecha"; it says regarding Yehoshua "B'Yom Tes Hash-m..."
(q) Answer #3 (Rav Shmuel bar Nachmani): We learn directly from a verse: "V'Ragzu v'Chalu Mipanecha".
1. They feared Moshe when he stopped the sun.
(r) Question: "V'Lo Hayah ka'Yom ha'Zeh (when Yehoshua stopped the sun) Lifanav v'Acharav"!
(s) Answer #1: Moshe did not stop the sun for as long as Yehoshua.
(t) Answer #2: Rocks did not fall from the sky for Moshe as they did for Yehoshua - "Avanim Gedolos Min ha'Shamayim".
(a) Question: "Lelamed Benei Yehudah Kashes...Sefer ha'Yashar" - what is Sefer ha'Yashar?
(b) Answer #1 (R. Chiya bar Aba): Bereishis, which discusses Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov;
1. They are called Yesharim - "Tamos Nafshi Mos Yesharim".
2. Question: Where in Sefer Bereishis does it hint that Benei Yehudah will be archers?
3. Answer: "Yehudah...Yadcha b'Oref Oyvecha";
i. When shooting an arrow, one brings his hand (by his eyes,) opposite the Oref (back of the neck).
(c) Answer #2 (R. Elazar): It is Sefer Devarim, in which it says "V'Asisa ha'Yashar veha'Tov"
1. Question: Where in Devarim does it hint that Benei Yehudah will be archers?
2. Answer: "Yadav Rav Lo".
i. Two hands are needed to shoot arrows.
(d) Answer #3 (R. Shmuel bar Nachmani): Sefer Shofetim, in which it says "...Ish ha'Yashar b'Einav Ya'aseh"
1. Question: Where in Shofetim does it hint that Benei Yehudah will be archers?
2. Answer: "Benei Yisrael Lelamdam Milchamah";
i. One must learn archery.
3. Question: How do we know that the verse refers to Yehudah?
4. Answer: "Mi Ya'aleh...Lehilachem...Yehudah";
i. (This teaches that every war in Shofetim refers to Yehudah, unless a different Shevet is mentioned.)
(e) Question: What does it mean "Ha'Shok veha'Aleha"?
(f) Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): The thigh and the tail which is Aleha (supported by it).
(g) Answer #2 (R. Elazar): The thigh and the Chazeh which is put Aleha (on it, regarding a Shelamim) when they are waved.
(h) Answer #3 (R. Shmuel bar Nachmani): The thigh and the Shofi, i.e. the cap which is Aleha.
(a) (Mishnah): A woman may not be secluded with Nochrim.
(b) Question: What is the case?
1. Suggestion: The Mishnah forbids seclusion with one Nochri.
2. Rejection: This is forbidden even regarding a Yisrael!
i. (Mishnah): A man may not be secluded with (even) two women.

(c) Answer #1: The Mishnah forbids seclusion with three Nochrim.
(d) Rejection: This is forbidden even regarding immoral Yisraelim!
1. (Mishnah): A woman may be secluded with two men (Yisraelim);
2. (Rav Yehudah): This refers to Kesherim, but she may not be secluded with 10 immoral men.
i. A case occurred, 10 men carried out a married woman in a coffin and sinned with her.
(e) Answer #2: The Mishnah forbids seclusion with a Nochri, even if his wife is there.
1. A Nochri's wife will not stop him from sinning, whereas a Yisraelis guards her husband.
(f) Question: Even without concern for relations, it is forbidden to be secluded with Nochrim because they kill people!
(g) Answer #1 (R. Yirmeyah): The Mishnah forbids even an important woman (she has connections to the king), they are afraid to kill her.
(h) Answer #2 (Rav Idi): A woman is not in danger of being killed (Rashi - he would rather have relations with her, and then he would not kill her; Tosfos - since women do not fight, people have mercy on her).
(i) Question: What is the difference between these answers?
(j) Version #1 (Rashi) Answer: An important woman that is not attractive. (All agree that he will not kill her; R. Yirmeyah permits seclusion, we are not concerned for relations since she is not pretty; Rav Idi is always concerned for relations.)
(k) Version #2 (Tosfos) Answer #1: An important woman secluded with Nochrim (men). (All agree that he will not kill her; R. Yirmeyah forbids seclusion, we are concerned for relations; Rav Idi says that they fear even to have relations with her.)
(l) Answer #2: An unimportant woman secluded with Nochriyos. (R. Yirmeyah forbids seclusion, lest they kill her; Rav Idi is never concerned for this.) (end of Version #2)
(m) Support (for Rav Idi - Beraisa): Even though a woman is never in danger of being killed, she may not be secluded with Nochrim, for they are suspected of immorality.
(a) (Beraisa): If a Yisrael is walking in the same direction as a Nochri, he should ensure that the Nochri is to his right;
(b) R. Yishmael son of R. Yochanan ben Brokah says, that is when the Nochri has a sword (on his left thigh; if the Nochri draws it, the Yisrael will be in position to grab it);
1. If the Nochri has a stick (in his right hand); the Yisrael should be on the right side (if the Nochri prepares to hit him, the Yisrael will be in position to grab it).
(c) If they are ascending or descending, the Yisrael should be on top;
(d) The Yisrael should not bend down (e.g. to pick up something), lest the Nochri smash his head.
(e) If the Nochri asks the Yisrael's destination, he should lie, and mention a place further than his true destination (the Nochri will be patient and wait for a great opportunity to harm him), as Yakov did;
1. He told Esav "Avo El Adoni Se'irah"; in truth, "V'Yakov Nasa Sukosah".
2. A case occurred: bandits came upon Talmidim of R. Akiva, the Talmidim said 'We are heading to Ako'. When they reached Keziv (their true destination), the bandits realized that they were tricked;
i. The bandits remarked that R. Akiva's Talmidim were never harmed.
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