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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Zevachim 8

ZEVACHIM 8 - dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner and is dearly missed by all who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan.


(a) Question: What is the source that a Chatas must be offered Lishmah?
(b) Answer: "V'Shachat Osah l'Chatas" - the slaughter must be l'Shem Chatas.
(c) Question: This teaches about a Shinuy in slaughter - what is the source for Shinuy in Kabalah?
(d) Answer: "V'Lakach ha'Kohen mi'Dam ha'Chatas" - it must be received l'Shem Chatas.
(e) Question: What is the source for Zerikah?
(f) Answer: "V'Chiper Alav ha'Kohen mi'Chataso" - the atonement must be l'Shem Chatas.
(g) Question: This teaches Shinuy Kodesh; what is the source for Shinuy Ba'alim?
(h) Answer: "(He atones) Alav" - not for someone else.
(a) Question: This teaches that Shinuy Kodesh and Ba'alim are forbidden - what is the source that they Posel a Chatas?
(b) Answer #1: We learn as Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua learned.
1. (Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua): "Chatas*o* (his Chatas)" - it must be l'Shem ha'Ba'alim.
(c) Question: We have learned that Shinuy Kodesh is forbidden l'Chatchilah, and Shinuy Ba'alim in Zerikah disqualifies a Chatas;
1. What is the source that Shinuy Kodesh disqualifies in all Avodos, and that Shinuy Ba'alim is forbidden and disqualifies in the Avodos other than Zerikah?
(d) Answer #1 - part 1 (R. Yonah): We learn from the Chatas of a Nazir - "...V'Asah Es Chataso v'Es Olaso" - all the Asiyos (of the Chatas) must be l'Shem Chatas.
(e) Question: This teaches about Shinuy Kodesh - what is the source for Shinuy Ba'alim?
(f) Answer #1 - part 2 (Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua): "Chatas*o*"- it must be l'Shem ha'Ba'alim.
(g) Objection #1 (Ravina): If we expound thusly, what will we learn from "Olas*o*"?
1. Question: Ravina did not ask about "Minchah*o*" and "Nisch*o*" - what does he expound from them?
2. Answer: He learn that Menachos and Nesachim may be brought at night, or the day following the Korban they accompany.
(h) Objection #2: We cannot learn from the Chatas of a Nazir to a Chatas for eating Chelev (i.e. a normal Chatas for a Shogeg (unintentional) transgression (which if Mezid would be punishable with Kares) or vice-versa!
1. We cannot learn Chatas Chelev from Chatas Nazir, since other Korbanos accompany Chatas Nazir;
2. We cannot learn Chatas Nazir from Chatas Chelev, since the latter atones for a transgression of Kares.
(i) Answer #2 (to Question (a)) - part 1 (Rava): We learn from the Chatas of a Metzora - "V'Asah ha'Kohen Es ha'Chatas" - all the Asiyos must be l'Shem Chatas.
(j) Question: This teaches about Shinuy Kodesh - what is the source for Shinuy Ba'alim?
(k) Answer #2 - part 2: "V'Chiper Al ha'Mitaher" - on this person that is becoming Tahor, not another.
(l) Objection: We cannot learn from Chatas Metzora to Chatas Chelev, or vice-versa!
1. We cannot learn Chatas Chelev from Chatas Metzora, since other Korbanos accompany Chatas Metzora;
2. We cannot learn Chatas Metzora from Chatas Chelev, since the latter atones for a transgression of Kares.
(m) Suggestion: We cannot learn from one of these to another - perhaps one of them can be learned from the other two!
1. Question: Which one could be learned?
2. Answer #1: Chatas Chelev could be learned from the others.
3. Rejection: We cannot learn it from Chatas Nazir and Chatas Metzora, since other Korbanos accompany them!
4. Answer #2: Chatas Nazir could be learned from the others.
5. Rejection: We cannot learn it from the others, one can exempt himself from it by annulling a vow, this does not apply to Chatas Chelev or Chatas Metzora.
6. Answer #3: Chatas Metzora could be learned from the others.
7. Rejection: We cannot learn it from the others, since a poor person can bring a bird, this does not apply to Chatas Nazir and Chatas Chelev.
(n) Answer #3: Rather, we learn from "Zos ha'Torah...(vela'Chatas...ul'Zevach ha'Shelamim)" - Chatas is equated to Shelamim;
1. Just as Shinuy Kodesh and Shinuy Ba'alim are forbidden regarding Shelamim, also regarding Chatas;
2. The other verses teach that Lo Lishmah is Pasul regarding Chatas.
(o) Question: This only teaches about Chatas Chelev, by which it says "L'Chatas";

1. What is the source for Chata'os brought for idolatry, false oaths of not knowing testimony or of Bituy, or a Tamei person who entered the Mikdash or ate Kodshim (it does not say l'Chatas in these Parshiyos)?
(p) Answer: We learn a Chatas for idolatry from Chatas Chelev, since both are Chayavei Kerisus;
1. The others are learned from a Tzad ha'Shavah of Chatas Chelev, Chatas Metzora and Chatas Nazir.
(a) (Beraisa): If a Korban Pesach was slaughtered at the proper time (on Erev Pesach): Lishmah it is (fully) Kosher, Lo Lishmah it is (fully) Pasul;
1. If it was slaughtered any other time (Tosfos - before the first Pesach after it was Hukdash), Lishmah it is Pasul, Lo Lishmah it is Kosher (but he did not fulfill his obligation).
(b) Question: What is the source of this (latter law)?
(c) Answer (Shmuel's father): "V'Im Min ha'Tzon Korbano L'Zevach Shelamim" - a Korban that is brought from Tzon (sheep or goats, i.e. a Pesach) is (at any other time) a Shelamim.
(d) Suggestion: Perhaps this is only if it is slaughtered l'Shem Shelamim!
(e) Rejection (R. Ila): "L'Zevach" includes (if it was slaughtered l'Shem) any Korban.
(f) Suggestion: Perhaps if it was slaughtered l'Shem any Korban, it becomes that Korban!
(g) Rejection: Had the Torah said 'l'Shelamim v'Zevach', that would be correct!
1. Rather, it says "L'Zevach Shelamim" to teach that if it is slaughtered l'Shem any Korban, it is a Shelamim.
(h) Suggestion: Why don't we say that "L'Zevach" is a Klal and "Shelamim" is a Prat, from a Klal and Prat we only learn the Prat, i.e. Shelamim!
(i) Answer #1: "La'Sh-m" is a closing Klal.
(j) Question (R. Yakov of Nehar Pekod): But the opening and closing Klalim are dissimilar! The opening Klal (L'Zevach) only includes animals, the closing Klal (la'Sh-m) teaches all Korbanos to Hash-m, even birds and flour-offerings!
(k) Answer: The Tana is Tana d'vei R. Yishmael, who expounds such a Klal Prat u'Klal;
1. From a Klal Prat u'Klal we learn everything similar to the Prat (Shelamim) - if it was slaughtered l'Shem any Korban, it is Kosher.
(l) Question: The Prat is a Korban that one brings for a vow - we should only learn such Korbanos, i.e., Olah and Shelamim, but not Chatas and Asham!
(m) Answer #2: "L'Zevach" is (Rashi - an extra word, therefore it is) not a Klal, rather, an inclusion.
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