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Pesachim 113

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 113a [line 25]:
The words "Al Tarbeh *b'Ganos*"
should be "Al Tarbeh *b'Gagos*"
This is the Girsa of the manuscripts and of the manuscript of the Rashbam
(Dikdukei Sofrim #300); see also Rashbam DH Mishum [at the end] (OZ V'HADAR Edition of Maseches Pesachim)

[2] Hagahos ha'Bach 113b #1:
The words "Tosfos Yuma Daf *22b*"
should be "Tosfos Yuma Daf *52b*"

1) [line 1] GAZYASA - [when they are going on] the paths [in the vineyards]
2) [line 1] D'SHAMTI SUSAYA - the horses break away
3) [line 1] DABRI LEHU - they take them
4) [line 3] TZANIF - neighs
5) [line 3] NAVACH - barks
6) [line 4] D'REISH MASA ASYA - whose mayor is a doctor
7) [line 4] V'LO SANSIV TARTEI - and do not marry two women
8a) [line 6] HAFOCH B'NEVEILTA - turn over a carcass
b) [line 6] V'LO SEIFOCH B'MILEI - and do not change (go back on) your words
9) [line 7] PESHOT NEVEILTA B'SHUKA - skin a carcass in the marketplace [for pay]
10) [line 9] V'SANYA BI MILSA - and the matter is loathsome to me
11a) [line 9] SELEIKAS L'IGRA - if you go [on a journey, even if only] up to the roof
b) [line 9] SHEIRUSACH BA'HADACH - take your provisions with you
12) [line 10] KAREI - gourds/pumpkins
13) [line 10] TUSEI KANFICH NIHAVU - they should be [carried with you] under the corners of your clothing

14) [line 12] LO SISHTEI SAMA - do not take drugs as a cure because they are addictive (RASHBAM, RASHI) and although they cure one malady they may cause another (RASHI: Lishna Acharina)

15) [line 12] LO SESHAVAR NIGRA - (a) do not take a large step; (b) do not jump over a water channel

16) [line 12] LO SE'AKAR KACHA - do not pull out a tooth
17) [line 13] LO SEKANEI B'CHIVYA - do not provoke a snake
18) [line 14] MALCHUSAIHU ACHOREI UDNAIHU KAI - (lit. their power stands behind their ears) they will grow up and take revenge

19) [line 15] TARCHI BACH B'SHEMA'ATA - [Torah] learning is difficult for you
20) [line 15] TA, AGMERACH MILEI D'ALMA - come, I will teach you worldly matters
21) [line 16] AD'CHALA A'KAR'ICH, ZEVINEICH ZAVIN - while the sand is still on your feet [from a journey], sell your merchandise (so that you can quickly go and purchase some more)

22) [line 16] ZAVIN V'SEICHERET - if you do sell (quickly), you may regret your sales

23a) [line 17] SHARI KISEICH - open your purse [to place the money in it]
b) [line 17] PESACH SAKICH - [and then] open your bag to take out the merchandise
24) [line 17] KAVA ME'AR'A V'LO KURA ME'IGRA - (lit. a Kav from the ground, rather than a Kur (180 Kav) from the roof) it is better to earn a small amount in the proximity of your home, rather than to go far away to earn a large amount

25a) [line 18] (TAMRA) [TAMREI] B'CHALOZECH - when the dates are still in their receptacle
b) [line 18] L'VEIS SUDNA RAHIT - run to the brewery
26) [line 18] V'AD KAMAH? - how much should you have before you run there?
27) [line 19] IY LO D'RAMA'I SHICHRA - if I had not brewed beer (for sale)
28) [line 19] LO IS'ARI - I would not have become wealthy
29) [line 20] SOD NA'EH - good advice (as a means to become wealthy)
30) [line 21] KOL AGAV GAVYA BA'I - every claim, the legality of which depends on some additional circumstances (e.g. a loan collectible only on producing the note of indebtedness) requires [the trouble of] collection (i.e. it cannot be considered actual property until it is collected)

31a) [line 21] ASHRA'EI - sales on trust; debts for goods sold
b) [line 21] KOL ASHRA'EI ... - in all sales on trust it is doubtful whether it (the money) will be forthcoming or not, and if it is, it is bad money (money paid back in installments)

32) [line 24] SHEHA'SHA'AH MESACHEKES LO - that has good fortune at this time
33) [line 26] MISHUM MA'ASEH SHE'HAYAH - because of the incident that happened between David and Bas Sheva (see Shemuel II 11:2 - 12:23 and Shabbos 53a)

34) [line 27] ME'CHASANAH HA'RISHON - from her first son-in-law
35) [line 28] MI'NOCHALEI OLAM HA'BA - people who inherit Olam ha'Ba
36) [line 31] RAVAK - a bachelor


37) [line 1] TZAHAVU PANAV - his face shone [from happiness]
38) [line 3] USHKEFEI - shoemakers
39) [line 6] MADLAN - raise
40) [line 7] U'MOMASAIHU - and the oaths (a) of the Zonos; (b) of the Rabanan of the time (Menoras ha'Ma'or) - [used the following wording:]

41) [line 16] TUVYA CHATA, V'ZIGUD MINGAD?! - Tuvya sinned and Zigud gets lashed?
42) [line 28] MAHU L'MEIMRA LEI L'RABEI L'MISNAYEI? - is it permissible to tell his Rebbe so that he should hate him?

43) [line 30] HA'RASCHANIN - angry people; people who are easily agitated and brought to anger

44) [line 30] ANINEI HA'DA'AS - people who are very sensitive and easily revolted
45) [line 31] HA'CHAVERIN - a nation situated in Persia
*46*) [line 32] AF TALMIDEI CHACHAMIM SHEB'BAVEL - see Insights
47) [line 33] EIN HA'DA'AS SOVALTAN - a man's mind can not endure them
48) [line 33] MEKACHESH - who denies [debts]
49) [line 45] KALDIYIM - (a) astrologers (RASHBAM, RASHI Shabbos 119b); (b) Ba'alei Ov (RASHI), diviners who attempt to communicate with the dead by bringing up a deceased and having it speak. To get it to speak, the diviner would put a certain bone in his armpit and flap his arms or move around in various ways (Sanhedrin 65b).

"[Then this Daniel became distinguished above the officers and ministers,] because an excellent spirit was in him, and the king thought to set him over the whole realm." (Daniel 6:4)

51) [line 47] DAM TAHOR (Blood that does not cause Tum'ah)
In Vayikra 12:1-8 the Torah discusses the laws of Tum'ah and Taharah after childbirth. After a woman gives birth, she must wait for a certain amount of time before she can enter the Beis ha'Mikdash or eat Kodshim. That time period is divided into two terms: (1) During the initial term, she has the status of a Nidah (even if she had not seen any blood). If she gave birth to a male, this term lasts for seven days. If a female was born, this term lasts for two weeks. At the end of this term, she may go to the Mikvah. (2) During the second stage, any blood that she sees does not give her the status of a Nidah as it normally would. The blood that she sees during this period is called *Dam Tohar*. Nevertheless, during this term, she may not eat Kodshim or enter the Beis ha'Mikdash. This term lasts for thirty-three days for a male, and sixty-six days for a female. Thus, the total waiting period for a male is forty days and for a female, eighty days.

52) [line 47] ONAH - (a) one night (RASHBAM); (b) one night and one day (RASHI)

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