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Prepared by P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

Ask A Question on the daf

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Yevamos 57

YEVAMOS 55-60 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi publications for these Dafim for the benefit of Klal Yisrael.


(a) Question: There is no necessity to say this!
1. R. Elazar and R. Shimon only said there that she eats, because he can cause other women to eat Terumah - but here, a Petzu'a Daka cannot permit any woman to eat!
i. If you will say that he can permit a daughter of converts to eat - R. Yochanan asked R. Oshiya this question, and he never settled it!
(b) Answer #1 (Abaye): Here also, a Petzu'a Daka permits his wife to eat, if he married her before becoming a Petzu'a Daka, and did not have relations with her after becoming a Petzu'a Daka.
(c) Answer #2 (Rava): He permits his Kana'ani slaves to eat.
1. Abaye did not answer as Rava - we learn marriage laws from marriage laws, not from laws of slaves.
2. Rava did not learn as Abaye - that case is different, because she already ate.
i. Abaye says that the fact that she already ate is immaterial.
ii. If you will not say this - a Bas Yisrael widowed from a Kohen should continue to eat, because she already ate!
iii. Rava holds, there is different, since his acquisitions of her lapses when he dies - here, she is still married to the Petzu'a Daka!
(a) Question (R. Yochanan): A daughter of converts that is married to a Petzu'a Daka - may she eat Terumah?
1. R. Oshiya was silent.
(b) Later, a great man came and asked a different matter, and R. Oshiya settled the 1st question.
(c) Question: Who was this great man?
(d) Answer: Reish Lakish.
(e) R. Yehudah Nesi'ah: R. Yochanan is not a great man?!
(f) R. Oshiya: He asked me a question which needs no answer.
1. If according to R. Yehudah - whether or not a Kohen (that becomes a Petzu'a Daka) retains his sanctity (special marriage prohibitions), she does not eat.
i. If he retains his sanctity - she does not eat, since (R. Yehudah says that) the daughter of a male convert is as the daughter of a Chalal, and is forbidden to a Kohen.
ii. If he loses his sanctity - she does not eat., since (R. Yehudah says that) converts are considered part of the congregation of Hash-m, and may not marry a Petzu'a Daka.
2. If according to R. Yosi- whether or not he retains his sanctity, she may eat.
i. If he retains his sanctity - she may eat, since he holds that even the daughter of 2 converts is permitted to Kehunah.
ii. If he loses his sanctity - she may eat, since he holds that converts are not considered part of the congregation of Hash-m, and may marry a Petzu'a Daka.
(g) Rather, the question was asked according to the following Tana.
1. (Mishnah - R. Eliezer Ben Yakov): The daughter of converts may not marry a Kohen, unless her mother is a Bas Yisrael.
(h) R. Yochanan asked thusly: Is Kashrus added to the daughter of a convert, and therefore she may eat - or, is Kedushah added to her, and she does not eat?
(i) Answer (Beraisa): "A Kohen that acquires ... will eat" - this teaches that a daughter of converts that marries a Petzu'a Daka may eat Terumah.
1. Question: Who learns this way?
i. Suggestion #1: If R. Yehudah - whether or not he retains his sanctity, she does not eat!
ii. Suggestion #2: If R. Yosi - whether or not he retains his sanctity, she may eat (he would not need to learn this from the verse)!
2. Answer: Rather, it is as R. Eliezer Ben Yakov - we see, Kashrus is added, and she eats.


(a) (Rav): Chupah takes effect between a couple forbidden to each other.
(b) (Shmuel): It does not.
1. (Shmuel): Rav admits by a girl under 3 years and a day, since relations with her are not considered relations, Chupah does not take effect on her.
2. (Rava): A Mishnah supports this.
i. (Mishnah): A girl 3 years and one day: can be engaged through relations;
ii. Is acquired to her Yavam through Yibum;
iii. Men that have relations with her are liable for the prohibition of a married woman (if she is married);
iv. (If she is Nidah), she makes one that has relations with her Tamei, to impart Tumah to a Mishkav (a vessel normally sat on) under him, as a vessel above a Zav;
v. If she is married to a Kohen, she may eat Terumah;
vi. If a man has forbidden relations with her, he disqualifies her.
3. If she is 3 years and 1 day, relations can disqualify her, also Chupah can; less than this, relations do not disqualify her, neither does Chupah.
(c) (Rami Bar Chama): Whether or not Chupah takes effect when relations are forbidden depends on the dispute between R. Meir and R. Elazar and R. Shimon.
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