Tour Israel with Rav Shalom
22 Mini Tours of the Land of Israel
Expertly guided by the Renowned Rav Shalom Gold
Of the OLD CITY of Jerusalem
Tours Include:
1. Western Wall
2. Southern Wall Excavations
3. The City Of David
4. Treasures of the Temple
5. Clothing of the Priests
6. Jerusalems Windmill
7. The Tower of David
Jerusalem's Old City
9. Ein Gedi
10. Nimrods Castle
11. Megiddo
12. Tel Dan
13. Nimrods Castle
14. Tel Chai |
15. Ancient Village
of Katzrin
16. Gamla
17. Hebron
18. Masada
19. Rachels Tomb
20. The Tomb of Schmuel HaNavi
21. Tiberias
22 Tzfat. |
The cost of this set of CD's is $19.95 plus