by Rabbi Ephraim Becker Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Yoma 42
YOMA 42, 43 have been anonymously sponsored towards a REFU'AH SHELEMAH to
Shmuel Yakov ben Ayala Hinda, Ilana Golda bas Chana and Klarees Marcia bas
(a) R. Dimi (citing R. Yochanan) was uncertain which weight (10
Zuz, two Sla'im and one Shekel) applies to which thread
(that of the Parah, the Sair and the Metzora).
(b) Ravin (citing R. Yonasan) attributed the 10 Zuz to the
Parah, two Selah to the Sair and one Shekel to the Metzora.
(c) (R. Yochanan) There is a dispute between R. Shimon b.
Chalafta and the Rabanan regarding the Parah (is it 10 Zuz
or one Shekel) and the mnemonic is "One who is Marbeh..."
(d) (R. Yirmiyah) No, the dispute is over the Sair and the
memory aid comes from the passing of Ravya b. Kisi...
(a) (R. Yitzhok) I was taught two Shechitos, one Kosher B'Zar,
and one not (Parah and Paro), and I do not know which is
(b) We are taught that the Pesul of Shechitas Zar is a Machlokes
Rav and Shmuel (does it apply to Parah or to Paro).
(c) Rav's response to R. Zeira (Elazar plus Chukah) leads us to
conclude that Rav holds that *Parah* is Pesulah B'Zar.
1. Question: But by Paro we *also* find Elazar and
2. Answer: Shechitah is not an Avodah.
3. Question: Then Parah should also allow for a Zar!?
4. Answer: It is different since it is Kodeshei Bedek
5. Question: Then *certainly* Paro should be Pasul B'Zar!?
6. Answer: The model is Maros Negaim (not Avodah yet
requires a Kohen).
(d) Shmuel, then, holds that Paro is Pesulah B'Zar.
1. Question: But by Parah *also* find Aharon and Chukah!?
2. Answer: The Pasuk (V'Shachat Oso L'Fanav) teaches that
Elazar may watch the Shechitah of a Zar.
3. Question: What will Rav then do with the Pasuk of
V'Shachat Oso L'Fanav?!
4. Answer: To forbid Hesech HaDa'as.
5. Question: Whence will Shmuel learn that Halachah?
6. Answer: From V'Saraf...
7. Question: What will Rav do with that Pasuk?
8. Answer: One Pasuk for Shechitah and one for Sereifah.
(i) We need both, since Shechitah is the start of the
Avodah, and possibly the only part where a Kohen
is required; and,
(ii) Sereifah is what makes the Parah effective.
9. Question: What is excluded (that Hesech HaDa'as would
*not* invalidate)?
(i) Collecting the ashes and pouring the water over
them are not good candidates;
(ii) The Pasuk insists on their Shemirah.
10. Answer: Throwing in the additional ingredients (not
part of the actual Parah).
11. We were taught that there is a Machlokes regarding the
Pesul of a Zar by Parah between R. Ami (Kesheirah), R.
Yitzhok Nafcha (Pesulah) and Ula (two versions
regarding his position).
(e) R. Yehoshua b. Aba asked from a Bereisa (regarding parts of
the Avodah which are invalid if performed by a woman) in
support of Rav.
(f) Question: What is the challenge to Shmuel from this Bereisa?
1. If the assumption is that anything which is Pasul if
done by a woman would be Pasul if done by a Zar,
2. We see from sprinkling the water that this is not so.
(g) Answer (Abaye): A woman is excluded because of Elazar, and
*that* should also exclude a Zar from Parah.
(a) (Ula) When analyzed, some of the Pesukim correct a mis-
impression of the previous or following Pasuk; while other
Pesukim retain the impressions of the surrounding Pesukim:
(b) Unesatem...Elazar, implies Elazar and not L'Doros.
1. Some say this implies that future generations will
require a Kohen Gadol (not a Segan, as was Elazar).
2. Others say that future generations will allow for a
Kohen Hedyot.
3. Question: On what basis would we insist on a Kohen
Gadol in the future?
4. Answer: Chukah, Chukah from Yom Kipur.
(c) V'Hotze Osah... not to bring another out with it.
1. This is taught in a Mishnah that neither a black or
another red Heifer may be used to coax the Parah out.
2. Each has its reason to prevent people from erring.
3. R. Yosi says that the reason is simply the command of
the Pasuk (Osah).
4. Question: How will the Tana Kama understand Osah?
5. Answer: This Tana is R. Shimon, who learns the
rationale of the Pesukim.
6. Question: When will their approaches result in a
difference in Halachah?
7. Answer: In a case where a donkey is brought out with
the Parah.
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