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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Yevamos 8

YEVAMOS 6, 7, 8, 9 (Chanukah) - dedicated by Uri Wolfson and Naftali Wilk in honor of Rav Mordechai Rabin of Har Nof, a true beacon of Torah and Chesed.


(a) If not for "Alehah", we would include Yibum by Achos Ishto and all the Arayos from a 'Mah Matzinu' from Eishes Achiv (in spite of the fact that there are two Isurim against the one of Eishes Achiv), because of 'Ho'il ve'Ishteri Ishteri'.
Who would have had to marry first, his brother or himself?

(b) Even assuming that his brother married first, which other condition would need to be fulfilled in order to say 'Ho'il ve'Ishteri Ishteri' (and to require "Alehah" to forbid Yibum)?

(c) To which case of 'Metzora she'Ra'ah Keri' would we compare our case if he married before his brother died?

(a) Alternatively, we require "Alehah" to preclude Hekeisha de'Rebbi Yonah (some say Rav Huna B'rei de'Rav Yehoshua).
What is Hekeisha de'Rebbi Yonah? Regarding which Halachah did he say it?

(b) But how can we learn the other Arayos, where one transgresses *two* La'avin, from Eishes Achiv, where one transgresses only *one*?

(c) We compare all the Arayos to Achos Ishto (to forbid Yibum - rather than to Eishes Achiv, to permit it), for one of two reasons, one of them, because whenever we have such an option, we always compare le'Chumra.
What is the other one?

(a) According to Rava, we do not need "Alehah" to preclude Achos Ishto and the other Arayos from Yibum.
Why not?

(b) Then why *do* we need "Alehah"?

(c) How does Rava explain the words of ...

  1. ... the Tana 'Ein Li Ela Hi' and 'Ein Li Ela Hein'?
  2. ... Rebbi in another Beraisa, who requires a Pasuk 'Le'esor Tzaros va'Arayos'?
(d) But Rebbi himself quotes *two* Pesukim! According to Rava, what does he learn from ...
  1. ... "u'Lekachah"?
  2. ... "ve'Yibmah"?
(a) What does Rav Ashi deduce from our Mishnah, which says 'Chameish-Esrei Nashim Potros Tzaroseihen', but does not say 'Peturos'?

(b) What is the problem with Rava's distinction between Ervah and Tzaras Ervah (bearing in mind that the Torah writes "li'Tz'ror"?

(c) How does Rav Acha bar Bibi subsequently explain Rava? How does he interpret "Alehah"?

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(a) How do we initially resolve Rami bar Chama's query as to why Rava does not learn from "Alehah" that when there is no Mitzvah of Yibum, the Ervah herself should be permitted?

(b) What is the snag with this answer?

(c) Why can we not learn that Achos Ishto (and the other Arayos) are forbidden even when there is no Mitzvah of Yibum from "be'Chayehah"?

(d) But don't we know that already from "ve'Ishah el Achosah"?

(a) Rav Huna bar Tachlifo Amar Rava finally learns that the Arayos are forbidden when there is no Mitzvah of Yibum, from the combination of two Pesukim "Ishah el Achosah Lo Sikach" - suggesting that both womenand "le'Galos Ervasah". How do these Pesukim seem to contradict each other?

(b) How do we extrapolate from here that the Arayos are forbidden even when there is no Mitzvah of Yibum?

(c) Why can we not say the opposite: when there is *no* Mitzvah of Yibum, let both the Ervah and her Tzarah be Asur, and when there *is*, let us forbid the Ervah and permit the Tzarah?

(d) So perhaps "Ishah el Achosah Lo Sikach li'Tz'ror" comes to forbid both the Ervah and the Tzarah when there is *no* Mitzvah, and "Alehah", to permit both the Ervah and the Tzarah when there *is*.

(a) Rebbi learns Tzaras Ervah, not from "li'Tz'ror", but from "ve'Lakach u'Lekachah", "ve'Yibem, ve'Yibmah". He explains "li'Tz'ror" like Rebbi Shimon.
What does the Tana Kama say about three brothers, two of whom married two sisters or a woman and her daughter, and both died and fell before the Yavam?

(b) What does Rebbi Shimon hold?

(c) How does Rebbi extrapolate Tzaros from "ve'Lakach u'Lekachah"?

(d) How does he then go on to explain "ve'Yibem, ve'Yibmah"?

(a) The Rabbanan (who learn the above from "Alehah") explain "u'Lekachah" like Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina, who Darshens from there that Yibum makes her a proper wife, whom he may later divorce and then remarry'.
What would we otherwise have thought?

(b) What do they Darshen from "ve'Yibmah"?

(c) Rebbi learns Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina's Din from "u'Lekachah Lo *le'Ishah*".
What does he learn from "Yevamah Yavo Alehah"?

(d) What are the ramifications of 'Im Ba Alehah Ba'al Korchah, Kan'ah' (apart from the fact that he has fulfilled the Din of Yibum)?

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