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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Pesachim 57



(a) When Buhin met the poor men who had just collected Pei'ah from his son's vegetable-field - he asked them to throw it all down, promising to re-place it with twice as much Ma'asered vegetables.

(b) He needed to inform them that he was not being miserly - in order to convince them that he was not just pulling their leg.

(c) We learn from "u'Va ha'Levi Ki Ein Lo Chelek ve'Nachalah Imach" - that it is only crops in which the Levi does *not* have a share that are Chayav Ma'aser, but not Hefker or Pei'ah, in which he *does*.

(a) Originally, they would place the skins of Kodshei Kodshim (not of Kodshim Kalim, which belonged to the respective owners) in the Beis ha'Parvah, where the Kohanim of that Beis Av (who had served that day) would assemble the same night and distribute them.

(b) However, the strong-armed Kohanim would take all the skins by force. So they changed the distribution time to the end of the week, in the hope that, seeing that all the Kohanim of that week's Mishmar were present, the distribution would be more dignified.

(c) When the owners (all the Kohanim of that Mishmar) saw how the tough leaders of Kehunah (who were also more brazen) continued to take the skins by force, they declared them Hekdesh Bedek ha'Bayis.

(d) It wasn't long before Hekdesh had obtained with the proceeds of those skins, sufficient golden sheeting of one Amah thick, to overlay the entire Heichal.

(a) Baytus, Chanin, Kasrus and Yishmael ben Fiachi (sometimes known as Yochanan ben Fiabi) - were all Kohanim Gedolim, whose sons were all treasurers, whose sons-in-law were officers of Hekdesh, but whose slaves would beat the people with sticks.


1. ... the Alsan of Beis Baytus - were the sticks of Baytus' household members.
2. ... the Lechishasan of Beis Chanin - the plotters of Chanin's household members.
3. ... the Kulmusan of Beis Kasrus - the pens of Kasrus' household members (who would write evil letters).
4. ... the Agrufin of Beis Yishmael ben Fiachi - the fists of Yishmael ben Fiachi's household members.
(a) Yisachar Ish Barkai wrapped his hands with cloths when doing the Avodah in order to keep them clean. That constituted a Chatzitzah as well as being a denigration of the Avodah.

(b) The Azarah cried out with regard to ...

1. ... Yishmael ben Fiachi - 'Gates, lift up your heads, and let Yishmael ben Fiachi (one of the handful of righteous Kohanim Gedolim during the four hundred and twenty years that comprised the era of the second Beis Hamikdash) the son of Pinchas enter and serve as Kohen Gadol.
2. ... Yochanan ben Narbai - the same as it did to Yishmael ben Fiachi, only it added 'and let him fill his stomach with Kodshim'. That was because he would look after many Kohanim in his house all of whom he would feed with Kodshim. The vast amounts that they would subsequently consume would ensure that no Nosar remained that day.
(a) The king and queen were disputing as to which tasted better; kid's meat (the King), or lamb's meat (the Queen).

(b) The Kohen Gadol ought to know, they said, seeing as he brings Korbanos every single day. So they brought in the Kohen Gadol, Yisachar Ish Barkai, to arbitrate.

(c) The Kohen Gadol agreed with the Queen, that lamb's meat must taste superior, since it was a lamb that was brought as a Korban Tamid every morning and afternoon. If goat's meat was superior, he argued, why were goats not chosen for the Korban Tamid?




(a) Yisachar Ish Kfar Barkai, not satisfied with ruling against the King, added insult to injury by disdainfully waving a hand at the King.

(b) The King passed sentence that his right hand should be cut-off.

(c) The executioner accepted the Kohen Gadol's bribe and severed his left hand, instead of the right one. When the King heard about it, he ordered Yisachar's right-hand to be cut-off as well.

(d) Rav Yosef exclaimed 'Blessed be G-d who gave him his just desert in *this* world' (rather than in the World to Come).

(a) When Rav Ashi stated that Yisachar was not even conversant with a Mishnah, he was referring to the Mishnah - in Kerisus, which places lambs and kid-goats on a par with each other, thereby proving Yisachar Ish Kfar Barka'i both ignorant and wrong.

(b) When Ravina added that he did not even know a Pasuk - he was referring to the Pesukim in Vayikra - "Im Keves" ... "Im Eiz" without giving any indication which tastes better, it is clear that they are equal.

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