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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Pesachim 87

***** Perek ha'Ishah *****


(a) If a married woman is living with her husband, and both he and her father Shecht the Korban Pesach on her behalf, from whose Pesach does she eat?

(b) According to the Tana of our Mishnah, from whose Pesach does she eat if she is with her father ...

  1. ... for the first Yom-Tov after her marriage?
  2. ... subsequent Yamim-Tovim?
(c) Then why does the Beraisa say that on the first Yom-Tov she eats from her father's Pesach and on subsequent Yamim-Tovim, from whichever she pleases?

(d) Is there a proof from this latter Din (which allows her to choose at the time of eating whichever Pesach she prefers), that 'Yesh Bereirah'?

(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Shir ha'Shirim "Az Hayisi be'Einav ke'Mutzeis Shalom"?

(b) "Achos Lanu Ketanah ve'Shadayim Ein Lah", 've'Amar Rebbi Yochanan, Zu Eilam she'Zachsah Lilmod ve'Lo Zachsah le'Lamed'.
To whom is this referring?

(c) What edge did Bavel have over Eilam in this regard?

(d) "I am a wall, and my breasts are like towers" (Shir ha'Shirim). The wall might refer to Torah and the breasts to the Torah-scholars.
To what else might both of these refer?

(a) What does the Pasuk in Tehilim mean when it writes "Our sons are like saplings, our daughters like corners"?

(b) And why does the Pasuk end "Mechutavos Tavnis Heichal"?

(c) Hoshei'a, Yeshayah, Amos and Michah all prophesied at the same time. What do we learn from the Pasuk in Hoshei'a "Techilas Diber Hashem be'Hoshei'a"?

(a) When Hashem informed Hoshei'a that Yisrael had sinned, he should have defended them.
What *did* he in fact, say?

(b) What was Hashem's response?

(c) The woman he was told to marry was called Gomer bas Devlayim. The Gemara gives various meanings to her name. What is one significant meaning of the name

  1. ... Gomer?
  2. ... bas Divlayim?
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(a) Why was Hoshei'a instructed to call the name of his ...
  1. ... first son - Yizra'el?
  2. ... daughter - Lo Ruchamah?
  3. ... his second son - Lo Ami?
(b) In what way was Hoshei'a expected to be like Moshe Rabeinu, and how did he respond to that?

(c) What was Hashem's response?

(d) Yisrael are one of four acquisitions that Hashem acquired for Himself. What are the other three?

(a) What did Hashem tell Hoshei'a when the latter realized that he had sinned, and began to pray for mercy for himself?

(b) And how did Hoshei'a respond to *that*?

(c) What is the significance of the fact that Yeshayah and most other prophets spanned the reigns of at least four kings?

(d) What did Yerav'am ben Yo'ash do to be mentioned together with the kings of Yehudah?

(a) How does the Gemara Darshen the Pasuk in Hoshei'a ...
  1. ... "Ki Lo Osif Od Arachem es Beis Yisrael"?
  2. ... "Ki Lo Naso Esa Lahem"?
(b) What principle do we learn from here?

(c) What does Rebbi Elazar learn (with regard to Yisrael in Galus) from the Pasuk in Hoshei'a "u'Zera'tiha Li ba'Aretz" and Rebbi Yochanan from "ve'Richamti es Lo Ruchamah, *ve'Amarti le'Lo Ami, Ami Atem"*?

(a) What do we learn from Hoshei'a, who was taken to task for speaking in a derogative manner about Yisrael?

(b) How did Hashem perform an act of charity with Yisrael by scattering them among the nations?

(c) What did that Roman heretic boast to Rebbi Chanina?

(d) What did Rebbi Oshaya answer him?

(a) According to Rebbi Chiya, why did Hashem exile Yisrael to Bavel (at the time of the first Churban) and not to Edom?

(b) The Gemara gives four other reasons why Yisrael were exiled to Bavel, one of them, because it is very deep, thus enabling Hashem to fulfill the prophesy in Hoshei'a "mi'Yad She'ol Efdem, mi'Maves Eg'alem". Another reason is because it is common for a husband who is cross with his wife to send her to her father's house.
What does this mean?

(c) The third reason is because of the similarity of Aramaic to Lashon ha'Kodesh. What is the fourth reason?

(d) We just saw that Yisrael returned to where they came from. Chazal say that the same is true of the money of the Egyptians and the writing on the Luchos.
What do they mean?

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