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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Yevamos 63

YEVAMOS 46-65 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi publications for these Dafim for the benefit of Klal Yisrael.


(a) What does Rebbi Elazar learn from the Pasuk ...
  1. ... "Zachar u'Nekeivah Bera'am Vayikra es Sh'mam Adam" (Bereishis)?
  2. ... "ha'Shamayim Shamayim la'Hashem, ve'ha'Aretz Nasan li'Vnei Adam" (Tehilim)?
  3. ... "E'eseh Lo Eizer ke'Negdo"?
(b) What is the alternative interpretation of the two explanations of "ke'Negdo"?

(c) How did Eliyahu describe to Rebbi Yossi the manner in which a wife assists her husband?

(a) And what does Rebbi Elazar learn from the Pasuk ...
  1. ... "*Zos ha'Pa'am*, Etzem me'Atzamai u'Vasar mi'B'sari" (Bereishis)?
  2. ... *"ve'Nivrechu ve'Cha* Kol Mishpechos ha'Adamah" (that Hashem said to Avraham - in Parshas Lech-Lecha)?
  3. ... "ve'Nivrechu ve'Cha *Kol Mishpechos ha'Adamah*"?
  4. ... "ve'Nivrechu ve'Cha Kol Goyei ha'Aretz" (that Hashem said to Avraham in Parshas Vayeira)?
(b) What does Rebbi Elazar say about ...
  1. ... the ultimate destiny of sailors?
  2. ... the Torah's use of the word "ve'Yardu" in that connection?
(c) What did Rebbi Elazar and other Amora'im have to say about farming?

(d) What contrast did Rava strike between a hundred Zuzim invested in farming and a hundred Zuzim invested in business? Which two woes does he see as a result of farming?

(a) What did Rav Papa mean when he says that one should rather sow than buy (even if it is cheap)?

(b) And when he said that it is better to sell before one becomes poor, he referred to household goods such as mats, but not to fine clothes.
Why not?

(c) Don't wait for a hole in the wall to widen until you are forced to replace the bricks, he said, but replace the bricks rather than rebuild the entire wall.
Why is that?

(d) If one should ...

  1. ... jump at the opportunity to buy land, how should one choose a wife?
  2. ... descend a level in searching for a wife, how should one choose a friend?
(a) Why does Hashem bring punishment on the world?

(b) To what was Rebbi Chiya referring when he conferred upon Rav the blessing that Hashem should save him from something that is worse than death?

(c) What did Rav's wife subsequently used to do? In what way did Chiya his son outsmart him?

(d) On what basis did Rav forbid him to continue with that practice?

5) Rebbi Chiya used to bring his wife trinkets in spite of the fact that she was not a good wife.
How did Rebbi Chiya explain his motive to Rav?

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(a) What did Rav Yehudah reply to Rav Yitzchak his son, when he asked him for an example of the Pasuk in Koheles "u'Motzi Ani Mar mi'Maves es ha'Ishah"?

(b) How do we reconcile this with Rav Yehudah himself, who cited his wife as the epitome of the first wife from whom a man derives satisfaction?

(c) Abaye describes a bad wife as one who showers him with curses and insults, even as she lays him a nice table (so that, by the time meal-time arrives, he no longer has an appetite).
How does Rava describe her?

(d) How does Rebbi Chama bar Chanina explain the Pasuk in Mishlei "Matza Ishah Matza Tov, *ve'Yafek* Ratzon me'Hashem"?

(a) What did the B'nei Eretz Yisrael mean when, at weddings, they would declare "Matza O Motzei"?

(b) According to Rava, what is the antidote to ...

  1. ... a bad wife?
  2. ... a bad wife who has a large Kesubah?
(c) To what does Rava compare living with a bad wife?

(d) How does Rava extrapolate the ...

  1. ... virtuousness of a good wife, even if "Matza Ishah Matza Tov refers to Torah?
  2. ... curse of a bad wife, even if "u'Motzi Ani Mar mi'Maves es ha'Ishah" refers to Gehinom?
(a) What is the evil from which one cannot extricate oneself, to which the Pesukim in Yirmiyah and in Eichah refer?

(b) What did the B'nei Eretz Yisrael mean when they explained the Pasuk in Eichah to refer to someone whose sustenance depends on his money?

(c) How does Rav Chanan bar Rava Amar Rav interpret the Pasuk ...

  1. ... in Ki Savo "Banecha u'Venosecha Nesunim el Am Acher"?
  2. ... in Ha'azinu "be'Goy Naval Ach'iseim"?
(d) According to Rebbi Elazar, this latter Pasuk refers to Tzedokim (who foul their mouths with blasphemy - Agados Maharsha). The Tana ascribes it to the Barbarians and the people of Martinians.
What did the people of Barbaria and Martinai used to do?
(a) Rebbi Yochanan was most distraught when he heard that the Chavri had come to Bavel.
Why was he so upset? Who were the Chavri anyway?

(b) What set his mind at ease?

(c) They issued three decrees on the B'nei Bavel.
Which sin had the B'nei Bavel committed to warrant the decree ...

  1. ... forbidding them to eat Shechted meat?
  2. ... forbidding them to use the bathhouses?
  3. ... dragging their dead from their graves?
(d) If the dead were not brought to burial, as Yirmiyah ha'Navi describes, what does he then mean when he continues "ve'Nivchar Maves me'Chayim"?
(a) Ben Sira extols the virtues of a good wife and advises a man with a bad wife to divorce her.
What does he write about ...
  1. ... a man with a beautiful wife?
  2. ... an "Eishes Chein" (of another man)?
  3. ... an Eishes Chein's husband?
(b) What does he say about ...
  1. ... beautiful women in general?
  2. ... peddlers (of women's perfumes)?
  3. ... worrying about tomorrow?
(c) Ben Sira also has some good advice to give about human relationships.
What does he say about ...
  1. ... having an open home?
  2. ... having many friends who are concerned about one's well-being?
  3. ... relating one's secrets?
(a) What does Rebbi Asi learn from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Ki Ru'ach mi'Lefanai Ya'atof u'Neshamos Ani Asisi"? What does he mean by the 'Guf'?

(b) What does ...

  1. ... Rebbi Eliezer learn from the juxtaposition of the Pasuk "Shofech Dam ha'Adam ba'Adam Damo Yishafech" to "ve'Atem P'ru u'Revu"?
  2. ... Rebbi Ya'akov (or Rebbi Akiva) learn from the juxtaposition of the Pasuk "Ki be'Tzelem Elokim Asah es ha'Adam" to "ve'Atem P'ru u'Revu"?
(c) What does ben Azai say about the above juxtapositions?

(d) What was ben Azai's response when they queried him about practicing what he preached (i.e. why he did not get married and have children)?

(a) What connection does the Tana Kama of the Beraisa make between the Pasuk in Beha'aloscha "u've'Nuchoh Yomar, Shuvah Hashem Riv'vos Alfei Yisrael" (which speaks about bringing the Shechinah down to Yisrael) and causing the Shechinah to depart from Yisrael?

(b) What does Aba Chanan say in the name of Rebbi Eliezer extrapolate from the Pasuk (written in connection with Nadav and Avihu's death) in Bamidbar "u'Vanim Lo Hayu Lahem"?

(c) And what does Acheirim extrapolate from the Pasuk in Toldos "Liheyos Lecha l'Elokim u'le'Zar'acha Acharecha"?

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