Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Avodah Zarah 4
(a) (Reish Lakish): The wicked are judged through the sun -
"Hinei ha'Yom Ba Bo'er ka'Tanur...v'Chol Ose Rish'a
Kash...Lo Ya'azov Lahem Shoresh v'Anaf";
1. They will not have a root in this world, nor a
branch in the world to come.
(b) Tzadikim are cured through it - "Shemesh Tzedakah
u'Marpei bi'Chnafeha";
1. Further, they will delight in it - "U'Pishtem
k'Eglei Marbek".
(c) Answer #3 (to Question 4:d, 3B): Just as bigger fish
swallow smaller fish, also bigger people would swallow
smaller people, if not that they fear the king.
1. (Mishnah - R. Chanina Segan ha'Kohanim): Pray for
the wellbeing of the kingdom, if not that people
feared it, people would swallow each other alive.
(d) Question (R. Chinena bar Papa): It says "Shakai Lo
Metzanuhu Sagi Cho'ach"; but it also says "Gadol Adoneinu
v'Rav Ko'ach" and "Yeminecha Hash-m Nedari ba'Ko'ach"!
(e) Answer: Hash-m does not act with strength when He judges
(i.e. He does not decree destruction), he acts with
strength in war.
(f) Question (R. Chama b'Rebbi Chanina): It says "Chemah Ein
Li", it also says "Nokem Hash-m u'Va'al Chemah"!
(g) Answer #1 (R. Chama): He lacks anger against Yisrael, he
has anger against Nochrim.
1. Version #1 -Tosfos - (R. Chinena bar Papa): Hash-m
swore not to use Chemah against Yisrael, and regrets
(h) Version #2 -Rashi - Answer #2 (R. Chinena bar Papa): It
all refers to Yisrael; Hash-m has Chemah, but he swore
not to use it, and regrets this.
(a) Question (R. Alexandri): "Avakesh l'Hashmid Es Kol
ha'Goyim" - from whom will Hash-m request?
(b) Answer: Hash-m will examine the record of their deeds: if
they have enough merits, He will redeem them; if not, He
will destroy them.
(c) Question (Rava): What does it mean "Ach Lo B'i Yishlach
Yad Im b'Fido Lahen Shu'a"?
(d) Answer #1 (Rava): Hash-m does not judge Yisrael like the
1. Version #1 (Rashi): Regarding Nochrim, "Avah Avah
Avah Asimenah" (He repays them at once for all their
i. Regarding Yisrael, Hash-m punishes b'Fido, bit
by bit, like a pecking chicken.
2. Version #2 (Maharsha): Regarding Yisrael, "Avah Avah
Avah Asimenah" - He punishes for each sin
immediately, b'Fido, bit by bit, like a pecking
chicken. (He does not allow their liability to grow
great, as he does regarding Nochrim.) (end of
Version #2)
(e) Answer #2: Even if Yisrael have merits as little as pecks
of a chicken, Hash-m joins them and turns (Shu'a) to save
(f) Answer #3: In the merit that Yisrael MeSHAvim (pray) to
Hash-m, He is MoSHi'A (saves) them.
1. (R. Aba): "V'Anochi Efdem v'Hemah Dib'ru Alai
Kezavim" - Hash-m wanted to redeem Yisrael through
monetary afflictions in this world in order that
they will receive the world to come, but they denied
2. Question (Rav Papi): What does it mean "Yisarti
Chizakti Zero'osam v'Elai Yichashevu Ra" - Hash-m
intended to afflict Yisrael in this world in order
to strengthen them in the world to come, but they
thought Hash-m was doing evil to them.
(g) R. Avahu told the Minim that Rav Safra was a great man;
they exempted him from taxes for 13 years.
1. Once they asked Rav Safra: "Rak Eschem Yadati...Al
Ken Efkod Aleichem Es Kol Avonoseichem" - one does
not afflict his beloved! He did not answer; they
started hurting him.
2. R. Avahu: Why are you hurting him?
3. Minim: You said that he is a great man, but he could
not explain the verse!
4. R. Avahu: He is great in the oral Torah; he does not
have people like you asking questions about written
Torah, he has not delved as deeply into it as us (of
whom you normally ask).
5. Minim: How do you answer?
6. R. Avahu: I explain through a parable: a man lent to
someone he loves and to someone he hates;
i. He collects from his friend bit by bit, he
collects from the other all at once.
(h) Question (R. Aba bar Kahana): "Chalilah Lecha...Lehamis
Tzadik Im Rasha" - what does this mean?
(i) Answer: It is Chulin (profane) for You to kill Tzadikim
along with Resha'im.
(j) Question: But it says "V'Hichrati Mimech Tzadik v'Rasha"!
(k) Answer: That refers to one who is not a complete Tzadik.
(l) Question: Is it really true that a complete Tzadik will
not be punished with Resha'im?
