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1) [line 1] IY EFSHAR, HACHI NAMI - (a) it is impossible [not to sell them wheat and barley without causing strife] (It seems as though RASHI is not Gores the words "Hachi Nami" -- see DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #20) (RASHI); (b) if it were possible, this, too [we would do, i.e. not sell them wheat and barley] (HA'GA'ON RAV YESHAYAH PIK) 2) [line 2] KI SHALIM ZINAIHU, KATLEI B'GAVAIHU - when they run out of weapons, they use them (the shields) to kill
3) [line 4] MI'ARAK ARKEI - they run away [and do not use the shields to
6a) [line 8] MAREI - (O.F. fossoir) hoes
7a) [line 9] PARZELA HINDEVA'AH - iron from Hindeva (see next entry), used
primarily to make weapons (RASHI) (this might refer to the iron used to make
the "Arabian daggers" of ancient times, which were well-known as the
strongest weapons -- MIDRASH TANCHUMA va'Eschanan 6) 8) [line 16] MIPNEI SHE'HU OSEH VO MELACHAH SHE'EIN CHAYAVIN ALEHA CHATAS - since he will perform with it a Melachah for which there is no liability to bring a Korban Chatas, such a riding it (RABEINU CHANANEL) 9) [line 20] KATIL BI'SHECUFEI - it kills with the downward motion of its front hoofs (O.F. adenter - to knock to the ground) 10) [line 24] SHOR SHEL PATAM - a fattened ox [that is so fat that it cannot do work] 11) [line 30] HAYU MAKRIVIN SHOR SHEL PATAM B'YOM EIDAM - they would give a fattened ox [as a tax or a gift to the Emperor] on the day of the idolaters' festival 12) [line 30] CHISER 4 RIVEVAN SHE'EIN MAKRIVIN OSO HA'YOM ELA L'MACHAR - [Rebbi] spent (lit. depleted) forty thousand [Dinerin to get the authorities to agree] that they (the members of Rebbi's household) need not give the ox on the day of the idolaters' festival, but rather on the next day 13) [line 34] MI'AKAR MILSA BA'I - he wanted to have the obligation (lit. the matter) cancelled 14) [line 34] SAVAR YE'AKER V'ASI PURTA PURTA - and he reasoned that it could only be cancelled little by little 15) [line 35] V'CHI MASH'HEI LEI, BARI V'AVID MELACHAH?! - And if it is left [without feeding it to loose weight], will it become strong and be able to do work (as the Gemara assumes above, according to one side of the argument)?!
16a) [line 36] BAR TORA - a fattened ox 17) [line 38] BASILKI - a basilica, a building with colonnades often used as a meeting place for merchants and exchange, but also as the seat of the Roman magistrate, who decided capital cases (see pictures posted with the Shi'ur to Avodah Zarah 8: Highlights of a Roman City)
18) [line 38] GARDOM - [Roman] executioner's scaffold 20) [line 38] BIMAH - (O.F. almenbre) a platform [from which prisoners were pushed to their deaths] 21) [line 38] BIMOSI'OS - (a) (O.F. alter) an altar [for idolatrous sacrifices] (RASHI); (b) according to the Girsa *DIMOSI'OS* - bathhouse structures built around hot springs (TOSFOS to 16b, DH Bimosi'os); (c) a type of building that was not used for idolatrous purposes (RASHBAM, cited by TOSFOS ibid.) 22) [line 38] BEIS MERCHATZA'OS - bathhouses (see pictures posted with the Shi'ur to Avodah Zarah 8: Highlights of a Roman City)
23) [line 39] KIPAH - a dome
26) [line 25] D'VEI MAR YOCHANI TACHANEI REICHAYIM B'ARODEI - the members of the household of Mar Yochani used to grind flour by harnessing wild desert donkeys to a millstone 27) [line 26] KI HAVEINAN BEI RAV YEHUDAH - when we learned in the Yeshiva of Rav Yehudah (Rebbi Zeira originally lived in Bavel, where he was known as *Rav* Zeira, and he learned under the tutelage of Rav Yehudah. He moved to Eretz Yisrael (see Kesuvos 110b-111a and below, entry #29) where he received Semichah and became known as *Rebbi* Zeira.) 28) [line 30] KURKUNYA - (also Akra Kunya -- DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #4) possibly Kainai, a Roman Mesopotamian city, to the west of the Tigris 29) [line 33] L'SURA - (a) to Sura, a town in Southern Bavel between the canals, seat of the Yeshiva founded by Rav; (b) alternate Girsa *L'SURYA* - to [a town in] Assyria (and this story maps the journey of Rebbi Zeira to Eretz Yisrael, starting with Pumbedisa, the town of Rav Yehudah. He stopped in Kurkunya and Surya before arriving in Eretz Yisrael.)
30a) [line 42] PASYA UCHMA! - black earthenware vessel! (this appellation is
used for a Talmid Chacham who is so fully devoted to learning Torah that he
does not even have time to wash his clothes -- RASHI. According to the
previous entry, (b), Rebbi Zeira may have met Rav Asi immediately upon his
arrival from Bavel.)
31) [line 49] OTZAROS - treasure houses 33) [line 53] KESHE'NITPAS REBBI ELEIZER L'MINUS - when Rebbi Eliezer was caught [and tried] by the Roman authorities (lit. by the Heresy)
34) [line 53] HEGMON - the district commander 36) [line 57] L'NACHAMO - to comfort him (since he felt that the vague statement that he used to acquit himself may have been a Chilul HaSh-m, since the Hegmon understood it as support for his words that Torah learning is "Devarim Betelim") 37) [last line] SHEMA MINUS BA L'YADCHA - perhaps [words of] heresy came before you (lit. into your hands) [and they were pleasing to you at the time]