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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Yevamos 106

YEVAMOS 106 - dedicated anonymously by a student of Rabbi Kornfeld's in N.Y.


(a) Resh Lakish explained the Beraisa 'Chalitzah Muta'as Kesheirah' to mean that even if they gave an errant Yavam to believe that by performing Chalitzah, he would in fact acquire the Yevamah, the Chalitzah would be valid.
On what grounds did Rebbi Yochanan object?

(b) So how did *he* explain it?

(c) What is the Halachic basis for this? Why do we not connect the validity of the Chalitzah with the fulfillment of the condition?

(d) A case of Chalitzah Muta'as came before Rebbi Chiya, who validated the Chalitzah.
What caused them to employ such tactics there?

(a) There was a case where the Yevamah refused to let the Yavam perform Yibum with her.
On what grounds did Rebbi Chiya bar Aba justify her refusal?

(b) What did he then instruct the Yavam to do? How did he trick the Yavam into performing Chalitzah?

(c) But did we not just learn that such a Chalitzah is not valid?

(d) What were the connotations of 'Biti Amodi', according to Rashi's second Lashon? How did that increase her justification for refusing?

(a) Abaye instructed a Yavam who wanted to perform Yibum with a Yevamah who was unsuitable for him, to perform Chalitzah in order to acquire her.
On what grounds did Rav Papa object ...
  1. ... in this instance? What did he then advise Abaye to do?
  2. ... when Abaye instructed the Yevamah to pay the money?
(b) Rav Papa proved his point from a Beraisa.
What does the Tana say about a man who was running away and arrived at a river?
(c) We just learned that a Chalitzah Muta'as is valid.
How about a Get Muta'as?

(d) This episode ends on a sad note.
What happened?

(a) The Beraisa initially invalidates a Chalitzah Me'usis, and validates a Get Me'useh. What is a Chalitzah or a Get Me'useh?

(b) On what grounds do we object to the Tana's distinction?

(c) What do we in fact conclude with regard to a Chalitzah Me'usis and a Get'Me'useh?

(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Emor (regarding Korbanos) ...
  1. ... "Yakriv Oso"?
  2. ... "li'R'tzono"?
(b) With regard to which other area of Halachah does the Tana bring this Halachah.
(a) Rava Amar Rav S'chorah Amar Rav Huna 'Choltzin af-al-pi she'Ein Makirin, Mema'anin ... '.
What does Rava himself say?

(b) What are the ramifications of this dispute with regard to writing a Get Chalitzah and a Get Miy'un?

(c) What do we mean when we say that ...

  1. ... Rav Huna is worried about an erring Beis-Din?
  2. ... Rava is not worried about an erring Beis-Din?
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(a) When the Yavam and the Yevamah first arrive in Beis-Din, it is the Dayanim who open the proceedings.
What do they say?

(b) The Yevamah then says 'Me'ein Yevami Lehakim le'Achiv Sheim be'Yisrael, Lo Avah Yabmi'.
What does the Yavam then say?

(c) If the Yavam or the Yevamah do not understand Lashon ha'Kodesh, are they permitted to speak in a foreign language?

(d) The Yevamah then approaches the Yavam, pulls off his right shoe and spits towards him.
What specification do these three acts share?

(a) What does the Yevamah then call out?

(b) What Minhag did Rebbi Hurkanus introduce under the oak-tree in K'far Itam?

(c) According to the Tana Kama, it is only the Dayanim who called out 'Beis Chalutz ha'Na'al' at the conclusion of the ceremony.
What does Rebbi Yehudah say?

(d) Rav Yehudah taught that the Mitzvah of Chalitzah comprises her reading, his reading, removing the shoe, spitting and her reading.
Why did he find it necessary to repeat the order that appears clearly in our Mishnah? To which two aspects of the Chalitzah ceremony did Rav Yehudah refer?

(a) What did Abaye say about ...
  1. ... the Yevamah reading 'Lo Avah Yabmi'?
  2. ... the Yavam reading 'Lo Chafatzti le'Kachtah'?
(b) On what grounds does Rava disagree with Abaye?

(c) Rav Ashi once found Rav Kahana struggling to get a Yevamah to read 'Lo Avah Yabmi' without pausing in the middle.
What did he answer when Rav Ashi quoted him Rava's concession to break in the middle?

(a) They used to write in the Get Chalitzah that they made *her* read from 'Me'ein Yevami' until 'Yavmi', that they made *him* read from 'Lo' until 'Lekachtah', and her again from 'Kachah' until 'Chalotz ha'Na'al'.
Why did they not write the full quotes?

(b) Then on what grounds did Mar Zutra write the full quotes?

(c) Mar bar Idi queried Mar Zutra on the basis of the prohibition of writing individual Parshiyos of the Torah, even with lines.
How do we nevertheless justify Mar Zutra's action? In which way is writing a Get Chalitzah different than writing a Parshah for children to learn?

(d) Like whom is the Halachah?

(a) Abaye invalidates the Chalitzah of a Yevamah if the wind disperses her spit before it reaches the area in front of the Yavam.
Why is that?

(b) In which case will such a Chalitzah nevertheless be valid?

(c) Up to which point must the spit reach for the Chalitzah to be valid?

(a) On what grounds does Rava invalidate the Chalitzah of a woman who spat after eating garlic or earth?

(b) What does Rava learn from the Pasuk "ve'Yarkah le'Einei ha'Z'keinim"?

(c) Rebbi Yehudah requires everyone present to announce 'Chalutz ha'Na'al'. From whom did he learn this?

(d) How many times would they announce it?

***** Hadran Alach Mitzvas Chalitzah *****

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