1. (Rav Yosef): "Umi'Mikdashi Tachlu (You will start
killing in My Mikdash)" - read this 'Mi'Mekudoshai
(my holy ones)', people who kept the entire Torah.
(m) Answer: Those people should have protested against the
sinners. so they were not complete Tzadikim.
(a) Question (Rav Papa): It says "V'Kel Zo'em b'Chol Yom",
but it also says "Lifne Zamo Mi Ya'amod" (how do people
(b) Answer: If Hash-m directed his fury at an individual, he
could not survive; he directs it at the congregation, the
congregation can survive it.
(c) (Beraisa): "V'Kel Zo'em b'Chol Yom" - his fury is for a
Rega (moment); this is one part in 53, 848 of an hour
(about one part in 15 of a second);
1. The only creature that knew when this moment comes
was Bilam, of whom it says "V'Yode'a Da'as Elyon".
2. Question: He did not even know his donkey's mind,
how could he know Hash-m's?!
i. When the Moabite nobles asked why he was riding
on a donkey and not a horse, Bilam said that he
left his horse grazing.
ii. His donkey: "Ha'Lo Anochi Asonecha".
iii. Bilam: For carrying burdens.
iv. His donkey: "Asher Rachavta Alai".
v. Bilam: Only occasionally.
vi. His donkey: "Me'Odecha Ad ha'Yom ha'Zeh!" You
ride on me by day, and sleep with me at night -
"Ha'Hasken Hiskanti" (a virgin was picked to be
a SoCHENes to David, to warm him).
3. Answer: Rather, it says "V'Yode'a Da'as Elyon", for
Bilam knew when is the moment of Hash-m's fury.
(d) (R. Elazar): "Ami Zechor...u'Meh Anah Oso Bilam...Lema'an
Da'as Tzidkos Hash-m" - we should know what Hash-m did
for us, He was not angry for a moment the entire time
Bilam was trying to curse us;
1. Had He been angry, (Bilam would have succeeded to
curse us and) there would be no remnant of us.
(e) This explains "Mah Ekov Lo Kaboh Kel u'Mah Ez'om Lo Za'am
(f) Question: What is the source that Hash-m's fury is a
(g) Answer #1: "Ki Rega b'Apo".
(h) Answer #2: "Chavi Chim'at Rega Ad Ya'avor Za'am".
(i) Question: When does this Rega come?
(j) Answer (Abaye): In the first three hours of the day, when
a rooster's mane turns white.
(k) Question: Its mane is always white!
(l) Answer: All other times, it has red speckles; during the
Rega, it is totally white.
(m) A certain Min was bothering R. Yehoshua ben Levi with
(perverted explanations of) verses. R. Yehoshua ben Levi
set a rooster between the legs of his bed, intending to
curse him when the mane turned all white.
1. At the time, R. Yehoshua ben Levi fell asleep; he
realized that Hash-m did not want him to curse him -
"V'Rachamav Al Kol Ma'asav";
i. Also, it says "Gam Anosh la'Tzadik Lo Tov".
(a) (Beraisa - R. Meir): When kings put on their crowns and
bow to the sun, immediately Hash-m gets angry.
(b) (Rav Yosef): An individual should not pray Musaf during
the first three hours of the day on Rosh Hashanah - since
Hash-m judges then, perhaps He will scrutinize his deeds,
and his prayer will be rejected.
(c) Question: If so, also the congregation should not pray
(d) Answer: Since the congregation has many merits, its
prayer is heard.
(e) Question: Likewise, an individual should not pray
Shachris at this time!
(f) Answer: Since the congregation prays at this time, his
prayer will not be rejected.
(g) Question: But we said that the first three hours Hash-m
engages in Torah!
(h) Answer #1: Rather, the first three hours He judges, the
next three He engages in Torah.
(i) Answer #2: Really, He engages in Torah then;
1. Since Torah is called Emes ("Emes Kene v'Al
Timkor"), He does not go beyond the letter of the
law at this time;
2. Judgment is not called Emes, when He engages in
judgment He goes beyond the letter of the law.
(j) (R. Yehoshua ben Levi): "Asher Anochi Metzavecha ha'Yom"
- today (this world) is for doing Mitzvos, not tomorrow
(the world to come); today (this world) is for doing
Mitzvos, not for receiving their reward.
(k) (R. Yehoshua ben Levi):"Yitenu Edeihem v'Yitzdaku" -
Mitzvos that Yisrael do in this world testify for them in
the world to come;
1. "Va'Yomeru Emes" - this refers to the Nochrim.
(l) (R. Yehoshua ben Levi): Mitzvos that Yisrael do in this
world strike the Nochrim on the face in the world to come
- it does not say '...u'Vinaschem Neged ha'Amim', rather
"L'Einei ha'Amim", in their eyes.
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