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1) [line 1] SHE'EIN RE'UYAH L'GER - which is not fit for a Ger (it has become rotten, RASHI; see Insights to Avodah Zarah 67:2) 2) [line 2] SERUCHAH ME'IKARA - it was spoiled from the beginning (while it was still alive); for example, it was afflicted with boils, and since it was never fit to be eaten, it does not attain the status of the Isur of Neveilah when it dies (RASHI)
3) [line 7] ADASHIM - lentils 5) [line 18] SE'OR - sourdough, a very heavily fermented dough that is mixed with fresh dough to cause it to rise
6) [line 19] L'HACHAMITZ - to cause the dough to rise
8) [line 21] KIL'EI HA'KEREM 9) [line 24] L'CHAME'A BAH KAMAH ISOS ACHEROS - [forbidden sourdough is different, and it prohibits the dough into which it falls even when it harms the dough (which already contains a leavening agent), because it remains fit] to cause many other batches of dough (which do not yet contain a leavening agent) to rise
10) [line 8] HANI TELASA BAVEI - these three cases [mentioned in the Beraisos: 1. Se'or of Terumah and Chulin fell into permitted dough together; 2. Se'or of Terumah fell into permitted dough, then Se'or of Chulin; 3. wine fell into lentils, or vinegar fell into beans]
11) [line 21] ORLAH 12) [line 21] MITZTARFIN - they join (the fruit of Orlah and the fruit of Kil'ayim combine to make a Shi'ur large enough to prohibit the mixture into which they fall) 13) [line 27] BEDEILEI INSHEI MINEI - people stay away from it
14) [line 30] LITAMEI LACH V'YAVESH! - it should cause Tum'ah not only when
it is moist (i.e. when it contains its bodily fluids) but even when it is
dry (i.e. when it has dried out)! (TUM'AS SHERETZ)
15) [line 30] ALAMAH - why? 17) [line 35] K'EIN MOSAM - similar to their [state at the time of] death (see previous entry)
18a) [line 37] D'DABRA - (O.F. escurel) [the mouse] of the field (this mouse
is considered a delicacy)