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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Sanhedrin 25


(a) According to Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi (who holds that the Rabbanan agree with Rebbi Yehudah in our Mishnah [as we just explained]), who is the author of the Beraisa 'Bein she'Yesh Lo Umnus she'Lo Hu, Bein she'Ein Lo Umnus Ela Hu, Harei Zeh Pasul'?

(b) And we prove this from another statement by Rebbi Yehudah in the name of Rebbi Tarfon, who presents a case where Reuven and Shimon are arguing over whether Levi who is walking past, is a Nazir or not.
What did they follow this up with?

(c) Rebbi Yehudah rules there that neither of them is a Nazir.
Why not?

(d) What does this prove?

(a) What does Rava say about a debtor who borrows on interest? Why is that?

(b) How will Rava then explain our Mishnah, which includes 'ha'Malveh be'Ribis' in the list (implying that the Loveh is not included)?

(c) When two witnesses testified that bar Binitus lent money on interest, Rava disqualified him from being a witness or a judge.
On what grounds do we query Rava's ruling? What made the validity of one of the witnesses questionable?

(d) What did Rava say in the first Perek that vindicates his ruling in this case?

(a) What did that butcher do after Rav Nachman removed his license for providing his customers with T'reifos?

(b) On what grounds did Rava query Rav Nachman, when the latter thought to reinstate him?

(c) In fact, the butcher's only recourse was to follow the advice of Rav Idi bar Avin.
What Teshuvah does Rav Idi bar Avin prescribe for such a sinner?

(a) In Bavel, we translate 'Mafrichei Yonim' as pigeon races (along with bets). According to Rav Chama bar Oshaya, it is Ara.
What is 'Ara'?

(b) Why do we decline to explain it as 'Ara'?

(c) And why does Rav Chama bar Oshaya decline to explain it as pigeon racers?

(d) We consider it necessary however, to present both cases.
Why, having presented the case of ...

  1. ... gambling, do we then need to add the case of pigeon racing?
  2. ... pigeon racing, do we need to add the case of gambling?
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(a) A Beraisa describing each of the cases in our Mishnah also explains what sort of Teshuvah is expected before they can be reinstated.
What does the Tana incorporate in 'Mesachek be'Kuvya', besides gambling with a dice?

(b) And how does someone who transgressed ...

  1. ... demonstrate that he has done Teshuvah?
  2. ... lending or borrowing on interest prove that he has done Teshuvah?
(c) And what does the Tana incorporate in 'Mafrichei Yonim' besides pigeons?

(d) Besides not continuing with that practice even in the desert, the Tana requires 'mi'she'Yishberu es Pigmeihem'.
What does this mean?

(a) The Tana Kama requires Sochrei Shevi'is to discontinue their sinful practice when the following Sh'mitah arrives. Rebbi Nechemyah adds to that the return of his gains.
What does this constitute?

(b) Bearing in mind the current Machlokes whether 'Mafrichei Yonim' implies pigeon-racing or luring other people's pigeons to his own nest, what do we try and prove from this Beraisa?

(c) How do we answer the Kashya?

(d) According to the Tana Kama of another Beraisa, a Shor ha'Bar is indeed a Beheimah.
What does Rebbi Yossi say?

(a) Another Beraisa adds Gazlanim and Chamsanim to the list of those whom Chazal disqualified.
Seeing as a regular Gazlan is Pasul min ha'Torah, what does 'Gazlanim' mean?

(b) Why did the Tana not include this case in our Mishnah?

(c) What caused the Chachamim to change their minds?

(d) And it is for similar reasons that they eventually included Chamsanim.
Why did they not do so initially?

(a) Later, they included shepherds, Gaba'in and Muchsin (two different kinds of tax-collectors).
Why did they not initially disqualify ...
  1. ... shepherds?
  2. ... Gaba'in and Muchsin?
(b) What caused them to change their mind?

(c) What distinction does Rava draw between a shepherd of small animals (such as sheep) and large ones (such as cows) in Eretz Yisrael?

(d) What about Chutz la'Aretz?

(a) How do we establish the previous ruling (in Eretz Yisrael) to reconcile it with Rava in our Sugya, who establishes 'Ro'eh' irrespective of whether he is looking after small animals or big ones?

(b) How do we try to prove that from our Mishnah 'Ne'emanim Alai Sheloshah Ro'ei Bakar'? What do we think that they are Pasul from?

(a) We refute the previous proof however, by establishing that they are Pasul from judging.
What difference does that make?

(b) How do we prove this from the very term 'Sheloshah Ro'ei Bakar'?

(c) In that case, why does the Tana mention 'Ro'ei Bakar', and not just 'three unlearned people'?

(d) What distinction does Rav Yehudah draw between a S'tam Ro'eh and a S'tam Gabai?

(a) What was Rebbi Zeira's father's profession? How long did he practice it?

(b) When the Resh Nahara came to town, what did he mean when, upon seeing any Rabbanan around, he would quote the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Lech Ami Ba ba'Chadarecha"?

(c) Why did he do that? Who was the 'Resh Nahara'?

(d) And what did he tell the ordinary people that he met?

12) What instructions did he issue on his death-bed concerning the thirteen Ma'ah that he had wrapped in a sheet?

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