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Yevamos 48

YEVAMOS 46-55 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi publications for these Dafim for the benefit of Klal Yisrael.

*1*) [line 21] LOKE'ACH EVED MIN HA'OVED KOCHAVIM TZARICH L'KABEL - that is, if one buys a slave from a non-Jew [and immediately frees him], since the slave never practiced the Mitzvos, he is required to accept the Mitzvos upon being freed. [However, if the slave is purchased from a Jew, and already practiced Mitzvos for a while as a Jew's slave, it is not necessary for him to accept upon himself to keep the Mitzvos when he is freed.]

2a) [line 26] TAKUTZ - she should cut them
b) [line 27] TAGDIL - she should let them grow long
3) [line 31] NIVUL - disgrace, ugliness

4) [line 33] U'MEFIVOSHES - David ha'Melech was forced to flee from Yerushalayim because of the rebellion of his son, Avshalom. Tziva, the slave of the house of Shaul ha'Melech, claimed that the last remaining descendant of Shaul, Mefivoshes, was also disloyal to David (Shmuel II 16:1-4). As a result, David took away half of the inheritance of Shaul from Mefivoshes and gave it to Tziva. After the defeat of the rebellion of Avshalom, the verses describe the meeting between David and Mefivoshes, as follows. "And Mefivoshes the son of Shaul came down to meet the king. And he had neither dressed his feet (he had not clipped his toenails -- RASHI here; see RADAK to Shmuel ibid. and TOSFOS here), nor trimmed his mustache, nor washed his clothes, from the day the king departed until the day he came back in peace." (Shmuel II 19:25). His behavior could be interpreted in two ways: (a) he was loyal to King David, mourning the fact that the king was temporarily deposed; (b) he was disloyal to King David, and did not beautify himself at the king's return. Because of Tziva's slanderous remarks, David suspected the latter, while the former was actually true.


5) [line 5] "YERACH," SHELOSHIM; "YAMIM," SHELOSHIM; "V'ACHAR KEN," SHELOSHIM - the word "Yerach," a month, refers to thirty days; the word "Yamim," days, refers to thirty days; the words "v'Achar Ken," and after this [period,] refer to another thirty days

6) [line 11] "...V'YINAFESH BEN AMASECHA VEHA'GER" - "[Six days you shall do your work, and on the seventh day you shall rest; that your ox and your donkey may rest,] and the son of your maidservant, and the stranger, may be refreshed." (Shemos 23:12)

7a) [line 19] GER TOSHAV - A Ben Noach who accepts upon himself to fulfill the seven Noachide laws (This is the opinion of the Chachamim, Avodah Zarah 64b. Other Tana'im define Ger Toshav differently, ibid.)
b) [line 20] GER TZEDEK - a convert to Judaism.
8) [line 24] MEGALGEL IMO - he puts up with him (giving him time for reconsideration)

9) [line 29] D'LO PASKA L'MILSEI - (a) where the slave never stopped considering himself a Nochri; (b) where the owner did not set a limit to the amount of time the slave would work for him without accepting upon himself the Mitzvos

10) [line 42] A'KIL'A - on the porch
11) [line 47] IR HA'SEMUCHAH LA'SEFAR - a city that is on the border (O.F. marche - border, frontier)

12) [line 52] DIKDUKEI MITZVOS - the minute details of the Mitzvos

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