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by Rabbi Ephraim Becker
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Pesachim 108


(a) R. Sheshes fasted on Erev Pesach.
(b) Question: Can we infer that which R. Sheshes holds?
1. He interprets "near Minchah" to mean Minchah Gedolah.
(i) The rationale would be the Korban Pesach.
(ii) We fear that his meal might extend to the evening.
2. He holds that the Pesach would be acceptable even if slaughtered before noon (re-interpreting Bein HaArbayim).
(c) Answer: No. R. Sheshes didn't eat owing to personal eating habits.
(a) Matzah requires leaning, but not Maror.
(b) There are two traditions regarding R. Nachman's position on wine.
(c) These traditions refer to the first two cups and the last cups.
1. One understanding attributes the leaning to the first cups (with the introduction of freedom) and not-leaning to the last cups (the matter is past).
2. The other understanding attributes the leaning to the last cups (the time of redemption) and the not-leaning to the first cups (we were still slaves).
(d) Now that we have both traditions, we lean by all four cups.
(e) Prakdan is not called Heseiba, nor is leaning on the right side.
1. There is danger of choking, as well.
(f) A woman needs not lean in the presence of her husband, while an important woman is required to lean.
(g) A son leans in the presence of his father.
(h) Question: What of a student in the presence of his Rebbi?
(i) Answer: Abaye reported a difference between the home of Rabah and, later, that of R. Yosef.
(j) Question: But the Bereisa says that a student *does* lean!?
(k) Answer: That Bereisa is speaking of an apprentice.
(l) Question: What of the Shamash?
(m) Answer: The Bereisa clearly indicates that he must lean.
(a) [R. Yehoshua] Women are obligated in the four cups as they, too, were part of the miracle.

(b) R. Yehudah citing Shmuel taught:
1. The cups must contain enough wine to dilute one cup for Birkas HaMazon (Mezigas Kos Yafeh).
2. He was Yotzei if he drank them undiluted; or,
3. If he drank them all at once; or,
4. If he gave of his cup to members of his household.
(c) [Rava] If he drank it undiluted he fulfilled the obligation of Yayin but not Cheirus.
(d) [Rav] If he drank them all at once he fulfilled Yayin but not the obligation of four cups.
(e) [R. Nachman b. Yitzhok] He needs to have drunk a majority of the cup (before passing it to members of his household).
(f) Question: The Bereisa speaks of a Revi'is, not of Kos Yafeh?!
(g) Answer: They are the same measure.
(h) Question: What is Mezigas Kos Yafeh that Shmuel referred to?
(i) Answer: For each cup, together making a Revi'is.
(j) [R. Yehudah] The wine must have taste and appearance of wine.
(k) Question: What is his reason?
(l) Answer: Based on the Pasuk describing wine.
(m) Everyone is obligated in the four cups, men women and children.
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